The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
You're so full of shit. Walmart literally includes applications for TANF with their orientation because they do not pay a living wage.
And those greedy fucks profit from those subsidies.
Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. He must have thought I said $18 per week, not per hour. I'm sure he was speaking from his direct experience.

Or, perhaps he's been told by Fox News that's the reality, that Walmart and other companies are now handing out higher paying jobs from the goodness of their hearts, and Trump has made that happen.


Well-Known Member
jeeze don't choke on your demonrat swamp slurpy!
Ever hear of a guy called @UncleBuck ? You'll be spending some quality time with him and a few of the other patriots on the site. With your admission of using a sock account I'm sure @potroast and the other admins will be interested in you too. All the socks and trolls are Trumpers these days and many have multiple accounts here.


Well-Known Member
I must say you guys sure are hopeful. To bad you all live in fantasy land. You have been predicting his impeachment since the first day in office and you are no closer now then you were then, perhaps even further now. No one has found any evidence that trump has done anything impeachable, but keep it up very entertaining... and his approval numbers all the way around minorities and all just keep going up.

Please continue to keep crying wolf it just makes his job of getting reelected easier.
are you certain he wasn’t impeached


Well-Known Member
Looks like Bolton and Parnas are tag teaming Trump, they are trying hard to testify! Lev's testimony will be interesting in the house hearings, this has to be scaring the shit out of some GOP senators. and is a preview of the price they will pay in november.
Lev Parnas Lawyer Details Testimony In Letter To Mitch McConnell, Names Names | MSNBC

Lev Parnas' attorney sent a letter to Mitch McConnell detailing testimony he would provide if called, saying he has both personal knowledge, as well as and physical and documentary evidence "directly relevant" to the impeachment inquiry. Aired on 1/31/2020.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe that. I've seen too many folks put the brakes on supporting Trump because they just flat out grew goddamn tired of repeatedly having their intelligence insulted.
Please call out 1 RIU user that you have changed their mind. Please tag them so I know you are not full of shit. Who was a hard core Trump supporter that magically changed their mind over something YOU said. Because obviously TV, tabloids and news articles couldn't do it, But somehow you had the magic words.


Well-Known Member
What part of the country are you from that actually pays minimum wage? In west texas even walmart pays 18 minimum to start off. Not because of a law. It is because there are to many jobs and not enough people that want to work. If someone does not want to pay you what you are looking for move on down the road. So try again.
Odessa Walmart starts at $9 to $10 an hour today. Apply online.

Odessa is in West Texas.


Well-Known Member
Please call out 1 RIU user that you have changed.
How about you? What do you think about Trump, think he should be impeached?

People talk about sports ya know without trying to convince other fans, it's another example of human discourse.


Well-Known Member
So why wouldn't the Republicans allow any evidence or witnesses? Hard to review the incredible amount evidence when it's not allowed. Kangaroo court.
Because they have been bought and paid for by Russian money being funneled through places like the NRA, and if they allow witnesses they don't know how bad it is going to look when everything comes out.

Same tactics used against his supreme court pick, how did that go?
Same shit different day, Trump gets to troll the 'libs' because he knows the Senate is in full control of the Republicans and nothing the rest of the country can do about it until they vote them out.

Im just here to listen to you guys jump down each others throats hoping and praying you change somebodies mind and the way they think and hope they start thinking like you. lol.
Honestly, can anyone here say that they have made an argument and actually changed someones mind and party affiliation on this web site or any online chat platform?
I would suspect that answer to be a resounding no! you guys are wasting your breath trying to change grown adults mind on how they think. All you guys are doing is bickering at each other for no reason. You believe what you believe and I believe what I believe and no dumb online comment is going to change that.
It is important to understand that there is a constant attack going on our online communities right now from Russia/Saudi Arabia/Chinese Cultists/ Etc all there to spread disinformation and cause turmoil in favor of getting Trump re-elected.

If nobody pushes back on it on platforms like these, that propaganda gets to spread unchecked.

demonrats continue to embarrass themselves. Impeachment blew up in their faces, and deservedly so. Never seen such a propaganda onslaught by the fake news media. Appears President Trump is NOT going to be impeached by the Senate.
In America we do not persecute anybody. Like spying on a presidential candidates by a corrupt FISA court it's ILLEGAL.
lol you mean the Senate itself that has been on TV news stations this entire time. Well you are right i Guess since Trump's lawyers got to spread Russian contrived propaganda nonstop.


Well-Known Member
It is important to understand that there is a constant attack going on our online communities right now from Russia/Saudi Arabia/Chinese Cultists/ Etc all there to spread disinformation and cause turmoil in favor of getting Trump re-elected.

If nobody pushes back on it on platforms like these, that propaganda gets to spread unchecked.
Just don't listen to it and ignore it all. Anybody who changes their way of thinking from what anybody says from an online chat form is weak and vulnerable anyways. If you really did change your way of thinking from some comment from a nobody online then your just a gullible sheep.


Well-Known Member
Please call out 1 RIU user that you have changed their mind. Please tag them so I know you are not full of shit. Who was a hard core Trump supporter that magically changed their mind over something YOU said. Because obviously TV, tabloids and news articles couldn't do it, But somehow you had the magic words.
WTF are you yammering on about? Don't put words in my mouth when you can barely figure out your position.

And for someone that repeatedly proclaims "no one cares" you're sure putting a lot of effort into "caring" what other think.


Well-Known Member
WTF are you yammering on about? Don't put words in my mouth when you can barely figure out your position.

And for someone that repeatedly proclaims "no one cares" you're sure putting a lot of effort into "caring" what other think.
Haha. Triggered. Got 1! I knew it wouldn't be long before one of you political freaks got pissy. I'm just here to ruffle your feathers. Maybe throw a couple your mama jokes at me next that should shut me up.
And me figuring out my political position? I'm a Republican and a Democrat. Go draw that up on your chalkboard and figure that shit out.
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