The Great San Pedro Cactus Hunt

I was always partial to 2c-i, cool visual patterns and great audios. lots of sunny days outside on that one, always a good time
how long does 2c-b last? Is that the 2c with great visuals?
I find it's on the shorter side, like an 8ish hour experience. For me the most memorable trait is the tactile effects. The visuals are nice but by no means crazy. I and E are both more visual IME.
I find it's on the shorter side, like an 8ish hour experience. For me the most memorable trait is the tactile effects. The visuals are nice but by no means crazy. I and E are both more visual IME.

I don't know if its just the differences in dosage but I have noticed with 2c-b hbr its less visual then might really have to do with doses but I know when I have hcl I definitely have more visuals...I can take like 20-25mg hcl and have nice visuals but 30-35mg hbr and barely anything maybe some breathing a tiny morphing of faces....anyone else have any experience with this?
Im still pissed I never heard of 2c until Rollitup. Why is California so far behind the drug game? Its like it found meth and said OK good enough, don't send any more drugs this way.
Im still pissed I never heard of 2c until Rollitup. Why is California so far behind the drug game? Its like it found meth and said OK good enough, don't send any more drugs this way.

Never had any problems in norcal...the shit seems to find me...go take a visit to Garberville just sit around and chat with some of the family traveling'll come to you
I don't know if its just the differences in dosage but I have noticed with 2c-b hbr its less visual then might really have to do with doses but I know when I have hcl I definitely have more visuals...I can take like 20-25mg hcl and have nice visuals but 30-35mg hbr and barely anything maybe some breathing a tiny morphing of faces....anyone else have any experience with this?
The HCl is slightly more potent but not that much. I've only had HCl so I can't really comment.
Im still pissed I never heard of 2c until Rollitup. Why is California so far behind the drug game? Its like it found meth and said OK good enough, don't send any more drugs this way.

have you tried any of the rc mesc yet? ive heard mixed reports on it, seems like something you would be interested in and its cheap as hell
I almost bought some escaline the other day but the vendor only sells large amounts..I don't need 50 grams of it!!lol
have you tried any of the rc mesc yet? ive heard mixed reports on it, seems like something you would be interested in and its cheap as hell
The M is for magic and escaline is lacking it :(
Its a decent psych but it has some enormous shoes to fill.
escaline!? do they have hrooms too? I don't know how to get RCs ... I am going to order peyote next and pray it makes it through.... I cant imagine a synthetic mescaline.... every time I trip I feel like Nature is coming out of my fingers and toes...plants take on life equal to that of human beings or any other creature....That would be weird...
I've taken mescaline in the form of whole cactus, tea, alcoholic extract, acid base extracted and synthetic. The only differences I could discern a seemed to be related to consuming the flesh or the tar. No I've never had cactus from any of the species that also produce alkaloids with slight MAOI activity which probably changes my opinion. But there's plenty of MAO-B inhibitors that would probably work to recreate the feel without the purging. Or with less. MAOIs and psychs tend to cause purging all on their own.
Oh i thought It was called escaline... minus the M.... lol sorry I am king of typos..... I had mescaline in pill form once. it could have been HCI or synthetic, great trip, no purging..... mild headache after and the next day....but that could have been from lots of things.

I love the tea so much I sont care about the purging or taste anymore. Well... the taste is hard man .. I am gritty though... I eat shrooms raw with no chaser.....I have no toe nails from long distance running ... LOl.... tea is not for everyone
And neither of them has the M... The 2cs are much better than the 4 subbed 3,5-dimethoxyPEAs. EXCEPT FOR MESCALINE!
Can't recall the exact name off the top of my head. It starts with a t, til something iirc. It's like ketamine but less enjoyable based on most accounts. If we're all talking about the same drug.
I know what you're talking about..although imp was making a joke and I was also..I've had the super K on tour..they called it 'gorilla K' twisting yummyness!!!