The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

I was under the impression it does not turn it off just lowers speeds? I could be misinformed...

Perfect thanks again
The ac infinity gears down to low, it wont stop, also has an engine that handles low fine, no extra noise or shit. At least ots what they say...
Only thing is you have to get the version with the contrlller and it will controll for temps or RH, not bot at the same time which is shitty. Or well, improveble
What. The. Fuck....
This coronavirus shit is really starting to get out of hand:cry:
Originally Meijiu said they'll be back working on the 5th, now it's the 12th. This shit is fucking me over big time. I need to get my plants vegging under stronger lights so I can get this show on the road already. Might have to say fuck it and just get the cmh I was looking at unless someone has simular priced and equivalent options on the LEDs stateside.
Dont base your choice on a few days of delay, base it on whats best for you. But good cmh is almost the same as led, especially if you have a coldish environment.
I msged Vicky at King Brite about this and she said that they were off but now are back, business as usual.
Well fuck... Might have to go with them then even though Meijiu seems to have the better options IMO. I'm ready to get this show on the road. Might just say fuck it and DIY with some HLG boards. Do any of you guys know a good DIY thread?


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So you don't recommend the qb272 then?

Thank you for the info thus far
I don’t think there would really be a noticeable difference between diode counts and plant growth. My concern with the qb272 boards was the fact that there was a switch on the board to control the separate channel. If that switch breaks then it seems kinda pointless to me. I’d rather take out the chances of failure to improve longevity. Like choosing manual crank windows instead of power ones on a car.
288 and 272s will be quite similar. If i understand correct mikey wanna say get 288 + some red strips, which is what i adviced him a few ago... I think when i made numbers this was the way to go on cost. The other thing is controllability: 288 + red strips would have independent controll, you could dial in how much you want of each. Also strips win on spread.

Mikey is becoming quite a led thinker, i didnt think of the switch breaking...

The only thing of the 272 is if it has added uv but again i think you can get this with strips.
288 and 272s will be quite similar. If i understand correct mikey wanna say get 288 + some red strips, which is what i adviced him a few ago... I think when i made numbers this was the way to go on cost. The other thing is controllability: 288 + red strips would have independent controll, you could dial in how much you want of each. Also strips win on spread.

Mikey is becoming quite a led thinker, i didnt think of the switch breaking...

The only thing of the 272 is if it has added uv but again i think you can get this with strips.

What qb288 would you buy and what strips would you also buy?

Any help now would save me hours of research
I was under the impression it does not turn it off just lowers speeds? I could be misinformed...

Perfect thanks again

Just make sure for your tent that you have at least an inch or so to be able to pull the tent roof over the poles.

Regarding the fan and humidity, I guess I see it a different way. Let a dehumidifier/humidifier with controller take care of humidity levels and an AC or heater with controller take care of the temp. The exhaust fans main goal should be replenishing co2 levels, keeping them constant and provide some heat control, to an extent that is.
So I think I have this set but have a couple questions. All I need is the boards, heatsinks, driver, potentiometer (optional, I know) and then shit to hang em with right? Oh yeah wagos or whatever they're called too. Is that all?
Also if I'm gonna do 4 288s on 2 heatsinks then should I get two separate hlg-240-48b drivers or just get the one 480 driver?
So I think I have this set but have a couple questions. All I need is the boards, heatsinks, driver, potentiometer (optional, I know) and then shit to hang em with right? Oh yeah wagos or whatever they're called too. Is that all?
Also if I'm gonna do 4 288s on 2 heatsinks then should I get two separate hlg-240-48b drivers or just get the one 480 driver?
That’s all personal preference at this point. If you purchase a kit from KB they usual include all necessary hardware including rope pulleys. Personally I would do two 240 drivers in case you’re ever in a position where you’re running two strains and one of them isn’t as light hungry as the other.
So I think I have this set but have a couple questions. All I need is the boards, heatsinks, driver, potentiometer (optional, I know) and then shit to hang em with right? Oh yeah wagos or whatever they're called too. Is that all?
Also if I'm gonna do 4 288s on 2 heatsinks then should I get two separate hlg-240-48b drivers or just get the one 480 driver?
A power cord, hangers and some wire. Kill-a-watt meter and multimeter are also very handy.

What boards are you looking to buy?
That’s all personal preference at this point. If you purchase a kit from KB they usual include all necessary hardware including rope pulleys. Personally I would do two 240 drivers in case you’re ever in a position where you’re running two strains and one of them isn’t as light hungry as the other.
Also if a driver breaks, you will still have one driver. With a one driver set-up, if the driver breaks and you have no back-up, you are SOL.
The thing that I never understood about these temp and humidity controller exhaust fans is that why would you ever want your exhaust fan to turn off and on? I run mine 24/7 and would never want points in the day where the air stops being exchanged in my tent.
So that you can build humidity and keep a decent VPD. If you use microbes they will provide plenty of co2 for the plants.
The ac infinity gears down to low, it wont stop, also has an engine that handles low fine, no extra noise or shit. At least ots what they say...
Only thing is you have to get the version with the contrlller and it will controll for temps or RH, not bot at the same time which is shitty. Or well, improveble
No, the new ones have a full stop in auto mode and will run all functions at the same time. Edit to add: my fan takes care of high temps and high humidity, i have a digital humidifier and a digital heater. Done.
What. The. Fuck....
This coronavirus shit is really starting to get out of hand:cry:
Originally Meijiu said they'll be back working on the 5th, now it's the 12th. This shit is fucking me over big time. I need to get my plants vegging under stronger lights so I can get this show on the road already. Might have to say fuck it and just get the cmh I was looking at unless someone has simular priced and equivalent options on the LEDs stateside.
CMH kicks ass for veg, plants like the heat too. You can do a 5x5 w/ 1 315.
So that you can build humidity and keep a decent VPD. If you use microbes they will provide plenty of co2 for the plants.

Nice. Too many people have no clue how important and how much of a difference VPD makes in your garden. I always see a lot of people disregarding it like it doesn't matter when it's quite literally the most important factor in growth speed, vigor and overall health. After you have good lighting VPD is the very next thing you need to try and perfect to get amazing results providing you also have good genetics.
Is there any specific brand potentiometer you'd recommend or does it matter?
Rapid LED sells a cased potentiometer for about six dollars. Otherwise, to control a single driver, look for a 100K linear potentiometer. The inexpensive ones are not the best quality or consistency, and you may have to add a 10K resistor inline to use the drivers full power, but you can get them in ten packs for pretty cheap.