hahahah damn bro your og always looks so baked hahaa see your loving the sensi star man! its a kick in the pants that one eh. how are they yeilding for you? pretty good?! how old is that mother man, i said 4 years in HC's thread but lookin at it there im gonna double that
What kind of pup is that bro? Not the one laying down on the couch, but the one in the last pic.. what breed is that, do you know?
The reason I ask, is because I rescued this puppy about 3 years ago.. it was being abused so I kidnapped the pup and took him home with me. It's a male.. but he's such a good dog!! He's a heinz 57 mix from what I can tell. He looks (in the face) like a black lab.. and the rest of his body, has the exact SAME colors/markings.. as the pup you posted in that last pic..
I mean its almost scary the resemblance between my pup and yours.. LMAO.. I can't get over it. If I look at the pic of your pup, the one I've been talking about.. without clicking on it to zoom in... I would almost swear that, that was my dog. That's freaking crazy... because I've never (until now), never ever seen another dog that has had the same colors/markings as my pup.
Just curious..
I think ur right Don about 3-4 years. Best Mother I ever Had, ALWAYS growing FAST. Thats one of the resons I bloomed her. HAd a buddy come to town, I didn't do much to her for 5 days and had to Cut her outta the light. Enought was enough, so I bloomed her.
Don I have found the SS yeilds much better than my other strains, except PE, they are about the same, however SS is a hardier plant and can take more stress and not bother it.
sweet! i cant wait to see that thing with colas, its going to put Laz fingerez LST right in its place lol kool the SS yeilds well man
going pretty Well Don, Working it out and putting like a dream!Likewise bro always good to shoot the shit! Speaking of shooting how's the golfing going
Still on the winter tee's which helps the game lol by bout 20 yards. I didnt manage to stay in the 90's but 103 aint bad for a noob with a gammy leg.
This one been munching some of your spinach Hem? lol. Cool doggie.
How Long Before the the regular tees are Open Mr West? What course do you play.
Played monday shot 74, in a gale force winds
We play here
not sure wen the summer tees will be open, they was cutting them last time we was there
Nice track Mr west. Next time I'm there we are playing there my friend
Thatd be cool if u let me kno in plenty of time we could meet up