The forbidden TRUTH

Obama let in Guerilla Forces from other Country's especially Russia which we are now at war with. Jade Helm "Human Domain" is more then a drill.
Texas vs The Shape Shifter Illuminati Army lol!
The logo is "Master The Human Domain" lol and it has a sword and arrow in the shape of a pentagram with a wooden Nazi prison torture shoe used in the prison execution camps.
I don't care what technology they horde they are stupid little demons...
You should just let a monkey run the evil empire..
Give him multiple choice and have him point or something lol
You fail all the time..

Yeah I'm not surprised if there are fake ones, however you didn't hear anything like that in the video I took.

The Illumin-naughty does a lot of disinformation.

I know about "Red State" and I plan on doing a post sometime to explain more about their conniving ways. lol

This sound is interesting recorded in Canada

Towns are hearing this, cities of people lol

That's what I'm talking about, the Illumin-naughty puts such little effort into things. "Total debunking" no not at all...
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I got some shocking news stay tuned...

Really shocking....

Also there is a lot of disinformation out there so I have some updates/corrections on the Hollow Earth, so I will get to that when I'm confident I have the right information. Also a few other thins that I will mention/show....
I got some shocking news stay tuned...

Really shocking....

Also there is a lot of disinformation out there so I have some updates/corrections on the Hollow Earth, so I will get to that when I'm confident I have the right information. Also a few other thins that I will mention/show....

Hilarious. I assure you that your confidence in the information you post is yours alone...
This was the original..... Lightning hit the PA system at a ball game.

You can hear the EXACT same noises in each video, at the EXACT same time frames....

People stripped the audio out, and copied into other videos. It's a fact.
Yeah I'm not surprised if there are fake ones, however you didn't hear anything like that in the video I took.

The Illumin-naughty does a lot of disinformation.

I know about "Red State" and I plan on doing a post sometime to explain more about their conniving ways. lol

This sound is interesting recorded in Canada

Towns are hearing this, cities of people lol

That's what I'm talking about, the Illumin-naughty puts such little effort into things. "Total debunking" no not at all...

Did you skip over this?
It's going to take me a little bit to finish the big project I'm working on however in the meantime lets talk about the upcoming preparations for Martial Law.

Lets talk about Jade Helm 15

Martial Law may look something like this notice the guy chopping off Christians heads is wearing a Freemason apron? notice the women giving her son the mark of the beast? Notice the triangles?
Think this triangle is a coincidence? Nope watch this
Texas vs The Shape Shifter Illuminati Army lol!
The logo is "Master The Human Domain" lol and it has a sword and arrow in the shape of a pentagram with a wooden Nazi prison torture shoe used in the prison execution camps.
I don't care what technology they horde they are stupid little demons...
You should just let a monkey run the evil empire..
Give him multiple choice and have him point or something lol
You fail all the time..

So much happening all over the World, so many signs, GOD is coming to see the people and demons of this Earth personally. Don't be at war with the Omnipotent All Powerful Holy Creator LORD JESUS CHRIST
See the signs? Don't forget Iran is getting nukes because of Obama's new "Deal" and 50 Billion Dollars from America.
Russia is also supplying Iran with high tech weapon missile system. http://www.aljazeera...3180038692.html
Jade Helm 15 is the preparation to enact the N.D.A.A act which is Martial Law to impose the mark of the beast after GOD arrives.
My GOD is coming here to see all of you personally...
Here is a shorter clip from the meeting
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The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 already happened lol September 11th already happened. Do you want to know the next plan?
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It's going to take me a little bit to finish the big project I'm working on however in the meantime lets talk about the upcoming preparations for Martial Law.

Lets talk about Jade Helm 15

Martial Law may look something like this notice the guy chopping off Christians heads is wearing a Freemason apron? notice the women giving her son the mark of the beast? Notice the triangles?
Think this triangle is a coincidence? Nope watch this
Lets focus on this subject for a while, I would like to know your opinions.
So what do you think is going to happen?
Any deaths?
Or just a Martial Law training and psychological conditioning for civilians?
Look at this http://www.veteranst...mps-in-america/
lol Nazi camp hidden message in the logo

"Georgia Guide Stones" plan http://en.wikipedia....gia_Guidestones

It's funny how the "Illuminati" act like they plan everything, and are on some type of schedule yet GOD is coming to crash their final plan.