The forbidden TRUTH

The evolutionary tree for modern humans a bit of a mess - humans haven’t had a close relative on this planet for over 10,000 years, but there used to be several other closely related species living at the same time. Genetic analyses on bone fragments from Neanderthals and Denisovans has given us new insight into our not-so-distant evolutionary past. The results indicate that not only did Denisovans and Neanderthals interbreed with modern Homo sapiens, but they also mated with an unidentified fourth hominin group. This information was presented to evolutionary geneticists last week for a meeting of the Royal Society.


View attachment 3192696
Australeopitrhecus Afaraensis?
All science is mans observation and clearly proclaims a creator. Do you believe Darwin because he has no laws and it's therefore easier? Any and All skeletons that are Mutant and Giant are explained vividly because of the fallen's ability to procreate with any and all things and make Nephliem Giants from Women, and Mermaids from fish, and Werewolves from Dogs.
Also explains "Evil Spirits" in the book and above in first post that no demons or fallen are yet in Hell.

You know who owns the internet illuminati...
You know who owns the Schools illuminati...
Which is why you were taught this ignorant theory in school, before you could have the mental process to understand what they are saying.

Pennsylvania giant Ohio valley Great Britain nephilim
But videos won't be on the internet for long..
The Revelations is here watch the videos above. While it seems that most people here would rather be Gay with there boyfriend and believe their fairy tales of blaspheme about pond scum turning into a Human species. And deny that the Illuminati exist and embrace their lies and receive the penalty for your actions, and not have Eternal life even though Your GOD the Son of GOD willingly gave you the opportunity through his Crucifixion.

Instead of believing the conspiracy against mankind you believe the impossible lies of the illuminati of how you came to be of existence.
The Son of GOD wasn't conceived by a father or mother he was born a virgin and was with GOD before creation. GOD made creation through HIS Son

They said have developed equations to suggest rip apart molecules and make what they call a vacuum not nothing. LOL
At the heart of this work is the idea that a vacuum is not exactly nothing.

"It is better to say, following theoretical physicist Paul Dirac, that a vacuum, or nothing, is the combination of matter and antimatter -- particles and antiparticles.Their density is tremendous, but we cannot perceive any of them because their observable effects entirely cancel each other out," Sokolov said.

"The basic question what is a vacuum, and what is nothing, goes beyond science," he said. "It's embedded deeply in the base not only of theoretical physics, but of our philosophical perception of everything -- of reality, of life, even the religious question of could the world have come from nothing."

What your religion calls logic and reason for believing the impossible
1. Animals are built a certain way based on there function - LOL truth yet this screams creation not darwinism bacteria people.
2. Living matter is somewhat similar on a molecular level. -Doesn't suggest darwins theory LOL but yes organic material is somewhat similar when compared to sand, metal, water, oxygen.
3. In certain whales sometimes abnormal bone growth has been found on their pelvic bone which is a average a inch. On a eighty foot whale. And all animals and people can have abnormal growth where numerous complex bones grow. Like I had with's_disease or So this is true
You then just assume? The rest of your theory on what? LOL
From those three things you leaned that man and all living things started as the same organism? And that THE HOLY BIBLE isn't true?
WHAT! lets re-read darwins "facts" lol facts that don't suggest his theory in anyway. ^^^
Lets go over the Right whales and Sperm Whales bones again.

Your responses leave me in shame over mankind. A small growth sometimes appears in right whales and sperm whales and is typically a inch and you start to deny GOD.
Everhard Johannes Slijper (1907–1968) was professor of general zoology at Amsterdam University, Netherlands. He was the world’s leading authority on whales. Chapter 2 of his classic work is entitled ‘Evolution and External Appearance.’ In it, he talks about a bone in whales that he calls the ‘pelvic bone,’ which is some 30 centimetres (12 inches) long, ‘but unlike the pelvis of normal mammals it is not attached to the vertebral column.’ This bone serves as an anchorage for the male reproductive organs. Slijper goes on to say that sometimes ‘another small bone may be attached to it.’ Being an evolutionist, he naturally interprets this smaller piece of bone as a throw-back to the femur, or thigh bone, of the whale’s evolutionary ancestor. However, he states that in these occasional cases, the bone in question is generally 2.5 cm (just over an inch) in length, and that it is sometimes ‘fused’ with the pelvic bone.
Note how to this point he has not mentioned anything about a ‘leg’ protruding from a whale’s side. The evidence so far fits just as easily with the idea that some whales (who normally have functional bones in their pelvic region, as he admits) can be born with abnormal bits of bone. There is a complex DNA program which causes the development of the normal bone in this part of the whale’s anatomy. A mutational defect in this program could easily cause one or more extra pieces of bone to form, which would almost inevitably be in the same region, either separate from or fused with the normal bone. In the same way, people can be born with extra fingers, ribs, nipples, etc. If this should extend to two extra pieces of bone, no matter how misshapen or otherwise these were, enthusiastic evolutionists would no doubt interpret one additional piece of bone as a ‘femur,’ and any second one would be labeled a ‘tibia’ (shin bone). Sure enough, Slijper refers to an occasional third bony structure attached to what he has already called a ‘femur’ and labels it as a ‘tibia.’ It occurs in some Right whales and occasionally in some Sperm whales.

Lets talk about some of the impossible things you claim happen because of those three things you observed in the world.
Like my marijuana, you think this seed came from a germ. And it can appear from nothing. And it happens over time.
And Light and water and man and women who physical design is completely exposed to the elements and if we were to attempt to live like "animals" we would die, from too much sun exposure or frostbite and hypothermia. But you claim that we are all one super organism and mankind just decided to do what?Mankind is completely different WOW mankind must of been thinking some happy thoughts? Do thoughts change species form one to another? You are claiming that, Claiming that and then that "law" suddenly changed.
And elephants decided to want to be big? How? Did the "think real big?
This is painful that people believe this blaspheme trash. I think the only reason is because their pride of "i'm perfect and do nothing wrong" contradicts with the truth so they just choose not to involve themselves with the truth, the unavoidable, unstoppable, impending truth.
And light and water and man and women the sun and moon, clouds... and you think these germs can do all these things and leave no evidence and just stop coming from nothing and you don't question how they could do this? Or where they came from? Or why you are physically made the way you are?
And that these germs that have always been here somehow seem to have stopped transforming into things now? And appearing from nothing? Because in reality things don't appear from nothing randomly unless it's made. Things don't switch species when becoming extinct. They just die, and people can't run into the water (us you claiming be the germs) and start to slowly grow gills over generations and become mermaids and be fish people and build Atlantis and have sharks as pets. Shark's, butterflies, scorpions you think came from this same (super organism) that became billions of species and animals based upon what they chose to do while alive. What did the butterfly do to became what it is? What about the shark? What if I want my family to start becoming butterfly people for millions of years later in generation? Best advice?
Or maybe becoming a water melon or marijuana since they are are relative in your religion, you guys got a lot of half melon people in your darwin following?
This is reality not something George Lucas or Steven Spielberg wrote.

Real questions for you^
And you choose to ignore and deny all of these facts because..
Because creatures develop abnormalities on there bone!! Not everyone but some in rare occasions
Also I asked people if they smoked marijuana because from my experience people who don't worship GOD can't handle the increase cognitive thoughts that are as associated with marijuana.
bho poison hash doesn't count as marijuana your smoking poison
you not getting high you're getting poisoned. Obviously some illuminati idea to kill smokers or to have BHO kill kids so marijuana can become illegal again.

"You think because GOD ALMIGHTY is the beginning and the end, you can state that the universe can be the same because it's following the same principal? That's completely erroneous.
GOD made the Laws of Physics and is not bound by them.
Before the beginning GOD was.
Matter lacks the ability to create something from nothing, and is bond by the Laws of Physics.

Ceepea : "No, matter has always existed in some form or another. We have no reason to believe matter can be created or destroyed. "

Me:- If matter is here it got created do you have proof that something is able to come from nothing? EXACTLY


Feel free to print off anything and show people the ignorance of this occult religion with impossible statements they claim.

Although many won't care like I said, they have only chosen this religion because this religion promotes homosexuality and sexual perversion.
NOT BECAUSE IT'S POSSIBLE Turn back to page 76 to see Revelations happening now and watch the videos and click the links.

How many of you aren't freemasons or satanist out of Ceepea, Penofrdywriter, TylerDurden, mushroombandit.
People who take hours and hours out of their lives to spam a thread about the truth of mankind surely has a agenda.

My visions which corresponds with the Blood Moons of Revelations. Posted in this thread after it happened.
I was racking sawdust up from my yard from the chopping of wood, while I was pushing the wheelbarrow to the burn pit to empty the saw dust, I was looking at all the stars and the amazing and awesome creation that has been made. I then stated "Glory to GOD, and His Son Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever." Immediately after saying this I saw what I can only attempt to describe to you as a explosion in the sky. The explosion was not light like I have seen before, but absolute whiteness whiter then snow. While the explosion seemed to appear to start to the right of me within a fraction of a second it covered the whole sky.
Once the whole sky was covered, the sky returned to normal. I used the term explosion but I will attempt to describe in more detail. When one throws a rock into the water and observes the ripples like this picture here the ripples start at once concentrated spot and then reach out passing by. This is what I saw, a concentrated location distribute absolute whiteness. Not light so one can see, but non transparent whiteness whiter then snow, to the likes I have never seen. Glory to GOD, and Jesus Christ who GOD has made a GOD and has given him authority over us. I hope you all find safety in Jesus Christ before the power destroys evil forever.

Once one has asked for repentance, one should act as though one is forgiven, because one is, and believe the power that GOD has over sin.

Then this happened!
I was worshiping GOD and HIS SON, LORD JESUS CHRIST our LORD AND GOD. And when I was done with my prayer I started to walk towards the door to leave my room. Suddenly my vision just faded away and within seconds I was completely blind. I reached my hand to my wall so I wouldn't fall, I then said "I can't see" then something happened to me beyond words can explain but I will attempt. My cognitive thoughts reached a level of focus and peace that was baffling, I then said "Who am I?" Because suddenly I felt my soul without confusion, or interruption of any kind. Immediately after saying this....(still blind) I saw Giant buildings made of pearl that were all cut of one giant pearl, they were on both sides of me, leading down a long long path. They were so tall I couldn't see a end to them. And there was a path or road made of gold, not bricks of gold but one smooth casting. And the light was unlike any light I have seen, there was also no place where the light didn't shine as in, I saw no shadows anywhere. I saw this vision for literally like 1 to 2 seconds. Then I felt my soul like settle in my body and over the next ten to fifteen seconds I got my vision back again. I'm in a state of permanent awe.
I am a young man, I had a vision just like THE HOLY BIBLE stated.
Hallelujah don't ignore the signs! Seek repentance now get saved!

Major changes for Israel! Right on time with the tetrad blood moons which are happening now! Every time we have a blood moon tetrad major changes happen for Israel!
The beginning of the End is now, Revelations is now. Get saved by GOD JESUS CHRIST, Son of THE HOLY CREATOR.
MORE Prophecy being fulfilled NOW! Revelations NOW!

What you have missed, because it was hidden. Staged events.

then - Now he is a Dictator. Dictator- a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force.

There preparation fulfilling prophecy. - Pope declares to do away with THE HOLY BIBLE and to create one world Religion. All major denominations agreed. Beware the Church's. ( Also they are taking things out of context when you watch the video you will see) When He say's by grace of GOD we are saved alone not by works, this is true but once you're saved you can't live in sin or when you meet GOD ALLMIGHTY you will be evil and be destroyed. LORD JESUS CHRIST said
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

 page.html Bill past in 1991 in preparation Guillotines made legal for execution in USA,
Head transplants now possible, 30,000 Guillotines ordered. - Picture of new Guillotines

Pray to the Son of GOD for FORGIVNESS He accepts those with a true heart. Who mean it..
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 23-24
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You stole your vision from john's revelation......

'Giant buildings made of pearl that were all cut of one giant pearl, they were on both sides of me, leading down a long long path. They were so tall I couldn't see a end to them. And there was a path or road made of gold, not bricks of gold but one smooth casting. And the light was unlike any light I have seen, there was also no place where the light didn't shine as in, I saw no shadows anywhere.'

'And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.
22And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. 23And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.'
I have read Revelations but not recently and haven't made the connection but YES I was there I saw it.
This is so Awesome. Now is the time, young men get saved and you might have visions.. You won't regret it.

You know who owns the internet illuminati...
You know who owns the Schools illuminati...
Which is why you were taught this ignorant theory in school, before you could have the mental process to understand what they are saying.

Pennsylvania giant Ohio valley Great Britain nephilim
But videos won't be on the internet for long..
The Revelations is here watch the videos above. While it seems that most people here would rather be Gay with there boyfriend and believe their fairy tales of blaspheme about pond scum turning into a Human species. And deny that the Illuminati exist and embrace their lies and receive the penalty for your actions, and not have Eternal life even though Your GOD the Son of GOD willingly gave you the opportunity through his Crucifixion.

Instead of believing the conspiracy against mankind you believe the impossible lies of the illuminati of how you came to be of existence.
I think this is all interesting honestly, I simply refuse to know impossible truth. For all I know, I might forego my experience with logic and the illuminati if I had a tactile experience, as you seem to have, with god. The problem when you are certain about the mysterious is that you have lost curiousity. Fiction and fact merge and you actually believe that you can know so much.
Darwinism is impossible I will quote a previous post sorry I lol so much at you guys I don't know how else to respond to your insults. I will stop doing that from now on.
You have been born into the Matrix of illuminati Anti Christ brainwashing... Lies, propaganda, desensitization, brainwashing. In the Schools, Music Industry, and the Church's.
Revelations is unfolding now Read post 1527
The Son of GOD wasn't conceived by a father or mother he was born a virgin and was with GOD before creation. GOD made creation through HIS Son

They said have developed equations to suggest rip apart molecules and make what they call a vacuum not nothing. LOL
At the heart of this work is the idea that a vacuum is not exactly nothing.

"It is better to say, following theoretical physicist Paul Dirac, that a vacuum, or nothing, is the combination of matter and antimatter -- particles and antiparticles.Their density is tremendous, but we cannot perceive any of them because their observable effects entirely cancel each other out," Sokolov said.

"The basic question what is a vacuum, and what is nothing, goes beyond science," he said. "It's embedded deeply in the base not only of theoretical physics, but of our philosophical perception of everything -- of reality, of life, even the religious question of could the world have come from nothing."

What your religion calls logic and reason for believing the impossible
1. Animals are built a certain way based on there function - LOL truth yet this screams creation not darwinism bacteria people.
2. Living matter is somewhat similar on a molecular level. -Doesn't suggest darwins theory LOL but yes organic material is somewhat similar when compared to sand, metal, water, oxygen.
3. In certain whales sometimes abnormal bone growth has been found on their pelvic bone which is a average a inch. On a eighty foot whale. And all animals and people can have abnormal growth where numerous complex bones grow. Like I had with's_disease or So this is true
You then just assume? The rest of your theory on what? LOL
From those three things you leaned that man and all living things started as the same organism? And that THE HOLY BIBLE isn't true?
WHAT! lets re-read darwins "facts" lol facts that don't suggest his theory in anyway. ^^^
Lets go over the Right whales and Sperm Whales bones again.

Your responses leave me in shame over mankind. A small growth sometimes appears in right whales and sperm whales and is typically a inch and you start to deny GOD.
Everhard Johannes Slijper (1907–1968) was professor of general zoology at Amsterdam University, Netherlands. He was the world’s leading authority on whales. Chapter 2 of his classic work is entitled ‘Evolution and External Appearance.’ In it, he talks about a bone in whales that he calls the ‘pelvic bone,’ which is some 30 centimetres (12 inches) long, ‘but unlike the pelvis of normal mammals it is not attached to the vertebral column.’ This bone serves as an anchorage for the male reproductive organs. Slijper goes on to say that sometimes ‘another small bone may be attached to it.’ Being an evolutionist, he naturally interprets this smaller piece of bone as a throw-back to the femur, or thigh bone, of the whale’s evolutionary ancestor. However, he states that in these occasional cases, the bone in question is generally 2.5 cm (just over an inch) in length, and that it is sometimes ‘fused’ with the pelvic bone.
Note how to this point he has not mentioned anything about a ‘leg’ protruding from a whale’s side. The evidence so far fits just as easily with the idea that some whales (who normally have functional bones in their pelvic region, as he admits) can be born with abnormal bits of bone. There is a complex DNA program which causes the development of the normal bone in this part of the whale’s anatomy. A mutational defect in this program could easily cause one or more extra pieces of bone to form, which would almost inevitably be in the same region, either separate from or fused with the normal bone. In the same way, people can be born with extra fingers, ribs, nipples, etc. If this should extend to two extra pieces of bone, no matter how misshapen or otherwise these were, enthusiastic evolutionists would no doubt interpret one additional piece of bone as a ‘femur,’ and any second one would be labeled a ‘tibia’ (shin bone). Sure enough, Slijper refers to an occasional third bony structure attached to what he has already called a ‘femur’ and labels it as a ‘tibia.’ It occurs in some Right whales and occasionally in some Sperm whales.

Lets talk about some of the impossible things you claim happen because of those three things you observed in the world.
Like my marijuana, you think this seed came from a germ. And it can appear from nothing. And it happens over time.
And Light and water and man and women who physical design is completely exposed to the elements and if we were to attempt to live like "animals" we would die, from too much sun exposure or frostbite and hypothermia. But you claim that we are all one super organism and mankind just decided to do what?Mankind is completely different WOW mankind must of been thinking some happy thoughts? Do thoughts change species form one to another? You are claiming that, Claiming that and then that "law" suddenly changed.
And elephants decided to want to be big? How? Did the "think real big?
This is painful that people believe this blaspheme trash. I think the only reason is because their pride of "i'm perfect and do nothing wrong" contradicts with the truth so they just choose not to involve themselves with the truth, the unavoidable, unstoppable, impending truth.
And light and water and man and women the sun and moon, clouds... and you think these germs can do all these things and leave no evidence and just stop coming from nothing and you don't question how they could do this? Or where they came from? Or why you are physically made the way you are?
And that these germs that have always been here somehow seem to have stopped transforming into things now? And appearing from nothing? Because in reality things don't appear from nothing randomly unless it's made. Things don't switch species when becoming extinct. They just die, and people can't run into the water (us you claiming be the germs) and start to slowly grow gills over generations and become mermaids and be fish people and build Atlantis and have sharks as pets. Shark's, butterflies, scorpions you think came from this same (super organism) that became billions of species and animals based upon what they chose to do while alive. What did the butterfly do to became what it is? What about the shark? What if I want my family to start becoming butterfly people for millions of years later in generation? Best advice?
Or maybe becoming a water melon or marijuana since they are are relative in your religion, you guys got a lot of half melon people in your darwin following?
This is reality not something George Lucas or Steven Spielberg wrote.

Real questions for you^
And you choose to ignore and deny all of these facts because..
Because creatures develop abnormalities on there bone!! Not everyone but some in rare occasions
Also I asked people if they smoked marijuana because from my experience people who don't worship GOD can't handle the increase cognitive thoughts that are as associated with marijuana.
bho poison hash doesn't count as marijuana your smoking poison
you not getting high you're getting poisoned. Obviously some illuminati idea to kill smokers or to have BHO kill kids so marijuana can become illegal again.

"You think because GOD ALMIGHTY is the beginning and the end, you can state that the universe can be the same because it's following the same principal? That's completely erroneous.
GOD made the Laws of Physics and is not bound by them.
Before the beginning GOD was.
Matter lacks the ability to create something from nothing, and is bond by the Laws of Physics.

Ceepea : "No, matter has always existed in some form or another. We have no reason to believe matter can be created or destroyed. "

Me:- If matter is here it got created do you have proof that something is able to come from nothing? EXACTLY


Feel free to print off anything and show people the ignorance of this occult religion with impossible statements they claim.

Although many won't care like I said, they have only chosen this religion because this religion promotes homosexuality and sexual perversion.
NOT BECAUSE IT'S POSSIBLE Turn back to page 76 to see Revelations happening now and watch the videos and click the links.

How many of you aren't freemasons or satanist out of Ceepea, Penofrdywriter, TylerDurden, mushroombandit.
People who take hours and hours out of their lives to spam a thread about the truth of mankind surely has a agenda.
Last edited:
Revelations is now... CHOOSE your side


The Son of GOD wasn't conceived by a father or mother he was born a virgin and was with GOD before creation. GOD made creation through HIS Son

They said have developed equations to suggest rip apart molecules and make what they call a vacuum not nothing. LOL
At the heart of this work is the idea that a vacuum is not exactly nothing.

"It is better to say, following theoretical physicist Paul Dirac, that a vacuum, or nothing, is the combination of matter and antimatter -- particles and antiparticles.Their density is tremendous, but we cannot perceive any of them because their observable effects entirely cancel each other out," Sokolov said.

"The basic question what is a vacuum, and what is nothing, goes beyond science," he said. "It's embedded deeply in the base not only of theoretical physics, but of our philosophical perception of everything -- of reality, of life, even the religious question of could the world have come from nothing."

What your religion calls logic and reason for believing the impossible
1. Animals are built a certain way based on there function - LOL truth yet this screams creation not darwinism bacteria people.
2. Living matter is somewhat similar on a molecular level. -Doesn't suggest darwins theory LOL but yes organic material is somewhat similar when compared to sand, metal, water, oxygen.
3. In certain whales sometimes abnormal bone growth has been found on their pelvic bone which is a average a inch. On a eighty foot whale. And all animals and people can have abnormal growth where numerous complex bones grow. Like I had with's_disease or So this is true
You then just assume? The rest of your theory on what? LOL
From those three things you leaned that man and all living things started as the same organism? And that THE HOLY BIBLE isn't true?
WHAT! lets re-read darwins "facts" lol facts that don't suggest his theory in anyway. ^^^
Lets go over the Right whales and Sperm Whales bones again.

Your responses leave me in shame over mankind. A small growth sometimes appears in right whales and sperm whales and is typically a inch and you start to deny GOD.
Everhard Johannes Slijper (1907–1968) was professor of general zoology at Amsterdam University, Netherlands. He was the world’s leading authority on whales. Chapter 2 of his classic work is entitled ‘Evolution and External Appearance.’ In it, he talks about a bone in whales that he calls the ‘pelvic bone,’ which is some 30 centimetres (12 inches) long, ‘but unlike the pelvis of normal mammals it is not attached to the vertebral column.’ This bone serves as an anchorage for the male reproductive organs. Slijper goes on to say that sometimes ‘another small bone may be attached to it.’ Being an evolutionist, he naturally interprets this smaller piece of bone as a throw-back to the femur, or thigh bone, of the whale’s evolutionary ancestor. However, he states that in these occasional cases, the bone in question is generally 2.5 cm (just over an inch) in length, and that it is sometimes ‘fused’ with the pelvic bone.
Note how to this point he has not mentioned anything about a ‘leg’ protruding from a whale’s side. The evidence so far fits just as easily with the idea that some whales (who normally have functional bones in their pelvic region, as he admits) can be born with abnormal bits of bone. There is a complex DNA program which causes the development of the normal bone in this part of the whale’s anatomy. A mutational defect in this program could easily cause one or more extra pieces of bone to form, which would almost inevitably be in the same region, either separate from or fused with the normal bone. In the same way, people can be born with extra fingers, ribs, nipples, etc. If this should extend to two extra pieces of bone, no matter how misshapen or otherwise these were, enthusiastic evolutionists would no doubt interpret one additional piece of bone as a ‘femur,’ and any second one would be labeled a ‘tibia’ (shin bone). Sure enough, Slijper refers to an occasional third bony structure attached to what he has already called a ‘femur’ and labels it as a ‘tibia.’ It occurs in some Right whales and occasionally in some Sperm whales.

Lets talk about some of the impossible things you claim happen because of those three things you observed in the world.
Like my marijuana, you think this seed came from a germ. And it can appear from nothing. And it happens over time.
And Light and water and man and women who physical design is completely exposed to the elements and if we were to attempt to live like "animals" we would die, from too much sun exposure or frostbite and hypothermia. But you claim that we are all one super organism and mankind just decided to do what?Mankind is completely different WOW mankind must of been thinking some happy thoughts? Do thoughts change species form one to another? You are claiming that, Claiming that and then that "law" suddenly changed.
And elephants decided to want to be big? How? Did the "think real big?
This is painful that people believe this blaspheme trash. I think the only reason is because their pride of "i'm perfect and do nothing wrong" contradicts with the truth so they just choose not to involve themselves with the truth, the unavoidable, unstoppable, impending truth.
And light and water and man and women the sun and moon, clouds... and you think these germs can do all these things and leave no evidence and just stop coming from nothing and you don't question how they could do this? Or where they came from? Or why you are physically made the way you are?
And that these germs that have always been here somehow seem to have stopped transforming into things now? And appearing from nothing? Because in reality things don't appear from nothing randomly unless it's made. Things don't switch species when becoming extinct. They just die, and people can't run into the water (us you claiming be the germs) and start to slowly grow gills over generations and become mermaids and be fish people and build Atlantis and have sharks as pets. Shark's, butterflies, scorpions you think came from this same (super organism) that became billions of species and animals based upon what they chose to do while alive. What did the butterfly do to became what it is? What about the shark? What if I want my family to start becoming butterfly people for millions of years later in generation? Best advice?
Or maybe becoming a water melon or marijuana since they are are relative in your religion, you guys got a lot of half melon people in your darwin following?
This is reality not something George Lucas or Steven Spielberg wrote.

Real questions for you^
And you choose to ignore and deny all of these facts because..
Because creatures develop abnormalities on there bone!! Not everyone but some in rare occasions
Also I asked people if they smoked marijuana because from my experience people who don't worship GOD can't handle the increase cognitive thoughts that are as associated with marijuana.
bho poison hash doesn't count as marijuana your smoking poison
you not getting high you're getting poisoned. Obviously some illuminati idea to kill smokers or to have BHO kill kids so marijuana can become illegal again.

"You think because GOD ALMIGHTY is the beginning and the end, you can state that the universe can be the same because it's following the same principal? That's completely erroneous.
GOD made the Laws of Physics and is not bound by them.
Before the beginning GOD was.
Matter lacks the ability to create something from nothing, and is bond by the Laws of Physics.

Ceepea : "No, matter has always existed in some form or another. We have no reason to believe matter can be created or destroyed. "

Me:- If matter is here it got created do you have proof that something is able to come from nothing? EXACTLY


Feel free to print off anything and show people the ignorance of this occult religion with impossible statements they claim.

Although many won't care like I said, they have only chosen this religion because this religion promotes homosexuality and sexual perversion.
NOT BECAUSE IT'S POSSIBLE Turn back to page 76 to see Revelations happening now and watch the videos and click the links.

How many of you aren't freemasons or satanist out of Ceepea, Penofrdywriter, TylerDurden, mushroombandit.
People who take hours and hours out of their lives to spam a thread about the truth of mankind surely has a agenda.