The Great San Pedro Cactus Hunt

You guys ever eat a peyote button? how many do I eat?

depends on the size, six to twelve medium ones are quite an adventure. Last time I had them there must have been 100 in a large pot of simmering broth, a coffee cup and a half was way enough.

nothing I would ever recommend to anyone who can't choke down mushrooms though, tasted pretty bad
Where is live it seems everyone grows it in their front down the street and just see cactus for the picking... the abundance of it makes it my favorite halicinagen yet
Very interested in this but I'm still hesitant about the internet ordering thing. Peyote is illegal in every way any salts, seeds, and/or extracts (via erowid). Unless you are native american and have religious rights?
That would be awesome I'd love to add them to my seed collection.

Erowid on peyote: The CSA states:
(22) Peyote Meaning all parts of the plant presently classified botanically as Lophophora williamsii Lemaire, whether growing or not, the seeds thereof, any extract from any part of such plant, and every compound, manufacture, salts, derivative, mixture, or preparation of such plant, its seeds or extracts (Interprets 21 USC 812(c), Schedule I(c) (12))​
Where is live it seems everyone grows it in their front down the street and just see cactus for the picking... the abundance of it makes it my favorite halicinagen yet

Do you just steal em from people's yards? that would be kinda messed up
Ehhh, that swim can be a real piece of work ill tell ya...but try to be concious to not destroy the cactus, or be that noticable, some of the larger ones you cant even tell a arm been sniped
Anybody see the movie Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus and 2012? It's about a San Pedro Cactus Hunt...

Odd little foreign indy movie, streaming on Netflix now. Worth a watch...
Anybody see the movie Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus and 2012? It's about a San Pedro Cactus Hunt...

Odd little foreign indy movie, streaming on Netflix now. Worth a watch...
I just watched this last week. Definitely a cool little movie that shows the naive about how psychedelics can promote positive change. Pretty funny too
Do you just steal em from people's yards? that would be kinda messed up
I hate stealing....however, If people have so much of it in their yard Number 1. but also Number 2. They have no fucking clue what the cactus is for.....then I would not look down upon someone who is taking a couple feet of cactus for a learning experience. ..... lol there is a large Industrial building with a huge fucking lot... like a 100 acre parking lot and giant warehouse. At the far corner of this massive lot is a giant fucking patch of San Pedro.... were talking like 100s and 100s of feet of cactus...maybe 2000sq feet and really tall patch...not really taken care of.... the cactus are stealing water from a nearby lawn and surrounding shrubs. .....Man, I am fucking tempted...but I never would... I actually feel like asking the owner if I could buy or have some...but that could go weird
It is one thing if it essentially a weed in a parking lot or an unkept area, quite another if taken from an individuals yard, especially if that individual has already said no. Bad bad things can happen when one trips on stolen trips.
Maybe I'm wrong, but if I put a dope plant in my front yard I Would half expect it to be ripe's not anyones fault people are unaware of what cactus they chose to plant right out front...although, I do think it would be messed up to take the whole thing and ruin the look of the yard, gotta draw the line somewhere
I have been taking tea for a while now... like a year solid 1-2 times a month...After I take it 45 minuts later I have the 'shits'..(can't spell diarhea ) After I shit I feel great and my stomach is settled. Actually, it feels like a cleanse more than like you are sick because you ate something bad. I have come to look forward to it.... clean out some Mc Ds burgers or some of that steak I ate over the weekend.

I have to shit on LSD and Shrooms too anyways... at least with the Tea is is like clockwork. Right at the first stimulation of the trip I have to get to a bathroom
That trip was intense bro...scared the shit outta
fuckin A man...mescaline can take a sideways turn on you. mescaline can take you into a fucking horror show...I was on my couch just plastered trying to escape from giant snakes with wild hair and demon eyes.. colorful snakes that went into my mind and swirled into exploding gyros of color....
rory, arnt you the one who took LSD and went on one of those sling shot things at amusement park? or was that skuxx