The Heavy Frutie Duty, The Nuken And JTR

you get a bucketfull of hash then H buddy?

sup Don,
No I didn't have a chance to run it. I was out at Sober Valley Lodge, with Charlie Sheen. We were WINNING...LOL..
Gonna make a hash run sometime this week.
Well me gal showed up here friday and let just say, we listened to a little Marvin Gaye and Barry White,,,OHH Lets Get it On....
What a weekend....
sup Don,
No I didn't have a chance to run it. I was out at Sober Valley Lodge, with Charlie Sheen. We were WINNING...LOL..
Gonna make a hash run sometime this week.
Well me gal showed up here friday and let just say, we listened to a little Marvin Gaye and Barry White,,,OHH Lets Get it On....
What a weekend....

That's good Hem glad for ya. Candy is good and liquor is quicker but I didn't know that gaye music would work too ; !)

Have a good one friend!
Spring Break?!?!?! Holy shit Hemlock how old is she anyways lol?? Move over Mr West and Mr Sheen we have another player on the scene ; !)
Spring Break?!?!?! Holy shit Hemlock how old is she anyways lol?? Move over Mr West and Mr Sheen we have another player on the scene ; !)

That HC is funny,,,LOL, shes a teacher HC,,, although I like the way ya thinkin..LOL,, I am such the PLAYER,,,LOL
However, I must get some long John top and bottom with some cammie sweats, that way I can get the good lookin girls like my man HC,,HC,,,HC