the Dank & Stew grow!!


Well-Known Member
Fuck man..
I know it's not much, but I'm always here if you need somebody bro.
Doesn't matter the favor, if it's able to be done; I'll gladly do it.
I just lost 2 of my closest friends, who were like family to me, but I don't know if that can compare to losing a parent.
My deepest condolences, dank.
I may not be religious, but I'm praying for you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for all of your kind words,wishes & prayers. Really means a lot 2 me... I will be on later tonight to do an update 4 everyone.
Hope 2 see everyone & talk with you then..
Yalls bud, Dank.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. ;) and I love all you guys aswell. I will be on 2 post alittle update tonight. I like the little Sx1 vampire.. looks like she's going to bite the hell out of 1 of us! Haha.. ;)
Glad you decided to rest instead of popping on again. Hope you're doing OK bro.

Talk to ya later.


Sector 5 Moderator
Dank I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I had my mom for a long time but it's never easy to let them go. I hope she is at peace and pain free.


Well-Known Member
Dank I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I had my mom for a long time but it's never easy to let them go. I hope she is at peace and pain free.
It sure is. I still 4 some reason can't believe that she's gone. Couldn't sleep hardly at all, feels like a bad nightmare!


Well-Known Member
I'm going to replant the (2 Sx1's ) that is left! Lol. I had 4 and now 2 died on me and 2 made it. So hopefully out of these 2 one will turn out female.. let's keep our fingers crossed! Ok guys.. haha ;)

I am going to go run do that and I will be right back 2 update those 2..


Well-Known Member
Ok. Here they are all replanted and snug in some new organic soil. There now going under 3 300 watt CFL'S for a week & a half, then under the 600 watt Hps & 800 watt LED. :mrgreen:
This see what a right at 2 weeks veg will do 4 these little ladies.. haha



Well-Known Member
What's funny is when the post is removed both of yours will still be there. and look very strange. HAHA.


Well-Known Member
Ok fella's. Thought I would share alittle info on my set of the Sx1. Started with 5 thinking I had only 4. Lol. Threw one out, and 2 didn't make it leaving me the 3 to play with. One of the 3 just didn't look right so I took it up myself. Now where down to 2. Sx1#1 & Sx1 #2. :mrgreen:
Hopefully one will end up a female. I went by a female/male seed chart that a good friend (Bak) had given me a good while back to pick them out 2 start. So we will see..

Here they are this morning. Going to start small doses of roots organic today.



Well-Known Member
They sure are adorable when they're small. Hard to believe those sticky, smelly hookers in my box started out all innocent like that.


Well-Known Member
They sure are adorable when they're small. Hard to believe those sticky, smelly hookers in my box started out all innocent like that.
Lmao! Haha.. yeah, they are cute while tiny like that.. and it still amazes the hell out of me how they go from little to huge cola's stinking up the entire house like they do 2.. ;)
I've ran a few that had me tripping (smell wise).. the Sins OG I have going now is doing just that! May have to invest in a makeshift carbon box/filter or something! Lol