The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
I am having a hard time deciding which T-shirts to choose for my Hashish and Charas collection.
So I may as well ask for your opinion, critics, etc.

This one is my OG line

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
You have to give me more than that guys, I need full critics here. Pretty please.....
The Frenchy Cannoli for Women will be a go, waiting for Mzz Jill feedback, I kind of made that one thinking of her and all the Mizzies in our life.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
Eden Hash Center was THE Coffee Shop in Nepal, this is a reproduction based on original calendar with misspelling and all. It is a piece of history for anybody who was in Nepal in the 70. I am trying to create T-shirts with appealing design and a deeper meaning that "connoisseurs/old timers" will appreciate but you don't need to get it all to enjoy


Well-Known Member
K here it is frenchy the ocean grown because it shows off the Beauty of the cannabis flower it's up front and like BAM! This is what I'm about.

the Eden hash center one because it looks "professional" something you could wear out to eat somewhere and still not get bad looks by the non believers.

The woman ouh la la is sweet! any hot girl wearing that will def get my attention.

Im based on the there's a time and place for certain things. I always rep cannabis wherever I go but there's sometimes I'm around people who don't appreciate the plant yet, and I wouldn't want to be walking around with a cannabis flower on shirt. That's where the Eden hash shirt comes in I'm still reppin what I believe in but just not in your face. I would like respect for what I believe in and I will respect others beliefs as well. Even if I think it's wrong of them.

I have no clue how many your trying to weed out to select from but they all are shirts I would wear frenchy!

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
Thanks Beuffer, appreciate the comment
I am not really trying to weed more like which one first, second, etc. I do not have the money to do them all, I need to space myself some


Well-Known Member
Your welcome,

as far as which one first I guess that depends on you, I'll still support yas no matter which shirt. I do really like the graphics on the Eden hash shirt though and the bottom captioning that's written there.


Well-Known Member
With the new ones up frenchy the very first pic smiley face one is stellar! I like the how it names afghanistan and the others. Kind of like hash history I guess you could call it, the" roots"