The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

we need dullness and decency back. rednecks can still act like fucking treasonous fucks. they talk about seceding all the time. one ass kicking wasn't enough for the rural Einsteins around here.

Ya gotta laugh at it every now and then my friend, you'd go nuts without laughing at the shear madness of it all. When it's time to act, you'll know what to do, until then, make a list and laugh when ya can, the guy is a clown after all.
i have got to find out how to invest in the hollywood movie. it's going to be BIGLY !!!!!
This is history, "may you live in interesting times" stuff, lot's of movies and libraries of books will be written on this. They will look at these times with a microscope in the future and I can tell ya, Trump and those who covered themselves with shame for him, will not be treated kindly. Does anybody in America fondly recall the name of Benedict Arnold? High treason is often noticed by historians.

Before the first world war, the lot of them would have been publicly hung on the Washington mall.
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I got CNN video going in another browser tab and Trump is all over the place on every issue, completely fucking up the congress that's trying to avoid a government shutdown. Chaos, the characterisation in the Fire and Fury book was spot on, Trump is proving it before our eyes. The GOP owns this asshole and 100% of the blame for a shutdown. Hope the folks recovering from the hurricanes remember who cut the FEMA aid off, in Puerto Rico it will probably lead to American deaths.

Wonder what would happen if social security payments stopped, think his base would notice?
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I got CNN video going in another browser tab and Trump is all over the place on every issue, completely fucking up the congress that's trying to avoid a government shutdown. Chaos, the characterisation in the Fire and Fury book was spot on, Trump is proving it before our eyes. The GOP owns this asshole and 100% of the blame for a shutdown. Hope the folks recovering from the hurricanes remember who cut the FEMA aid off, in Puerto Rico it will probably lead to American deaths.

Wonder what would happen if social security payments stopped, think his base would notice?

he's already stated he could commit murder and they would still follow him.

i got the Wolff book, about half way through it
he's already stated he could commit murder and they would still follow him.

i got the Wolff book, about half way through it
With children's health care, DACA and FEMA hurricane recovery on the line, lives will be lost if he fucks up on this for any length of time.

There might be a few factual errors in the Wolff book, but the main point or tone of the story is spot on, it must be reading like a Stephen King horror novel.

The republicans need to think about the last couple of days and ask themselves if they want to exist like this until extinction. It might be time to get off the Trump roller coaster.
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With children's health care, DACA and FEMA hurricane recovery on the line, lives will be lost if he fucks up on this for any length of time.

There might be a few factual errors in the Wolff book, but the main point or tone of the story is spot on, it must be reading like a Steven King horror novel.

it's pretty interesting to say the least. much about the differences between bannon, kushner and priebus. they were at war with each. obviously, family won.
Seems to me that we owe all of you a giant thank you for helping elect donald.

Keep it up and he will win a second term.

Snowflakes never learn
Seems to me that we owe all of you a giant thank you for helping elect donald.

Keep it up and he will win a second term.

Snowflakes never learn
All this and treason too and ya still don't learn, what's the definition of stupid again?

Ya figure him and Jeff are gonna legalise pot? Just another example of voting against your interests. The brown people will take over one day, there is nothing you can do about it, demographics rule. Trump is gonna bring that day forward by a decade at least and destroy the republican party in the process.

It would seem the Donald is about the biggest snowflake we've seen, he has a mighty thin skin. Those who can't see the Donald for who he really is are blinded by something else and are not a majority of America. Tribalism can blind people to evil and treason, you can even get them to fuck themselves and pay more tax than the rich.

But maybe when a country elects the likes of Trump it's near the end of it's rope, countries have fucked themselves in the past like this. It's a sure cure for arrogance.
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All this and treason too and ya still don't learn, what's the definition of stupid again?

Ya figure him and Jeff are gonna legalise pot? Just another example of voting against your interests. The brown people will take over one day, there is nothing you can do about it, demographics rule. Trump is gonna bring that day forward by a decade at least and destroy the republican party in the process.

It would seem the Donald is about the biggest snowflake we've seen, he has a mighty thin skin. Those who can't see the Donald for who he really is are blinded by something else and are not a majority of America. Tribalism can blind people to evil and treason, you can even get them to fuck themselves and pay more tax than the rich.

But maybe when a country elects the likes of Trump it's near the end of the it's rope, countries have fucked themselves in the past like this. It's a sure cure for arrogance.

that's what is even more sick about trump supporters. they don't see what they are doing to the country. their whiteness, oops, er, i mean, tribalism prevents them from being objective
expect a giant FUCK YOU when dems take over the legislature and remove the grifter from office.
From what I've seen, the republicans are gonna have to do the Donald before the midterms, it won't help them though. Trials are coming this spring and summer that should put incredible heat on the GOP to act on the revelations of treason.
From what I've seen, the republicans are gonna have to do the Donald before the midterms, it won't help them though. Trials are coming this spring and summer that should put incredible heat on the GOP to act on the revelations of treason.

the GOP won't act unless, republicans start rejecting trump. he still has at least 75% support among republicans.
the GOP won't act unless, republicans start rejecting trump. he still has at least 75% support among republicans.
Yep, when Obama was elected it caused a great RINO purge of the GOP anybody with a brain or a conscience left when Trump came in. After 8 years of Obama the party was pretty much topped up with racist and had gone completely tribal, home of the great white hope. Birtherism ran rampant and the leadership dare not say it wasn't true and thus the lie that brought you Trump.

The country is no longer divided, the GOP is a minority party, dead men walking, a zombie congress and they are beginning to realise it. They and Donald might have base support, but that's a long way from a majority, it's not them that are fearful and angry, it's the majority of Americans. Fear and anger are the best motivators there are and your gonna see them at work during the midterm election. Also compassion is a mighty force that the democrats have at there back and a quality Trump and the GOP lack.

I'm not an optimist, just a realist, Donald's future is easy to see, it's not going to end well for him and those who have done his bidding. America will begin the healing process after the midterms, if not, there is only one end, self destruction, ya can't be that stupid and survive, it would defy nature. This is not some game, the stakes are real and there will be a terrible price to be paid for fucking up.
threads like this and many others did more to elect him than his supoorters ever could. You guys and guys like you ignited a huge fire that burned your candidate out for good.