The Bigger The Buds The Better


Well-Known Member
well the smallest plant the one that looks like its gona be a big bud looks fine and the tall one is looking ok but think i'll be puttin summin against it like you said 6...

oh and some good news about my grandad plant well its a grandma yay!! pistils comin out the top... sweet as a bitch.... so fuk it shes gona stay in for flowering now with the outher two

n i been thinking about maybe puttin one in for 12/12 from seed but i dunno maybe gona wait a week and then see how it goes


Well-Known Member
i topped my plants aswell today so they both got two perfect little nugs sittin on top....

i done it abit low on my smallest plant uhhh i dont know why it jus seemed better to go down to the best two lookin nugs....!!

hope it works!! even though topping is easy im still funny about doin it


Well-Known Member
changed from my 200w cfl to a 250w hps hope it help move..
i can see how much more bright it is and different kind of light its a beast i see why people say they rock shit!!!


Well-Known Member
sweet man looks good i take it thats the puppy u had on 12/12 el nino???
na i got lots of height im my grow room n the hps will help i think...maybe i hope lol


Well-Known Member
thinkin bout lst now maybe i could give it a blast all it does is just give me more so why not
so what am i doing man cause they are already budding...


Well-Known Member
its the sort of thing 2 do whenu r in veg more.but u just got 2 stop n e growth in height so that as man buds as pos get same amount of light instead of the top getting it all. sticks with hooks or string would do the job. like i say though not so hot when in flower.


Well-Known Member
hmmm well i got a few more on the go just have to wait abit n then when they big enough i'll start messing wid em
maybe with the lst i could grow a few more in my space....


Well-Known Member
Hey UK, how's it going mate? Things are certainly moving along well for you, plants look great and really healthy. See you got an HPS now LOL - that's going to make such a difference. Looks like you're in for some nice times before long ;) Are you still working as hard as ever? Still, it's great to come home to your plants isn't it? You're doing a great job with those babies anyway - keep up the good work man ...


Well-Known Member
cheerz for the kind words mate
i been tryin to keep em healthly
n yea only turned the hps yesterday cause as you know temps sky rocket so my grow room door stays open 24/7 now tell u in a few days if it helpin..


Well-Known Member
did you like how it went from like 11 plants to 3 lol i couldnt be assed with so many of the same strain.. n not enough room for all of em but im now letting them start flower at diff stages man so i got weed most of the time..


Well-Known Member
I think that was a good idea UK, your room was starting to look like a jungle LOL. Much more manageable now, and flowering at different times is a great idea (fresh bud ... AAAAAAAAHHH). I'm struggling to be arsed with my eight plants, especially given the size of the buggers. But it's difficult for me to get weed so this is my big chance to get a few buds stashed. How's your HPS working out for heat etc?


Well-Known Member
yea aint to bad mate
i just leave the door open now as its only 12/12 so on at 10am off ta 10pm
but yea todays the second day of my hps bein in there n its ok they look alot better under it i can see all the hairs 10x better than with the cfl but i might use that for side lighting... not sure yet i wana see my elecie bill n then will decide...
i would keep all ya plants mate they so old now n look so good no point in choppin em really let them bud n u is gona have some stinkin ass green:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
LOL - don't worry mate, I'll not be getting rid of ANY of my plants unless forced to by drought, disease or the bizzies. Sounds like your HPS is going well, can't wait to hear how the plants respond. Good idea to use your old lights for the lower buds - but your right, wait and see that electric bill ;)