The Ex-Girlfriend.


Active Member
i took the get back with her route worst choice I've ever made went out wit the girl 3 years and i nearly lost my mind those last few months afta that it went fkn ballistic save yourself the anger man...jus walk away...


Well-Known Member
Yea I agree with the others in this thread. Most girls just want to mess with your head so be the strong one and move on. I dealt with a similar situation where I had this ex who was hitting me up asking why we never talked about what happened in our relationship and found out she had a boyfriend the whole time. A lot of girls have no clue what they want, so save yourself the trouble.

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
Hahahahahahahahahahaha there are questions like this on RIU?? Hahahaha just thought this place was a growing aid site, not an online therapy clinic for stoners hahahaha. Awesome. Sorry for not exactly being helpful, but come on, seriously? Okay okay, follow your heart, if its over its over, but otherwise don't give into some kind of sympathy. There's the two cents :leaf::leaf: but the shock of this thread alone is still fantastically funny. :mrgreen:

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
Just to give you 2c from somebody who has been around the block a few times...

From what I have gathered... your ex decided to muck around on you with your best buddy... and now she wants you back...

Like a lot of good advice has already been given on here such as 'there is a reason you broke up, and you easily forget that when you are lonely' is true...

Even without bringing into question the loyalty of both your ex and your best friend... they both done the wrong thing to you.

Sometimes people fuck up... we are not perfect... its a fact of life. But we also have to live and learn from our mistakes in everything we do.

To give your girlfriend a second chance, you have to sit down and separate your feelings from the matter and look at it in black and white... because only then can you be honest (and you have to be very honest) with yourself if she actually is worthy of a second chance... or whether she must learn a lesson in life just like we all do....

I use this principal in all facets of my life.... if somebody fucks me over, and they are not worth forgiving, then I don't get angry, I dont be petty or seek revenge.... I just simply dont give them the time of day or another thought anymore.... because life is too short to hold grudges or resentment....

Just be honest with yourself is the most important thing.

You cant wipe a slate clean and start fresh again if your are lying to yourself....

So yeah... just sit down.. have a think and work out for yourself if she is worthy.... or life is too short:peace:

Good luck champ:cool:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
umm no she fucked his friend thats a deal breaker sit down and talk fuck that. remove her from your life and move on. 'fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me' dont get burned again by the same girl or friend.


Well-Known Member
You should fuck her in the butt one last time.
Then tell her your only interested in being fuck buddies
Or gtfo. It's worth a try I'd think.


Well-Known Member
I'll keep this short. There is nothing like a woman to make a man doubt his gut. You guys didn't work out, you can't trust her and now she is trying to fuck with your head. Don't even hit it again unless your prepared to be a total dick and judging by your won't. She has her lasso out and is trying to rope you back in. They all do that shit...if you let it happen more drama is around the corner and you will waste more time.


Well-Known Member
well im a chick and i do agree with staying away....i dont know about you but trouble finds me i dont need to go lookin for trouble and that sounds like what ur heading for if you get back with her....sorry about her cheatin on you thats not cool at all i really dont like chicks like that they give all females a bad name.....just thought i throw in my 2cents....good luck man

lol just look at the dates lol how did it go i wonder....hummm........


Well-Known Member
WARNING SIGN: u said she said...she missed being in love. Don't interpret this into she is missing you, unless she said I miss being in love with u & I miss our relationship. Because her missing "being in love" has nothing to do with u, rather her own self pity & if u get back with her, it won't be long before she will be ur ex-ex girlfriend.


New Member
Take some time off and just DO YOU. You'll be surprised the things you find out about yourself not being WITH someone for awhile (I'm a chronic girlfriend-haver). Take a year off, enjoy and get better at your hobbies, interests etc. Then, just when you're comfortable in your own skin......The baddest chick ever comes along and it just happens. Then old "what's her face" can sit around wondering why she was such a whore, and why your new chick is superior to her in every way. Fact. :)


Active Member
any girl that cheats isnt worth the time, just another slut.

there the ones you fuck and forget, find yourself a real lady
