the media and pundits should be held responsible for the consequences of their broadcasted opinions

No, to those who can view the world through unbiased lenses, it's quite apparent. The fact that you even use that moniker is clear evidence of your biases.
We have two political parties. Racism and its attendant social ills are to be found almost exclusively in the one that went rogue. You must be using the “proven-liar” right-wing press.
or vids, and many vids lie! Thats why it is necessary to use principled center-of-spectrum wire services, notably AP and Reuters. “Media bias fact check” is a useful tool that reveals a drop in reliability as a service is more to the right. It’s the GQP for a reason! I mean, MTG! The worst the Ds can show is a couple of aisle-crossing opportunists.
We have two political parties. Racism and its attendant social ills are to be found almost exclusively in the one that went rogue. You must be using the “proven-liar” right-wing press.
or vids, and many vids lie! Thats why it is necessary to use principled center-of-spectrum wire services, notably AP and Reuters. “Media bias fact check” is a useful tool that reveals a drop in reliability as a service is more to the right. It’s the GQP for a reason! I mean, MTG! The worst the Ds can show is a couple of aisle-crossing opportunists.
We have more than two political parties. You are stuck in your own self-constructed paradigm.
We have more than two political parties. You are stuck in your own self-constructed paradigm.
We have political prostitutes and those not invited to the party.
As we orally fellatio eachother instead of saying apply the laws as already written. Sherman anti-trust would start us and Clinton's FCC declarations be rescinded.????? Keep pricking eachother. Plenty of fodder to be served.
wtf is that? a link to a bullshit "mini-documentary" from glenn greenwald? tucker carlson's frequent guest?....that's proof to you?...¿
i won't say greenwald is stupid, far from it, but he is biased, so your proof is the opinion of one biased person?
Holy your blinds guy

Why? The House of Representatives doesn't count?
Between the two chambers there is only one: Cortes from California. Three others identify as independent i. e. no affiliation.

This does not diminish my perception that third-party electees are a fluke. We have effectively two parties that have separated like cheap ketchup: Reason and Treason.
To those ends, I think the argument that choosing the lesser of two evils is still evil is bullshit. It's a binary decision, sitting on the sidelines making a moral vote that doesn't have a chance at actually winning or being implemented is the same as not having a view.
To those ends, I think the argument that choosing the lesser of two evils is still evil is bullshit. It's a binary decision, sitting on the sidelines making a moral vote that doesn't have a chance at actually winning or being implemented is the same as not having a view.
Though I am impressed that Cortes, a true socialist, got in.
To those ends, I think the argument that choosing the lesser of two evils is still evil is bullshit. It's a binary decision, sitting on the sidelines making a moral vote that doesn't have a chance at actually winning or being implemented is the same as not having a view.
That's seriously one of the dumbest things that I've ever heard. It's pretty clear that you feel forced to vote for a lessor evil, and that's exactly what the political system wants the populus to believe.
We don't agree on lots man, it is what it is. I absolutely compromise my ideals for the greater good as it were. Most of us aren't in places where anything else would be at all viable.

That 51st district in CA wasn't what I was expecting, it does have unique features though. I like to see far left candidates in solid blue areas. Various people make the point that the left candidates don't win and can't get stuff done, that's valid, I think running in safe areas is the only way they can build a track record.
We don't agree on lots man, it is what it is. I absolutely compromise my ideals for the greater good as it were. Most of us aren't in places where anything else would be at all viable.

That 51st district in CA wasn't what I was expecting, it does have unique features though. I like to see far left candidates in solid blue areas. Various people make the point that the left candidates don't win and can't get stuff done, that's valid, I think running in safe areas is the only way they can build a track record.
I want that insurrectionist out of district 23.