The homeless/zombie crisis.


Wtf is with the sock action in this site, its unreal.

Wtf is with the sock action in this site, its unreal.
Some aren't socks at all, but some people can't come with anything witty to say so they just regurgitate what they been called. Smh I've seen Bob and Buck, they are NOT the same person. They've seen me too, but I'm not the one in question here. And I don't know that nobody character but I like him!

Anywho, I'm just giving ya the heads up.
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Some aren't socks at all, but some people can't come with anything witty so say so they just regurgitate what they been called. Smh I've seen Bob and Buck, they are NOT the same person. They've seen me too, but I'm not the one in question here. And I don't know that nobody character but I like him!

Anywho, I'm just giving ya the heads up.
Alright, thanks. I am already under bucks radar as a sock that's also one of the things that made me think that there is a sock crisis going on in the site. It was maybe my first or second day here. You know if someone is constantly paranoid of something it is because they are likely the thing they are paranoid of? So someone paranoid of sock probably has a sock addiction.
Some aren't socks at all, but some people can't come with anything witty so say so they just regurgitate what they been called. Smh I've seen Bob and Buck, they are NOT the same person. They've seen me too, but I'm not the one in question here. And I don't know that nobody character but I like him!

Anywho, I'm just giving ya the heads up.
It's also possible that you, Bob & Buck are all the same person... :eyesmoke:
PORTLAND, Ore. » There have always been homeless people in Portland, but last summer Michelle Cardinal noticed a change outside her office doors.
Almost overnight, it seemed, tents popped up in the park that runs like a green carpet past the offices of her national advertising business. She saw assaults, drug deals and prostitution. Every morning, she said, she cleaned human feces off the doorstep and picked up used needles.
“It started in June and by July it was full-blown. The park was mobbed,” she said. “We’ve got a problem here and the question is how we’re going to deal with it.”

The city is booming, and the homeless are more visible than ever before. Skyrocketing rents, cripplingly low vacancy rates and a severe shortage of affordable housing are forcing Portland to re-examine its live-and-let-live attitude in a place where residents have long been tolerant of everything but intolerance.
i can't wait to play a round with the greens still frozen hard as concrete. you have to miss every green and make 18 up and downs on what is essentially a linoleum floor with slopes.

Proof positive of your masochistic tendencies.

I'll raise a toast to you- from my hot tub.
@Gary Goodson
@Bob Zmuda
@Flaming Pie
@Blue Wizard
@neosapien i promise ill post a zombie in the next thread
@ClaytonBigsby i wanna here from you furshizzel
And everyone else that i missed tangi and so on, yall showed up to post on this thread and most of ya posted that youre the kind of people that make a difference in the world. So lets all do something to make it a better holiday season for someone. Check out the the december lovefest thread and post away.
Thanks. :blsmoke:
I wont post them here just for a pat on the back.
There are about 12 people on this site that have seen me and buck at the same time.

Come to TC with us and you'll see!

Oh wait. Nobody likes you so I doubt you'll get the password. ;)
I know you're running 2 computers with sophisticated voice modification and digital processing software to add CGI graphics to mask your settings , set up on a time delay so you're movements weren't coordinated. Well choreographed and executed on your part. :clap: