The naked chick avatars

what do you think of sexual avatars?

  • clean it up.

    Votes: 100 44.6%
  • i degrade women and like it.

    Votes: 124 55.4%

  • Total voters
I dont think so, but maybe cuz people are shallow like that.

And to be honest with you I really only have a few TRUE friends. I can count them on one hand.

sounds like most the guys on this thread have 1 friend and it includes their hand. lol. hahahhahahah, i'm a funny guy. :mrgreen::peace:
I dont know but i always thought that avatars had a purpose & that was to either reflect the members personality or of something they feel good about,even to make a statement in some cases.

My old avatar was the creepy old man, but i am a creepy old man to most kids so it fit,take FDD's avatar as an example,it speaks volumes without saying shit,he's livin the American dream growing monster plants legally,America fuck yeah !,creativity to match the personality.

Porn avatars are lame in my book,not creative at all & surely in poor taste.
sounds like most the guys on this thread have 1 friend and it includes their hand. lol. hahahhahahah, i'm a funny guy. :mrgreen::peace:

My hand has been known to be my friend on occassion...

but recently its been calling me drunk in the middle of the night for a booty call

Im just not having it anymore
personally I feel like crude avatars are just not necessary and + the fact that we have women weed growers on this site, it just doen't seem right to disregard their feelings ,

were a great big ganja familyand personally I think every member ashould be respected
but then again I,m just an old school fart....

peace y'all
personally I feel like crude avatars are just not necessary and + the fact that we have women weed growers on this site, it just doen't seem right to disregard their feelings ,

were a great big ganja familyand personally I think every member ashould be respected
but then again I,m just an old school fart....

peace y'all

power to the old school fart!:blsmoke:
True, the poll had to fewer options, either your against or a wife beater?. I would draw the line at sexual intercourse, or any sort of sex between more than 1 person, I mean, I don't want to see an erection, unless it's in the mirror hehehe:mrgreen:. but a beautiful female, photographed in an artistic form is stunning to look at. As you may have noticed, the outcome of this poll would effect my avatar. Look at it and tell me you don't want to see that every time you read my posts.:hump:

I model a little bit mainly artisic gallery work ( which I am sure few men on this site could actually appreciate it for wot it really is), technically ur avatar is classified as glamour. I personally dont care bout urs in particular but I do have to agree NO PORN I think most have the same feeling if I want to c it ill google it. a womens body is a very beautiful thing but come on guys have some damn respect, when you have non-tasteful dirty shit it is degrading to us! do it in ur private time dont make eveyrone else stare at it. If its soemthing you would be embarassed about your mother seeing it then dont use it, just my opinion.

ps. wasnt picking on u titania just used ur qoute. no I dont have ascreaming urge to c ur avatar all the time but it doesnt bother me. :)
I model a little bit mainly artisic gallery work ( which I am sure few men on this site could actually appreciate it for wot it really is), technically ur avatar is classified as glamour. I personally dont care bout urs in particular but I do have to agree NO PORN I think most have the same feeling if I want to c it ill google it. a womens body is a very beautiful thing but come on guys have some damn respect, when you have non-tasteful dirty shit it is degrading to us! do it in ur private time dont make eveyrone else stare at it. If its soemthing you would be embarassed about your mother seeing it then dont use it, just my opinion.

ps. wasnt picking on u titania just used ur qoute. no I dont have ascreaming urge to c ur avatar all the time but it doesnt bother me. :)

I think the problem is "where you draw the line" isn't the same (or even close) for everybody. So what you call a glamour shot, others consider porn (and vice versa).

Like the judge says - I can't describe pornography - but i know it when i see it!
would you have less friends if you were ugly? just wondering. :mrgreen::peace:

once again, i'm embarrassed to be a man. YouTube - Lovin' Blind

just wot I was thinking.

young guys with ragging hormones= sex, nudity, t&a and anything else that pertains to it. Fdd glad to see you have respect, maybe when some guys on here mature and are over the ragging hormone years they will understand wot that means. not trying to put anyone down but the excuse of lookign at beautiful women is played a little too hard, and I knwo u men cant help it it's human nature but lets try to get some discipline on it.

~:) peace from Cali!~
I think the problem is "where you draw the line" isn't the same (or even close) for everybody. So what you call a glamour shot, others consider porn (and vice versa).

Like the judge says - I can't describe pornography - but i know it when i see it!

I was just pointign out his specific avatar, and maybe that is wot some people call porn but not to sound like a know it all which I am far from but in the industry that shot is called glamour. anythign with spreads, penetration, jizz is considered porn. just going by indusrty standards.. but yes I agree with you that it is a hard line to draw too much in the grey area.
I was just pointign out his specific avatar, and maybe that is wot some people call porn but not to sound like a know it all which I am far from but in the industry that shot is called glamour. anythign with spreads, penetration, jizz is considered porn. just going by indusrty standards.. but yes I agree with you that it is a hard line to draw too much in the grey area.

I completely agree with your definition but others may not. Since it isn't a "free speech" issue (it is a private forum so the gov't is not doing the limiting), i'd recommend either allowing it or make very specific rules and enforce them. Either way you'll have irate members so whoever owns the site should do what they think is right.

my two cents anyway...
I completely agree with your definition but others may not. Since it isn't a "free speech" issue (it is a private forum so the gov't is not doing the limiting), i'd recommend either allowing it or make very specific rules and enforce them. Either way you'll have irate members so whoever owns the site should do what they think is right.

my two cents anyway...

I agree. glad I dont have to make the decision. just a thought but photobucket reviews all photos first and they have guidlines maybe whoever is doing the deciding may want to find a solution similar where the avatar needs approval. n-eways Im done with this thread. ~peace~ :)
I just have to repeat what I said before on this thread; if there were a way to turn off avatars, or have an 'avatar blocker' or whatever, no one could complain either way. Some can have their porn pictures (freedom of expression) while others would have the right not to have it jammed in their faces (freedom of choice). I'm going to let this go now too.
ok I lied I have one more post to make on here. just about the 2 choices of the pole. I think the first one cleanit up was simply his way of saying lets put some guidlines on it. I could be wrong its happened b4.