The forbidden TRUTH

GD, I just found out that not all YT videos contain valid information. Some even suggest that some YT videos are filled with misinformation and outright lies! I was like, 'Get the fuck out of here, really???' My question to you is, how does one go about discerning the videos that contain valid, peer reviewed info, from the ones that are almost completely erroneous? I'd love to know your method, please explain. Thank you...
So when is the pope going to apologize for endorsing the global genocide against cannabis users? Last i checked (which was quite recently) he still thinks it "should remain illegal."

Not that his apology would suffice... but he should still apologize anyway, IMO.
So when is the pope going to apologize for endorsing the global genocide against cannabis users? Last i checked (which was quite recently) he still thinks it "should remain illegal."

Not that his apology would suffice... but he should still apologize anyway, IMO.

how about everyone just ignores the fucker? lets invade the vatican and take the loot... might boost the economy a bit.

Don't be dismayed and discouraged by the title.
This video will literally change your life.
Explain this video "Ceepea" and gay spam doesn't explain anything but your seriousness of the situation.
WATCH around 53:50 just so you realize I'm not kidding to see live NASA video footage, I'm sure then this video will gain your interest and you will then want to watch a Film the same Length as a typical movie. Except this "movie" will change your perception of who you are.
Just because something is unknown doesn't mean you get to say it's god or god did it.

You have zero scientific literacy but love to pine in about scientific subjects. Virtually every video you've posted has been laughable at best, and I've already explained that your vids have either been faked or are stupid conspiracy theories.

You have zero ability to think critically, and your posts are proof.

If that 'movie' changes anyone life, it's because they're a gullible idiot just like you, GD.
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GD, I just found out that not all YT videos contain valid information. Some even suggest that some YT videos are filled with misinformation and outright lies! I was like, 'Get the fuck out of here, really???' My question to you is, how does one go about discerning the videos that contain valid, peer reviewed info, from the ones that are almost completely erroneous? I'd love to know your method, please explain. Thank you...
THINK :idea:


GD, I just found out that not all YT videos contain valid information. Some even suggest that some YT videos are filled with misinformation and outright lies! I was like, 'Get the fuck out of here, really???' My question to you is, how does one go about discerning the videos that contain valid, peer reviewed info, from the ones that are almost completely erroneous? I'd love to know your method, please explain. Thank you...
FROM 11:30 to 11:50 is SOOooo blasphemously wrong it's one of the worst things I have ever heard, but it's on T.V so it's expected that even when they reveal things to you it's just to manipulate you...Their "interpretation" is WRONG and I'm quite sure they did it on purpose LOL. Yes WE are GOD ALLMIGHTYS Child, however LORD JESUS CHRIST is GOD's ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, and OUR GOD. READ the GOSPEL for YOURSELF
The bible is proof of the Christian god in the same way that the Quran is proof of the Muslim god, or the Tipitaka is proof of Buddha.

Old books =/= proof.
GD, I just found out that not all YT videos contain valid information. Some even suggest that some YT videos are filled with misinformation and outright lies! I was like, 'Get the fuck out of here, really???' My question to you is, how does one go about discerning the videos that contain valid, peer reviewed info, from the ones that are almost completely erroneous? I'd love to know your method, please explain. Thank you...
be dismayed and discouraged by the title. This video will literally change your life. WATCH around 53:50 just so you realize I'm not kidding to see live NASA video footage, I'm sure then this video will gain your interest and you will then want to watch a Film the same Length as a typical movie. Except this "movie" will change your perception of who you are. I do Disagree slightly with how He mentions "Demons attacking" in revelations I only remember THE LORD's army not satan's however the majority of population will be on satans side, they will be Anti- CHRIST and arresting the Christians who believe THE HOLY BIBLE.

I am however shocked at the advanced technology in Noah's time however I shouldn't be when I think about it.
GD mentions the shockingly advanced tech of Noah's time. Hmmmm.... let's see.... boats with no oars, sails or rudders. Well, I suppose he's right. That's pretty blowing stuff right there. I guess Noah was reported to have a bit of a drinking problem though wasn't he?
GD mentions the shockingly advanced tech of Noah's time. Hmmmm.... let's see.... boats with no oars, sails or rudders. Well, I suppose he's right. That's pretty blowing stuff right there. I guess Noah was reported to have a bit of a drinking problem though wasn't he?

Clearly you didn't watch the video further more Noah did not have a "drinking problem" if you're referring to the two men that came in his tent while he was sleeping so they could see Noah naked, How is that Noah's fault?

I drink wine, and if I'm in my own room or tent and I decide to sleep naked, lets say the blanket falls off and in the middle of the night some robber comes in and sees my naked that's his bad. I didn't walk into His room naked in the middle of the night, If someone walks into the shower and sees you naked is that your fault? (unless you didn't lock the) Understand now?

The fact he was drinking wine is mentioned because of his deep sleep not because he did anything wrong.

GOD made wine
GOD made marijuana
GOD intends on people to use both of these things.
But not to abuse them by excessive drinking and making BHO hash oil that ruins your mind.
@GD. The first significant act of record by Noah after the ark landed was planting a vinyard. The second was getting passout drunk on the wine from it. A vinyard would need some time for cultivation before it is capable of producing a harvest worth pressing and fermenting. Apparently in all this time Noah did nothing of note except trying to get alcohol poisoning. Thats a problem to me. Now, it was Noah's son Ham (not just some guy) who saw his nakedness. Ham did not simply see and leave. He told his brothers about it and they in turn took steps to handle the situation properly. Ham fucked up bad enough to get his SON Canaan cursed by Noah. There is no crime in a "simple accident" of this nature as you so simple midedly stated. There was some, apparently serious infraction comitted there. Ham took some sort of perverted pleasure at the sight that he beheld (not necessarily sexual but who knows). So, these are the folks your God deemed the only humans "righteous" enough to survive a global genocide. Your God has serious fucking issues and so do you for considering him to be perfection. Have a nice day. And yes, I did not waste any time on your video.
@GD. So do you think YOU understand now, junior? Leave the dipshit U-Boob vids alone and spend the time schooling yourself instead of letting others do it fer ya, boy.