The Ex-Girlfriend.


Well-Known Member
4 real if ur not 25 or older ur goal should be banging a least a different girl every week and a couple good girlz down to just fuck


Well-Known Member
man "fuck bitches, get money" na but there r a reason u broke up with them in the first place. but i'd use them as a quick fuck. they just keep begging for more lol. but seriously, unless it was on some shit where u 2 wernt ready for a serious relationship then maybe, but if u broke up because of cheating, fell out of love,or anything like that then fuck her one more good time and move on


Well-Known Member
Your best bet is grab a youngin, lol solely on this "You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can make a new puppy your bitch" not to demeen any women, beleive me I love 'em just cant deal with there shit.


Active Member
Damn, She cheated on you with your guy, now xguy. That whole time you guys chilled she probably had an eye on him.

Bro, your better that that 1, go get yourself a quick lay and you'll feel like a bar of gold


New Member
Why get hung up on a chick? Getting back with an ex is just plain stupid, it's like playing the slot machine at a casino. VERY FEW ever win, even a little bit.

You "invest" all this time and money into something, and you get the odd thing back. Hell, it's cheaper, faster, more pleasing to go to a bar, get laid, and have a NSA.

Kissing is for kids, bone the bitch and move on.

- Barrett

EDIT: You let a woman cheat on you, speaks loads about your character.

My advice?

Get a NSA relationship, go buy a dog, start growing, and smoke tons of dope. Best part of being single.I mean, i've screwed/been screwed by women too many times haha, you will find the one for you eventuatly. I did, and I love my wife like my kids, all 47 of them.

Big P

Well-Known Member
or just do what i do, sniff inside each roll until you smell shit and then go back 1 roll,

thats the pussy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. She was scarlet begonias. Stay away not today disco lady. Damn I should stay away from replying when I'm blown. Long story short. Tapping it 1more time then moving on. Smoke 1 & call it a day. Call of duty all day after the mission of the pants invasion of her pants.


Well-Known Member

Was probably a good reason you broke up. Plenty of fish...

Promise nothing. Just bang her if she asks. Sound like she just might.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I havnt talked to her I stayed away to see what was up & she hasn't hit me up. She's all fake. Good thing I didn't try to do anything. I am gona go in for another session with her doh. I Gota sex never hurt any1


Active Member
how old are you? if your under 25 you shouldnt even have a steady girlfriend...find 'em fuck 'em and forget em...its the scumbag american way.
Right, because if you sleep with a girl, and you're under 25, and you forget it, you'd have to be an American because only Americans do that sort of thing.

Go smoke some more :joint: