The homeless/zombie crisis.

Golf? Today? I don't like the game in GOOD weather, let alone when it's windy and freezing!

i can't wait to play a round with the greens still frozen hard as concrete. you have to miss every green and make 18 up and downs on what is essentially a linoleum floor with slopes.
My original post was ment to shock people into talking about it. Its like the hook in a book or tv show. You know like a free beer sign :lol: im kinda glad bob was all pissy because he brought his band of trolls along to screw with my thread and it only made it stronger. I Think my next thread is going to be a post a picture of your december good deed or something along those lines. I just have to think about how to word the title. You in?

Lol. You've gotta be fucking kidding me.
We have 113 cans in our food drive in 2 days.

Nice to know the whole world isnt selfish, entitled and scared. (Alienwidow, chunky stool and justugh if you were wondering. )

Thatll go nice in my new thread. Post pics of your december good deeds.

Merry Christmas bob.

If you can find the love in your heart to inspire some good deed doing giver a post. I know you can pull a mob together.
@Gary Goodson
@Bob Zmuda
@Flaming Pie
@Blue Wizard
@neosapien i promise ill post a zombie in the next thread
@ClaytonBigsby i wanna here from you furshizzel
And everyone else that i missed tangi and so on, yall showed up to post on this thread and most of ya posted that youre the kind of people that make a difference in the world. So lets all do something to make it a better holiday season for someone. Check out the the december lovefest thread and post away.
Thanks. :blsmoke:
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Oh, @Chunky Stool, jump on the good will to man thread and do something nice for the world. It doesnt have to be for anyone in particular, just something that warms your heart that youve done for someone else cause it feels good.
I still feel that some of them are biohazards. If you visited an abandoned homeless encampment (zero clean up) , you might get a different perspective.
Also, have you noticed that @Big_Lou did not accept my challenge to go hang out with homeless people when he isn't giving them anything of free? He knows that the majority will not be happy to see him...

Any idea how much money (tax dollars) will drained from the pockets of the middle class and USA because of Zika virus, and the "Bio hazard” that will result, the medical industry has their sleeves rolled up for service!

Our leaders are worried about the next finical statement not our well being.
Biohazard is just a buzz word for profit.

Now if you were to say homeless cause Dioxin maybe we could provide a life for them and ourselves.
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Thatll go nice in my new thread. Post pics of your december good deeds.

Merry Christmas bob.

If you can find the love in your heart to inspire some good deed doing giver a post. I know you can pull a mob together.
Not gonna happen.
Bob is a sock puppet -- and probably the dumbest one in Bucky's drawer. :dunce:
having lived next door, i know that L&S and their family also use assistance programs that you and clayton DESPISE.

are L&S even people? are poor people even people?

i made sure not to make it personal. you paraded my former neighbors out like a prop. FUCK YOU.

i am only doing this so i am not the asshole

that pic u have at the bottom ......u need to remove it for your own safety can be thought of as attack on the pres elect

it is kind of like yelling bomb in a airport or making a noose
i am just telling yah because i know they will get on your ass about that avoid the triggers avoid the review and interview