The forbidden TRUTH

What you have missed, because it was hidden. Staged events.

then -
Now he is a Dictator. Dictator- a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force.

After Obama passes gets through crashing the American Dollar with his many ways.... Like the child immigration Bill for over 2 billion dollars, Obama care, New War with Israel ( THE HOLY LAND WHICH WAS PREDICTED in THE BLOOD MOONS) And after He removes the weapons from civilians in America which is he is doing now American will be forced to join this One World Order That other Country's like France, and Australia said they wanted. Who will run the World? Most likely the Richest and powerful person....THE POPE this is a video posted below the Blood Moons showing the Popes New One World religion that declares to do away with "doctrine" which is THE HOLY BIBLE the word of GOD. This is the spirit of the Anti Christ

- Pope declares to do away with THE HOLY BIBLE and to create one world Religion. All major denominations agreed. Beware the Church's. ( Also they are taking things out of context when you watch the video you will see) When He say's by grace of GOD we are saved alone not by works, this is true but once you're saved you can't live in sin or when you meet GOD ALLMIGHTY you will be evil and be destroyed. LORD JESUS CHRIST said
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

 page.html Bill past in 1991 in preparation

Fema Camps Guillotines lobbied for legal for execution in USA,
Head transplants now possible
30,000 Guillotines ordered? - Picture of new Guillotines

Pray to the Son of GOD for FORGIVNESS He accepts those with a true heart. Who mean it..

24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 23-24

"But thanks to media hype, and a never ending barrage of propaganda from this government, 56 percent of Americans when polled said they actually believe gun crimes are at an all-time high. Only 12 percent thought they were lower, even though every statistic available shows they are actually at an all time low."- Yahoo News

" please explain how in this country the cities with the highest crime rates have the toughest gun laws?" - Random Comment and makes valid point.

One World Government
crashing American Dollar[/QUOTE]
P.S. The picture of the guillotine is an art piece. Notice the 'chanel' marking on the side?

Yeah, the US gov is using imported 'Chanel' guillotines..... asshat.
You're surprised that posting the exact same post multiple times is catching the attention of the mods? You really are dumb....

Should be an easy job for mods in this section, as GD/N420 threads are the only ones in which this occurs. All other members seem to understand that repeating oneself does not increase the validity of their misinformation...
GD, I just found out that not all YT videos contain valid information. Some even suggest that some YT videos are filled with misinformation and outright lies! I was like, 'Get the fuck out of here, really???' My question to you is, how does one go about discerning the videos that contain valid, peer reviewed info, from the ones that are almost completely erroneous? I'd love to know your method, please explain. Thank you...
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GD, I just found out that not all YT videos contain valid information. Some even suggest that some YT videos are filled with misinformation and outright lies! I was like, 'Get the fuck out of here, really???' My question to you is, how does one go about discerning the videos that contain valid, peer reviewed info, from the ones that are almost completely erroneous? I'd love to know your method, please explain. Thank you...
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GD, I just found out that not all YT videos contain valid information. Some even suggest that some YT videos are filled with misinformation and outright lies! I was like, 'Get the fuck out of here, really???' My question to you is, how does one go about discerning the videos that contain valid, peer reviewed info, from the ones that are almost completely erroneous? I'd love to know how your method, please explain. Thank you...