the DOW hasn't gained a point in 18 months now

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I can tell that you also don't invest.

The people that said I was wrong about Tesla a year ago said the same thing. It would go higher they said. It was invincible they said. It'd make people billionaires they said.

And of course I was right all along. It's crashed. Lost 50% of it's value and it's not going to get much better. I'll be surprised if it's worth 150 per share by the end of the year.

Any idiot can go in and pull out selective percentages of past performance and claim to be an expert. In the real world, it doesn't work that way, kid. In the real world you have to find real value and real strategies and real companies with real plans.

But do go on claiming to have a crystal ball when all you've ever done is pull selective figures from the past.
actually clerks at convenience stores top the list for on the job fatality rates. followed by fire fighters and truck drivers. drivers did top the list one year but convenience store clerks are more likely to get shot on the job than anyone else including military personnel. we have a volunteer army so those solders volunteered to murder woman and children and sacrifice their own lives on the alter of corporate greed
Funny how @TacoMac liked your post but argued with me for saying exactly the same thing.

But no bias!
I didn’t say ACTIONS. I said directly about the controlling and their greed. The conservatives have claimed for years that the party uses programs and giveaways to lure voters. What many see as justified or necessary assistance is seen by others as pandering. Bringing it home to collect the votes.
Both parties do that. Their constituencies are a bit different, that's all.

do an experiment for us all:
quit your job, make up a resume with just a HS education, find a job, a car and a place to live and do it for 6 months while you invest 70 a week. you can have 500 bucks cash to get started. no credit cards. get back to us in December.
The people that said I was wrong about Tesla a year ago said the same thing. It would go higher they said. It was invincible they said. It'd make people billionaires they said.

And of course I was right all along. It's crashed. Lost 50% of it's value and it's not going to get much better. I'll be surprised if it's worth 150 per share by the end of the year.

Any idiot can go in and pull out selective percentages of past performance and claim to be an expert. In the real world, it doesn't work that way, kid. In the real world you have to find real value and real strategies and real companies with real plans.

But do go on claiming to have a crystal ball when all you've ever done is pull selective figures from the past.

'Investing' in individual stocks is straight up gambling. The smart money is in index funds. Do you have any other questions?

do an experiment for us all:
quit your job, make up a resume with just a HS education, find a job, a car and a place to live and do it for 6 months while you invest 70 a week. you can have 500 bucks cash to get started. no credit cards. get back to us in December.

This is how we all started, no? What am I missing?
You calling other people naive is hysterical!
If you read what I said (or could read), I'm didn't say he was naive.

I said: It's naive to say that Democrats and Republicans are the same. A completely true statement that can be backed up with facts, which I have done many times.

It's not even an opinion. It is a fact. Something you have difficulty dealing with.
you were investing $70 a week when you graduated high school? although 2 cups a coffee back then was probably $1.40

Yep. I worked at a popular restaurant all through college. It's not that I made amazing money (the money was good though), I just made a point to save and control my spending. I still do.
'Investing' in individual stocks is straight up gambling. The smart money is in index funds. Do you have any other questions?
Your opinion, based as usual on nothing more than conjecture.

Ever heard of value investing? Some nobody named Warren Buffett did pretty well investing in individual companies he did his homework on.
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