The forbidden TRUTH

Propaganda ^^

The Son of GOD wasn't conceived by a father or mother he was born a virgin and was with GOD before creation. GOD made creation through HIS Son

They said have developed equations to suggest rip apart molecules and make what they call a vacuum not nothing. LOL
At the heart of this work is the idea that a vacuum is not exactly nothing.

"It is better to say, following theoretical physicist Paul Dirac, that a vacuum, or nothing, is the combination of matter and antimatter -- particles and antiparticles.Their density is tremendous, but we cannot perceive any of them because their observable effects entirely cancel each other out," Sokolov said.

"The basic question what is a vacuum, and what is nothing, goes beyond science," he said. "It's embedded deeply in the base not only of theoretical physics, but of our philosophical perception of everything -- of reality, of life, even the religious question of could the world have come from nothing."

What your religion calls logic and reason for believing the impossible
1. Animals are built a certain way based on there function - LOL truth yet this screams creation not darwinism bacteria people.
2. Living matter is somewhat similar on a molecular level. -Doesn't suggest darwins theory LOL but yes organic material is somewhat similar when compared to sand, metal, water, oxygen.
3. In certain whales sometimes abnormal bone growth has been found on their pelvic bone which is a average a inch. On a eighty foot whale. And all animals and people can have abnormal growth where numerous complex bones grow. Like I had with's_disease or So this is true
You then just assume? The rest of your theory on what? LOL
From those three things you leaned that man and all living things started as the same organism? And that THE HOLY BIBLE isn't true?
WHAT! lets re-read darwins "facts" lol facts that don't suggest his theory in anyway. ^^^
Lets go over the Right whales and Sperm Whales bones again.

Your responses leave me in shame over mankind. A small growth sometimes appears in right whales and sperm whales and is typically a inch and you start to deny GOD.
Everhard Johannes Slijper (1907–1968) was professor of general zoology at Amsterdam University, Netherlands. He was the world’s leading authority on whales. Chapter 2 of his classic work is entitled ‘Evolution and External Appearance.’ In it, he talks about a bone in whales that he calls the ‘pelvic bone,’ which is some 30 centimetres (12 inches) long, ‘but unlike the pelvis of normal mammals it is not attached to the vertebral column.’ This bone serves as an anchorage for the male reproductive organs. Slijper goes on to say that sometimes ‘another small bone may be attached to it.’ Being an evolutionist, he naturally interprets this smaller piece of bone as a throw-back to the femur, or thigh bone, of the whale’s evolutionary ancestor. However, he states that in these occasional cases, the bone in question is generally 2.5 cm (just over an inch) in length, and that it is sometimes ‘fused’ with the pelvic bone.
Note how to this point he has not mentioned anything about a ‘leg’ protruding from a whale’s side. The evidence so far fits just as easily with the idea that some whales (who normally have functional bones in their pelvic region, as he admits) can be born with abnormal bits of bone. There is a complex DNA program which causes the development of the normal bone in this part of the whale’s anatomy. A mutational defect in this program could easily cause one or more extra pieces of bone to form, which would almost inevitably be in the same region, either separate from or fused with the normal bone. In the same way, people can be born with extra fingers, ribs, nipples, etc. If this should extend to two extra pieces of bone, no matter how misshapen or otherwise these were, enthusiastic evolutionists would no doubt interpret one additional piece of bone as a ‘femur,’ and any second one would be labeled a ‘tibia’ (shin bone). Sure enough, Slijper refers to an occasional third bony structure attached to what he has already called a ‘femur’ and labels it as a ‘tibia.’ It occurs in some Right whales and occasionally in some Sperm whales.

Lets talk about some of the impossible things you claim happen because of those three things you observed in the world.
Like my marijuana, you think this seed came from a germ. And it can appear from nothing. And it happens over time.
And Light and water and man and women who physical design is completely exposed to the elements and if we were to attempt to live like "animals" we would die, from too much sun exposure or frostbite and hypothermia. But you claim that we are all one super organism and mankind just decided to do what?Mankind is completely different WOW mankind must of been thinking some happy thoughts? Do thoughts change species form one to another? You are claiming that, Claiming that and then that "law" suddenly changed.
And elephants decided to want to be big? How? Did the "think real big?
This is painful that people believe this blaspheme trash. I think the only reason is because their pride of "i'm perfect and do nothing wrong" contradicts with the truth so they just choose not to involve themselves with the truth, the unavoidable, unstoppable, impending truth.
And light and water and man and women the sun and moon, clouds... and you think these germs can do all these things and leave no evidence and just stop coming from nothing and you don't question how they could do this? Or where they came from? Or why you are physically made the way you are?
And that these germs that have always been here somehow seem to have stopped transforming into things now? And appearing from nothing? Because in reality things don't appear from nothing randomly unless it's made. Things don't switch species when becoming extinct. They just die, and people can't run into the water (us you claiming be the germs) and start to slowly grow gills over generations and become mermaids and be fish people and build Atlantis and have sharks as pets. Shark's, butterflies, scorpions you think came from this same (super organism) that became billions of species and animals based upon what they chose to do while alive. What did the butterfly do to became what it is? What about the shark? What if I want my family to start becoming butterfly people for millions of years later in generation? Best advice?
Or maybe becoming a water melon or marijuana since they are are relative in your religion, you guys got a lot of half melon people in your darwin following?
This is reality not something George Lucas or Steven Spielberg wrote.

Real questions for you^
And you choose to ignore and deny all of these facts because..
Because creatures develop abnormalities on there bone!! Not everyone but some in rare occasions
Also I asked people if they smoked marijuana because from my experience people who don't worship GOD can't handle the increase cognitive thoughts that are as associated with marijuana.
bho poison hash doesn't count as marijuana your smoking poison
you not getting high you're getting poisoned. Obviously some illuminati idea to kill smokers or to have BHO kill kids so marijuana can become illegal again.

"You think because GOD ALMIGHTY is the beginning and the end, you can state that the universe can be the same because it's following the same principal? That's completely erroneous. The only reason GOD is before everything is because GOD is a living omnipotent being that you cannot fathom. Before the beginning GOD was."- page 43 Matter lacks the ability to create something from nothing.

Ceepea : "No, matter has always existed in some form or another. We have no reason to believe matter can be created or destroyed. "

Me:- If matter is here it got created do you have proof that something is able to come from nothing? EXACTLY


I will be making a index for this thread soon. IN quotes and on main page.
Feel free to print off anything and show people the ignorance of this occult religion with impossible statements they claim.

Although many won't care like I said, they have only chosen this religion because this religion promotes homosexuality and sexual perversion.

How many of you aren't freemasons or satanist out of Ceepea, Penofrdywriter, TylerDurden, mushroombandit.
People who take hours and hours out of their lives to spam a thread about the truth of mankind surely has a agenda.
ghostdriver you don't know your bible at all...even your book or should I say your god says conceived ...and maybe you should look up the word conceived also...Mat 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Luk 1:31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
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This whole Darwin lie propaganda is pushed so government doesn't have problems when people are killing people in the holocaust coming.
When they start killing millions of people and claim they are doing it for the greater good religion is the worlds problem.
Then you will realize their religion, darwins religion is worshipping the anti Christ.

How obvious things are it's painfully hilarious.
This brain washing anti Christ religion is like the Nazi Holocaust.
Will you care if you see people being killed for no reason? You just consider yourself pond scum, and other human beings too why is murder not okay right?
The population is going to have a shock when they realize they are in a battle of Good vs evil. And they willingly let themselves be exterminated like sheep. Lets see the Georgia guidstones say reduce the population to 500 million, we have like what 7 Billion?
You think you will be one of the "elite" that doesn't get killed? LOL no they will disarm the people, kill the threats first, drag masses to fema camps, kill them in groups there, keep a small amount of people to be slaved and make slaves.

Just like how people are scared to read THE HOLY BIBLE people will be scared to even watch these videos.
A lot of people think they can just stick their head in the sand like a ostrich, and continue to waste their life away doing whatever it is they do in their little hole they have created from reality.
Movies, Shows, videogames, facebook, pornography...
"Nothing bad could ever happen to me" they think." Not here not now.... I will deal with it when it happens haha no use worrying now! haha.........." - That's the devil stealing the truth form you...
People don't like talking about death, talking about hell and sin... Because it makes them FEEL uncomfortable so they avoid it..
They avoid PAIN...
Prolonging the pain is making it unfathomably worse for yourself.... Stop procrastinating and address the issues.
Stop being afraid.
Hallelujah that we get to be here in this pivotal point in time before the great judgment day of THE LORD. Glory to LORD THE CREATOR and HIS Son LORD JESUS CHRIST forever and ever Amen.
This has got to be one of the most insane, incoherent things I've ever read.

Congrats on literally being the stupidest person I've ever spoken with! You can't even write a sentence in a way that is grammatically correct, let alone that is logically sound.

You remind me of WOOOOORRRRRRRRDDDDDZZZZZZZZofwarcraft. Similar writing style (incoherent) and similar cognitive ability (very little).

Wouldn't surprise me if you were one and the same....
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Want to see one of the most prominent Christian theologians/philosophers get destroyed in a debate by Physicist Lawrence Krauss?

Pretty neat!

LOL! "Most prominent?"

You might want to re write that post to say "some dumb guys trying to defend Christianity."

Can I has more propaganda?

I don't rely on promises, I rely on empirical evidence.

If religion was factual, it wouldn't require faith. Faith is belief in the absence of evidence.

Religion is very much factual. But I don't think that is what you meant.

As far as evidence, there's more than enough of it. Prophesy is Gods way of proving himself. And only Judaism and Christianity have had prophets who's prophesies were fulfilled throughout history. To try and deny these things that have happened and are happenening today.
Religion is very much factual. But I don't think that is what you meant.
Factual as in it's a fact that it exists? Because the actual happenings described in books like the bible is anything but factual. Talking snakes? Living in a whale? Virgin birth? Resurrection?

There is absolutely ZERO reason to believe these things happen in reality.

As far as evidence, there's more than enough of it. Prophesy is Gods way of proving himself.
Prophecies so vague they could be applied to anything, is not a prophecy. Also, religion has this tendency of remembering the hits, and forgetting the misses. If I make 100 predictions and 3 come true, if I just forget the 97 misses it's intellectually dishonest.

And only Judaism and Christianity have had prophets who's prophesies were fulfilled throughout history. To try and deny these things that have happened and are happenening today.

Again, making vague prophecies and giving massive amounts of time for them to happen isn't doing anything of value. If I say the government will fall and a new one will take it's place sometime in the next 1000 years, am I really 'prophesying' anything? Or am I making a guess that might come true?
Satan is called a serpent not a talking snake..
Jonah got swallowed by a special fish that GOT prepared and made just for him. Just reminding you that you no nothing of GOD.

Also your religion anti Christ/ darwinism / revolting against GOD's Laws is impossible and doomed..

Propaganda ^^

The Son of GOD wasn't conceived by a father or mother he was born a virgin and was with GOD before creation. GOD made creation through HIS Son

They said have developed equations to suggest rip apart molecules and make what they call a vacuum not nothing. LOL
At the heart of this work is the idea that a vacuum is not exactly nothing.

"It is better to say, following theoretical physicist Paul Dirac, that a vacuum, or nothing, is the combination of matter and antimatter -- particles and antiparticles.Their density is tremendous, but we cannot perceive any of them because their observable effects entirely cancel each other out," Sokolov said.

"The basic question what is a vacuum, and what is nothing, goes beyond science," he said. "It's embedded deeply in the base not only of theoretical physics, but of our philosophical perception of everything -- of reality, of life, even the religious question of could the world have come from nothing."

What your religion calls logic and reason for believing the impossible
1. Animals are built a certain way based on there function - LOL truth yet this screams creation not darwinism bacteria people.
2. Living matter is somewhat similar on a molecular level. -Doesn't suggest darwins theory LOL but yes organic material is somewhat similar when compared to sand, metal, water, oxygen.
3. In certain whales sometimes abnormal bone growth has been found on their pelvic bone which is a average a inch. On a eighty foot whale. And all animals and people can have abnormal growth where numerous complex bones grow. Like I had with's_disease or So this is true
You then just assume? The rest of your theory on what? LOL
From those three things you leaned that man and all living things started as the same organism? And that THE HOLY BIBLE isn't true?
WHAT! lets re-read darwins "facts" lol facts that don't suggest his theory in anyway. ^^^
Lets go over the Right whales and Sperm Whales bones again.

Your responses leave me in shame over mankind. A small growth sometimes appears in right whales and sperm whales and is typically a inch and you start to deny GOD.
Everhard Johannes Slijper (1907–1968) was professor of general zoology at Amsterdam University, Netherlands. He was the world’s leading authority on whales. Chapter 2 of his classic work is entitled ‘Evolution and External Appearance.’ In it, he talks about a bone in whales that he calls the ‘pelvic bone,’ which is some 30 centimetres (12 inches) long, ‘but unlike the pelvis of normal mammals it is not attached to the vertebral column.’ This bone serves as an anchorage for the male reproductive organs. Slijper goes on to say that sometimes ‘another small bone may be attached to it.’ Being an evolutionist, he naturally interprets this smaller piece of bone as a throw-back to the femur, or thigh bone, of the whale’s evolutionary ancestor. However, he states that in these occasional cases, the bone in question is generally 2.5 cm (just over an inch) in length, and that it is sometimes ‘fused’ with the pelvic bone.
Note how to this point he has not mentioned anything about a ‘leg’ protruding from a whale’s side. The evidence so far fits just as easily with the idea that some whales (who normally have functional bones in their pelvic region, as he admits) can be born with abnormal bits of bone. There is a complex DNA program which causes the development of the normal bone in this part of the whale’s anatomy. A mutational defect in this program could easily cause one or more extra pieces of bone to form, which would almost inevitably be in the same region, either separate from or fused with the normal bone. In the same way, people can be born with extra fingers, ribs, nipples, etc. If this should extend to two extra pieces of bone, no matter how misshapen or otherwise these were, enthusiastic evolutionists would no doubt interpret one additional piece of bone as a ‘femur,’ and any second one would be labeled a ‘tibia’ (shin bone). Sure enough, Slijper refers to an occasional third bony structure attached to what he has already called a ‘femur’ and labels it as a ‘tibia.’ It occurs in some Right whales and occasionally in some Sperm whales.

Lets talk about some of the impossible things you claim happen because of those three things you observed in the world.
Like my marijuana, you think this seed came from a germ. And it can appear from nothing. And it happens over time.
And Light and water and man and women who physical design is completely exposed to the elements and if we were to attempt to live like "animals" we would die, from too much sun exposure or frostbite and hypothermia. But you claim that we are all one super organism and mankind just decided to do what?Mankind is completely different WOW mankind must of been thinking some happy thoughts? Do thoughts change species form one to another? You are claiming that, Claiming that and then that "law" suddenly changed.
And elephants decided to want to be big? How? Did the "think real big?
This is painful that people believe this blaspheme trash. I think the only reason is because their pride of "i'm perfect and do nothing wrong" contradicts with the truth so they just choose not to involve themselves with the truth, the unavoidable, unstoppable, impending truth.
And light and water and man and women the sun and moon, clouds... and you think these germs can do all these things and leave no evidence and just stop coming from nothing and you don't question how they could do this? Or where they came from? Or why you are physically made the way you are?
And that these germs that have always been here somehow seem to have stopped transforming into things now? And appearing from nothing? Because in reality things don't appear from nothing randomly unless it's made. Things don't switch species when becoming extinct. They just die, and people can't run into the water (us you claiming be the germs) and start to slowly grow gills over generations and become mermaids and be fish people and build Atlantis and have sharks as pets. Shark's, butterflies, scorpions you think came from this same (super organism) that became billions of species and animals based upon what they chose to do while alive. What did the butterfly do to became what it is? What about the shark? What if I want my family to start becoming butterfly people for millions of years later in generation? Best advice?
Or maybe becoming a water melon or marijuana since they are are relative in your religion, you guys got a lot of half melon people in your darwin following?
This is reality not something George Lucas or Steven Spielberg wrote.

Real questions for you^
And you choose to ignore and deny all of these facts because..
Because creatures develop abnormalities on there bone!! Not everyone but some in rare occasions
Also I asked people if they smoked marijuana because from my experience people who don't worship GOD can't handle the increase cognitive thoughts that are as associated with marijuana.
bho poison hash doesn't count as marijuana your smoking poison
you not getting high you're getting poisoned. Obviously some illuminati idea to kill smokers or to have BHO kill kids so marijuana can become illegal again.

"You think because GOD ALMIGHTY is the beginning and the end, you can state that the universe can be the same because it's following the same principal? That's completely erroneous. The only reason GOD is before everything is because GOD is a living omnipotent being that you cannot fathom. Before the beginning GOD was."- page 43 Matter lacks the ability to create something from nothing.

Ceepea : "No, matter has always existed in some form or another. We have no reason to believe matter can be created or destroyed. "

Me:- If matter is here it got created do you have proof that something is able to come from nothing? EXACTLY


I will be making a index for this thread soon. IN quotes and on main page.
Feel free to print off anything and show people the ignorance of this occult religion with impossible statements they claim.

Although many won't care like I said, they have only chosen this religion because this religion promotes homosexuality and sexual perversion.

How many of you aren't freemasons or satanist out of Ceepea, Penofrdywriter, TylerDurden, mushroombandit.
People who take hours and hours out of their lives to spam a thread about the truth of mankind surely has a agenda.
Satan is called a serpent not a talking snake..
Jonah got swallowed by a special fish that GOT prepared and made just for him. Just reminding you that you no nothing of GOD.

Also your religion anti Christ/ darwinism / revolting against GOD's Laws is impossible and doomed..
ghostdriver you don't know your bible at all...even your book or should I say your god says conceived ...and maybe you should look up the word conceived also...Mat 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Luk 1:31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
The Holy ghost IS Jesus Christ, HE is the light of men.
You obtain The Holy Ghost when born again. The light of JESUS CHRIST Amen.

Satan is called a serpent not a talking snake..
Jonah got swallowed by a special fish that GOT prepared and made just for him. Just reminding you that you no nothing of GOD.

Also your religion anti Christ/ darwinism / revolting against GOD's Laws is impossible and doomed..
You're talking about special fish, and all these exceptions to natural laws while maintaining that the theory of evolution is impossible.

What a fucknut.
Pro 14:15 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.
Pro 26:7 The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.
Anyone can make vague predictions that are widely open to interpretation and then claim they came true.

People say the same thing about Nostradamus.

BTW, did the Nile ever dry up or was Egypt ever completely destroyed? Do the Egyptians speak The Canaanite language?

The answer to all these questions rhymes with 'go'.
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A herpes virus that infects humans originated in chimpanzees before it jumped into our early human ancestors, according to a new study.

Researchers found that herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) infected hominids before their evolutionary split from chimpanzees 6 million years ago, whereas herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2) was transferred from ancient chimpanzees to human ancestors such as Homo erectus about 1.6 million years ago, long before the rise of early modern humans about 200,000 years ago.

“Before we were human, there was still cross-species transmission into our evolutionary lineage,” study author Joel O. Wertheim, assistant research scientist at the University of Californai, San Diego AntiViral Research Center, told Live Science.

A herpes virus that infects humans originated in chimpanzees before it jumped into our early human ancestors, according to a new study.

Researchers found that herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) infected hominids before their evolutionary split from chimpanzees 6 million years ago, whereas herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2) was transferred from ancient chimpanzees to human ancestors such as Homo erectus about 1.6 million years ago, long before the rise of early modern humans about 200,000 years ago.

“Before we were human, there was still cross-species transmission into our evolutionary lineage,” study author Joel O. Wertheim, assistant research scientist at the University of Californai, San Diego AntiViral Research Center, told Live Science.

LOL we can catch diseases from pretty much every living thing.
Here is a disease some of you may have and not know, that comes from cats

Also your gay men pictures is spam