The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Yep, Trump was laundering money for the russian mafia/oligarchs/Putin for years, Putin owns him a dozen different ways. No wonder he was so eager to please Putin, explains why the GOP was trying to suppress the release of the dossier. It's clear from the stuff coming out that Mueller is gonna have a field day with Trump and crew. Donald is real low hanging fruit for this kinda stuff, slam dunk for money laundering. There's a ton of other charges and a lot of nuts to be squeezed and cracked, it's gonna be quite the show leading up to the fall election.

Donald won't do well in a battleship grey 23/7 supermax cell (he has secrets and enemies), he'll be raving in a week, but that's ok, they have straight jackets there too and his screams of rage won't echo off of the padded rubber walls. Maybe we'll see the video one day...

Are ya tired of winning yet?
Yep, Trump was laundering money for the russian mafia/oligarchs/Putin for years, Putin owns him a dozen different ways. No wonder he was so eager to please Putin, explains why the GOP was trying to suppress the release of the dossier. It's clear from the stuff coming out that Mueller is gonna have a field day with Trump and crew. Donald is real low hanging fruit for this kinda stuff, slam dunk for money laundering. There's a ton of other charges and a lot of nuts to be squeezed and cracked, it's gonna be quite the show leading up to the fall election.

Donald won't do well in a battleship grey 23/7 supermax cell (he has secrets and enemies), he'll be raving in a week, but that's ok, they have straight jackets there too and his screams of rage won't echo off of the padded rubber walls. Maybe we'll see the video one day...

Are ya tired of winning yet?

obstruction and money laundering are my guess
obstruction and money laundering are my guess

The list will be long, the shit in the dossier testimony is adding to a long list of charges, Mueller is only required for his gravitas, a first year law student could put Trump away for a million years. They don't need to bother with the fact that Putin has had his hand stuck up Trump's ass working his mouth like Howdy Doody, but I figure they can prove that too. The leadership of the GOP will be eager to bury Trump deep when the ball gets rolling, though from a distance, they will make the appropriate noises, but their hearts won't be in it.

Looking back, it will seem obvious and inevitable.
Yeah, Mueller needs to get off his ass and produce something quick. Too bad he's so fucking thorough. If this shit has legs, a big if, the probe is over.
The anti trump crowd has been regurgitating lies they've been told. Pretty wild in this day and age that they don't have a single piece of evidence god emperor has done anything wrong involving is presidency. but he's getting impeached soon! LMFAO stupid americans.
It isn't stupidity, it is ideological divide.

I don't know the left is saying shit like Trump makes missle boy look reasonable now. Pretty much why they are gonna lose again. The left is fucking insane now but that's what happens when you pander to the soyboyz.
Confirmation bias exists on both sides of the aisle. Better that we discuss issues like adults with respect for each other, but this clearly is not the place for that! :bigjoint:
Try to stay half way close to reality guys!

Let's see, the back shift is on in Moscow about now so it must be second or third stringers. Wouldn't think they would be interested in a weed forum, Trump fans from afar i guess.
Donald is going down and the GOP is finished for a generation, the next GOP president will be black. Minority domination will be moved ahead by a decade in the US and the brown folks are coming, get used to it. The reckoning with Putin will be awesome, sure hope the ordinary people of russia don't suffer too much collateral damage.
LMFAO Minority domination. nuff said cuck! pretty wild that you think the dems have a good chance next election. A "real" politician couldn't even beat someone with 0 expirience. I would suggest the dems go on the assault for trans rights and gun bans. That will probably get you guys back in office!
Yea that will get them back in
The pictures do clutter things up a bit, but electrons is cheap and I'm here to have a little fun and rattle some cages too!
This shit sure has improved CNN, they might win some awards! First rate entertainment, better than game of thrones fur sure.
I was telling Sour Wreck before that from a Canadian perspective this is like watching the drunk neighbors across the street wrestle naked on the front lawn. Interesting for sure, but it makes the neighborhood look low class, if ya know what I mean.

Sure glad Trump ain't my president! What a fucking disaster
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Why are you so angry? Does it upset you that God Emperor Trump is not going to get impeached no matter how much leftynewz promises that it will happen? You only got 7 more years of this bro.
7 more years of Trump and you'll be living in a cardboard box, eating grass to live and you'll have green stains on yer teeth and the worn out knees of yer rags, we in Canada would have to build a wall across the southern border (you'll pay for it) and I'd be sponsoring American refugees.

You'd be on the path to North Korea, complete with a great leader.
I didn't have cccpbot's shit removed, even though it cluttered the thread up a bit. freedom of speech, even for sock puppets...
If Trump shuts the government down, no trips to Florida until things are straightened out. Cost cutting might start with the secret service, they might make Trump a prisoner in the WH, it would cost too much to move him! NO MORE GOLF! That should motivate him to pay attention and do some work.
It just occurred to me that Donald will get his big beautiful 50 foot high concrete wall. He'll get to exercise next to it for an hour every day, it will look a lot like the one he describes, only it will keep people in, not out.