The Art of The Auto

Thanks for all the positive comments - i've got to say i'm pretty made up with the way things have gone so far.
However, now i've looked REAL close at her, i'm not sure if they are pistils or just new growth. I've got some photos as close as i could, if you or FullD or anyone else can tell me if they are pistils i'd appreciate it.
I've put a second pipe cleaner on her stem now as well as when i looked in on her this morning she was reaching for the sky.
As for the odour, I'm sure i read it was low odour on the nirvana write up-could be wrong- it's not a massive smell but you can smell it a good 15 feet from the tent, and inside the tent, well lets just say it smells GOOOOOD!!:mrgreen:

Thanks in advance - you guys have made my first grow a real pleasure:leaf:

I have marked the growth in color so that you can tell what i am talking about.

Currently i see no signs of sex at all. What i DO see is as follows.

The blue Rings are stipules and are a normal part of growth.
The Red rings are New Growth


From what i see here you may need to put her into 12/12 i see no signs of sex male or female at all.

one thing i can say is that this plant is one happy healthy plant. It like the environment you have it in as well as what you are doing to her. keep up the good job
Hey FD, why can't I see the pics your posts? I have no problem seeing other pics posted from other users.

you should be able to now. If i have them in the albums i think i have it set to private for some reason. I added you as friend so they should appear after you accept
Cracked up...hope you are saving it towards canna vodka...

That or bubble this time. my oil making still needs honing in as i messed the last batch up. but i have a good bit of trim left from the last run as well as this one.

I've just done my second batch..
saved all the trim from the black-line..and this lot is a lot darker..and flowery..
looks Evil..almost dark rum colour. :fire:

Have a shot for me my friend.

Guess where I just got incense...Purple the purple pheno..
I was surprised..

As well am I. Now what exactly is the cross in the purp AK? I know its got JEM in it. Im assuming thats what brought the incense pheno over?

Remember the 3 non-af girls I saved for tincture..?
I exhaled through the nose..and it burned...
I think it is going to be in cure a while.

I do remember and sounds to me that it may need quite some time to cure. If its that harsh it may need to be locked away lol

Maybe you can get too much afghan into one cross. :twisted:

Nah i dont think so just gets it closer to dominance if you ask me
From what i see here you may need to put her into 12/12 i see no signs of sex male or female at all.
mmm...thinking that way we have had a good look.

you can smell it a good 15 feet from the tent, and inside the tent, well lets just say it smells GOOOOOD!!:mrgreen:
THAT is what I remember her for.

My m8 brought me a bud to try..and he had it wrapped in 7 of those little sandwich bags..
and I smelled it coming before he got to the door..
I thought I was hallucinating..:weed:

Hope yours is as Good.
MalwareBytes...anti-malware..freedownload seems as if it clears it.

great application! Another good one is AVG @ free and works great i use it religiously!

Hey...if I'd avertised it on could have come home to your thread trashed ciggy burns in the carpet and a couple of pregnant teenagers...:-P :-P :-P

I hear ya and i think you are right on this one, and no one wants hormonal confused teeny boppers running around :)

The trout are Amazing..
is that a commercial thing where the river is "stocked"..
or are they natural...?

If natural...I wanna drink that water.

Thank you my friend, they are as natural as can be. They do have an "assistance" program there though. They use it when the population dwindles. The trout for the program are raised in a natural spring hatchery that is fed by the mountain springs and streams that are around the area. So yeah you can drink the water, how do you think i took care of the cotton mouth i had while on my journey :)

On a interesting note, remember the Golden fish in the water? This is an anomaly of the rainbow trout species. This guy was created by accident, it is a mutation, however not a bad one. At first they thought it was going to have issues given the mutation, thing is its 10% smarter than the average normal rainbow species. So they kept it around and bred them out to put in the water to fish for. They only come from one place in the US and that is where i was on this trip. :) Got to love the secrets of the Blue Ridges
From what i see here you may need to put her into 12/12 i see no signs of sex male or female at all.

one thing i can say is that this plant is one happy healthy plant. It like the environment you have it in as well as what you are doing to her. keep up the good job

Thanks mate, that's what you call going above and beyond:clap:
Can't thank you enough.:leaf:
RIU seems a little more chill.

We need to get the AF thing rolling over here. Get ourselves a sub forum. I should have some new stuff to add in a month or so. Still doing renos over here, so i haven't been able to plant anything new. Itching though, i thinking i am going run the rest of mossys packs.. alf/bw/bb. Prolly do another seed run of the ICU, i really liked this one. The skunky phenos really took the cake. That and they are about all that finished this year outside.

Edit: Pics are fixed now, i am in the know. Thanks mate.

RIU seems a little more chill.

We need to get the AF thing rolling over here. Get ourselves a sub forum. I should have some new stuff to add in a month or so. Still doing renos over here, so i haven't been able to plant anything new. Itching though, i thinking i am going run the rest of mossys packs.. alf/bw/bb. Prolly do another seed run of the ICU, i really liked this one. The skunky phenos really took the cake. That and they are about all that finished this year outside.

Edit: Pics are fixed now, i am in the know. Thanks mate.


I agree with the AF sub forum.. that would be awweessoome.
RIU seems a little more chill.

We need to get the AF thing rolling over here. Get ourselves a sub forum. I should have some new stuff to add in a month or so. Still doing renos over here, so i haven't been able to plant anything new. Itching though, i thinking i am going run the rest of mossys packs.. alf/bw/bb. Prolly do another seed run of the ICU, i really liked this one. The skunky phenos really took the cake. That and they are about all that finished this year outside.

Edit: Pics are fixed now, i am in the know. Thanks mate.


Couldn't agree more with you on this one BH. I think that this is the place where we can really get it going. There is interest here just no real home. That is what i am looking for i can tell you that. It would be nice to have a dedicated subforum for this side of the canna world. We have some good things going here and a ton of info to offer the site, as well as its users.

Glad that you can see the pics, love the new thread you got going too. Got a shot of my alf#3 in there for ya. BW is stout, look for the citrus/lime pheno. Had this last time it was fantastic.

I agree with the AF sub forum.. that would be awweessoome.
That is one of the goals of this thread to teach share and learn from one another. Its all about spreading the love and karma

And having a whole load of FUN while we are doing it....:clap:

You learn more when you are having fun.

FullD..that virus came through my AVG paid version 9...

So yeah you can drink the water, how do you think i took care of the cotton mouth i had while on my journey :smile:

There are 4 afghan dominants in the BW...they are Notorius for it...:-P

BTW..I meant to ask...
have you picked up any Paranoia on her..?
Someone in this house is very sensitive to it..
and I think I have a touch in the DC black line I was wondering

Got to love the secrets of the Blue Ridges
Yeah m8..I'll probably never get the chance to visit it is good to see it through your eyes...

Love the info on the fish..genetics are amazing..I can get lost in them.

i really liked this one. The skunky phenos really took the cake
IF it is the pheno I think..then go for ALF#3 next.

I'm gonna be joining you shortly on the grow cupboard.
I'm hoping to have it up and operating for halloween..
canna harvest festival...for Luck.

Now what exactly is the cross in the purp AK? I know its got JEM in it
I Think it has to be the JEM taking the incense over..
it is unusual for it to be so strong in a deep purple pheno..
maybe I have a meld somewhere.

Fingers crossed eh..

What are you planning next..?

Regards to the caretaker...methinks he is Training up well.....;-)
Back with a few more pics.
25 days in and she seems to be responding well to LST:-P
I've tied down 2 more branches, mainly to get some light down below the canopy.

Day 25.1.jpgday 25.2.jpg

Is it possible to have a rough guess at yield? If so would someone like to have a stab?
In fact we could have a little sweep. Closest to the dried amount gets a hearty 'well done' and a slap on the back :clap:
And having a whole load of FUN while we are doing it....:clap:

Couldnt agree more and it seems that we are having tons of it here now :)

that virus came through my AVG paid version 9...

This is no good. I use version 11 but i am shocked it came through there, its usully pretty hard to get past AVG. Someone was doing there virus homework when they wrote that one.

have you picked up any Paranoia on her..?

I hate to say this but quite a bit. I had a few moments i had to remind my self that everything was ok. The level of severity varies though. On a joint or small bowl its not so bad but spark her in a bong or blunt .....its over.

Yeah m8..I'll probably never get the chance to visit it is good to see it through your eyes...

Glad that you can enjoy them that way. Its the whole reason i began taking pics years ago to share my experiences.

Love the info on the fish..genetics are amazing..I can get lost in them.

Ha ha Knew you would appreciate that.

I Think it has to be the JEM taking the incense over..
it is unusual for it to be so strong in a deep purple pheno..
maybe I have a meld somewhere.

I think that you have. Something some where lined up for you on that cross. Now your getting purp AK's that smell of heaven :clap:

What are you planning next..?

Regards to the caretaker...methinks he is Training up well.....;-)

Aside from the plans with caretaker i am working on my first hyb. I have started it with the PJ that i am doing a seed run on now. I am in search of a blue or purple male. I would be happy with either but i really REALLY want a blue male. Once i see what i want i will be taking that and crossing it to the Cali Blue Hash Plant.

for two reasons, this plant has blues and purps in it and is a HIGH resin producer. I figure after i hit it with a blue male up to F3 i should lock down some color, then from there i am not sure depends on how the ALF works out. Either way im gonna hit it with either ALF #3 or BW due to their resin production. Then its a back cross and then IBL to find what i want :) This is a round about goal it may change as i go :)

He has learned a lot and did exceptional on my vacation. he was able to ID males and everything, also picked what he thought was the best looking male as it was coming into maturity as i was gone. It would have been the same one i would have picked too .....
Hijacking Time :eyesmoke:

So I've been off the forums for awhile but came back because I was looking for a new Auto strain to grow. Was looking into the Purple Jems but after seeing all the grow journals I can tell it's crap. Only reason I would ever grow purple is to have purple buds. And I don't see many people getting that with that strain.

So you've decided to grow some Autoflowering plants? Great. I love them and it's the only thing I grow. I notice most people on here just buy a 10 pack and grow them so here are my tips if you're gonna do that.

Rule #1 I highly recommend having HPS lighting system when flowering these. It is just so much better than CFLs and Mh. You can use Florescents when they are babies but when they show sex they should be put under HPS right away.

RULE # 2 If you can't afford HPS system right now grow regular plants. You'll be way more satisfied in the end.

Rule # 3 Buy atleast 2 gallon pots. 3 gallon if you have the room.

Rule # 4 The number 1 reason for your lowryder to stunt and become a little 1 Foot dwarf is due to late transplanting or transplanting to roughly if you're a noob. Think of transplanting as doing surgery. Must be nice and gentle. PLESE LOOK UP VIDEOS ON HOW TO TRANSPLANT IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW ALREADY.

Rule # 5 Easy on Nutes!!! I use foxfarm and use LESS THAN HALF than what is recommended on the feeding schedule and i feed them only ONCE EVERY 3 DAYS and that's with lightly watering everyday. Always good to keep that soil moist.

Ok now it's on to my personal prefrences:

Prefrence # 1 If you're gonna grow an AF strain go with something that is crossed with Lowryder #2. Lowryder #1 to me is straight garbage and a waste of time. Unless your somebody who doesn't care about yield. I DO!!!

Prefrence #2 What is the whole point of growing AFs indoor? BECASUE THERE FAST!!! So I personally run my LR2s on 20/4. I've tried 16/8 18/6 and 20/4. Only difference is that they will finish faster. Note: with 16/8 I only ran that light cycle after my plants were 30 days in.

Prefrence #3 Please utililize the space and light you have. Use the correct pot size for you number of plants and watts you're running. Ask me any questions if unsure.

Prefrence #4 Start them out in baby pot and transplant them IMMEDIATELY when sex is shown so check your babies everyday cause some show sex faster then others.

Prefrence #5 Again this goes with prefrence #1. The whole point of Lowryders is time so if you can, run constant Co2 with 1500 ppm if you can afford it. This will not only make your yield better but make your plants finish a day or two quicker.

If i have left out any info that you need feel free to ask!!!

I'm looking into Flash auto seeds. The speedy gonzalez strain sounds good but I haven't seen a journal yet on them. Might have to be the first one to do that. Also looking into their Purple Mazar. I emailed the people at Dr chronic to see if they can ask the breeder if that starin was created with LR #1 or LR#2. I would definitely buy it if it was creats with the LR2.

You've been Hijacked :bigjoint:

Note: will post pics of my current crop when lights turn off in T-Minus 25 minutes ;-)
Here is a few pics of my AF. I call her Mable cause when she's done I'm sure she'll be able. ;) She is from Buddha Seeds and the strain is White Dwarf. She is at day 29, I hope y'all like what you see. This is my very first AF, and started her in FFOF with no problems with it being to hot for her. I know some people have said that FFOF is too hot for some strains.

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