I see how it is lol, bring out the good stuff when im away
Hey...if I'd avertised it on Facebook..you could have come home to your thread trashed ciggy burns in the carpet and a couple of pregnant teenagers...
The trout are Amazing..
is that a commercial thing where the river is "stocked"..
or are they natural...?
If natural...I wanna drink that water.
The main reason for the book and its starting to come together.
every time i snip a leaf i laugh a little
Cracked up...hope you are saving it towards canna vodka...
I've just done my second batch..
saved all the trim from the black-line..and this lot is a lot darker..and flowery..
looks Evil..almost dark rum colour.
And i think ill stick with the White name for now lol im secure but pink isnt my thing LOL
Ha ha ha..thought you Might....
I've been waiting to get one of you with that title.....
Guess where I just got incense...Purple AK..in the purple pheno..
I was surprised..
normally I would associate with white or off white bud.
but it was in the very dark pheno.
Remember the 3 non-af girls I saved for tincture..?
I went up to roll a stash yesterday..
thought I better have a test smoke...
Rough as a Badger Bum....

I swear blind if you have hairs in the bridge of your nose...
I've singed mine.
I exhaled through the nose..and it burned...
I think it is going to be in cure a while.
Then..I went to roll..and the rolling paper Stuck to my tongue..
I didn't have enought spit left to wet it properly..
Maybe you can get too much afghan into one cross.