the DOW hasn't gained a point in 18 months now

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I'm sorry you're crippled. Getting old is a privilege denied to many- especially those in our armed forces who die to guarantee profits for a multinational who cares nothing for them or their family.

That said, collapses can happen fast... There's still time if we don't pull out heads out of our asses!
My, how dramatic. LOL
Those hoi polloi are us: the common people. We're the ones who need to get out in the street.

Londoners are currently protesting Trump more than most Americans do!
The hoi polloi I refer to are the 1% and their cohorts. That’s who pulling all strings. Trump and the rest are just the puppets they make dance.
The hoi polloi I refer to are the 1% and their cohorts. That’s who pulling all strings. Trump and the rest are just the puppets they make dance.
You may be thinking of the term, 'hoity-toity.'

And of course I completely agree with you about how those elites- more specifically the .1 to .01%- are indeed controlling our country. They're the ones driving us all toward the cliff. And just like in ages past, they think it's fine because they'll survive the crash. Except in a collapse situation, they don't.
You may be thinking of the term, 'hoity-toity.'

And of course I completely agree with you about how those elites- more specifically the .1 to .01%- are indeed controlling our country. They're the ones driving us all toward the cliff. And just like in ages past, they think it's fine because they'll survive the crash. Except in a collapse situation, they don't.
The Democratic Party owners are almost as low as the ones controlling the Republican Party and they’re certainly every bit as greedy. Anyone challenging that these parties are basically owned outright and operated by a few are too dense to converse with. Hence the insults that they draw and then whine about.
Like freeing the blacks. “You’re free now”

But never free really. Not free to vote. Not free to live here or drive there. Certainly they shouldn’t be allowed to eat with white folks. But they’re free.

Free but followed on entering stores. Free to have guns pulled on them for barbecuing, cleaning their own yards or taking pictures of their baby at a park on a special day.

But watch all the honkies tell them to get over it.
The Democratic Party owners are almost as low as the ones controlling the Republican Party and they’re certainly every bit as greedy. Anyone challenging that these parties are basically owned outright and operated by a few are too dense to converse with. Hence the insults that they draw and then whine about.
Well, yeah.

The next question is what's to be done about it? The clown contingent here is representative of a big part of the problem; they think an establishment Democrat will save them, in spite of all the historical evidence. Yet another center right democrap will at best stave off the inevitable, as the capitalist class continues to feast on the rotting carcass of our country while the masses get ever poorer and more desperate. Eventually they'll tire of bring told to attack each other or the latest 'threat' from outside and they'll go after the elite class. That's collapse and everybody loses.

The similarities between late 1930s Germany and today's America are far too many and obvious to ignore any longer. Continuing to the right means overt fascism- as if it could get much more blatant than it already has.

The only direction left is... well, Left; it worked for America in the 1930s. Socialism was an unmitigated Good Thing for the vast majority of Americans: Unions were strengthened, although Taft-Hartley quickly reversed that. Social Security. High taxes on the rich to pay for the war, which continued after the way and fueled a better society than anything the world has seen before- or that the United States has seen since. And much more.

Americans know something is wrong. Can we come together to fix it? Judging from this forum, I'm wondering if things have to get even worse before people can see past their divisions and unite against the oligarchs. I thought one term of Trump would be enough to make people see reason but so far it doesn't seem to be working out that way.
The Democratic Party owners are almost as low as the ones controlling the Republican Party and they’re certainly every bit as greedy. Anyone challenging that these parties are basically owned outright and operated by a few are too dense to converse with. Hence the insults that they draw and then whine about.
I’ll say you are if you believe any different.
Oh, you can't go around pointing out the truth about his precious Democrats, now! You know they can't do any wrong at all! Why, they walk on water on their way to work in the morning!

He's got himself a terminal case of binary thinking.
Oh, you can't go around pointing out the truth about his precious Democrats, now! You know they can't do any wrong at all! Why, they walk on water on their way to work in the morning!

He's got himself a terminal case of binary thinking.
Ain’t no wealthy motherfuckers or their damned fathers or mothers that are going to turn a goddamned thing over to the masses. To the people. Especially in this country. Top Republican Party owners switched long enough to vote for Hillary because they knew it would be better for business. They’re free to switch any allegiances they might have but the lackey politicians they own sure are not. Not if they want to stay on the gravy train. Pelosi and Chuckie are two on the opposite side who are not permitted to stray. Can’t have leadership looking like a bunch of daydreaming jackasses. The wealthy own everything and run everything as they desire and for whatever reasons drive them and it’s usually money! That’s their entire focus and why they have so much. Why they keep getting more even during the worst of economic times while regular folks lose their house, cars and jobs. Miss a couple of paychecks and never recover for many.
All that said I’ll still take the Democrats any day over the fucking slimy Republican Party. They just flat stopped pretending. And yet morons still back them. Junk 1995 Chevy truck with Trump stickers on it.
Ain’t no wealthy motherfuckers or their damned fathers or mothers that are going to turn a goddamned thing over to the masses. To the people. Especially in this country. Top Republican Party owners switched long enough to vote for Hillary because they knew it would be better for business. They’re free to switch any allegiances they might have but the lackey politicians they own sure are not. Not if they want to stay on the gravy train. Pelosi and Chuckie are two on the opposite side who are not permitted to stray. Can’t have leadership looking like a bunch of daydreaming jackasses. The wealthy own everything and run everything as they desire and for whatever reasons drive them and it’s usually money! That’s their entire focus and why they have so much. Why they keep getting more even during the worst of economic times while regular folks lose their house, cars and jobs. Miss a couple of paychecks and never recover for many.

So now what?

Political scientists say the trend is for wealth and income inequality to continue to get worse until collapse, war or revolution.

What's your poison?
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