the not important enough for a thread, thread.


Well-Known Member
Well you said 2;14 EST I scratched my ass, Now this wasnt your average thru the shorts scratch this was hand on ass diggin into the asscheek scratch. One that only a guy could fully appreciate but none the less, it was a great scratch. :-?
WORD Nigga


Well-Known Member
Yesterday i saw my neighbor blow a squirrel up with a dry ice bomb

HAHAHAHAHAHA those shits set off car alarms...

that reminds me of a pipe bomb me and my friends made. all you need is a pipe with two scrwed on caps and sparklers. grind em up nice and fine drill a hole in the pipe. put the crushed up sparklers in there and cap both ends and put a wick in the hole. i suggest using a cigarette to delay the explosion. we placed it on top of the street and it blew a chunk out of it. of course we used the biggest pipe we could find at menards...


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHAHA those shits set off car alarms...

that reminds me of a pipe bomb me and my friends made. all you need is a pipe with two scrwed on caps and sparklers. grind em up nice and fine drill a hole in the pipe. put the crushed up sparklers in there and cap both ends and put a wick in the hole. i suggest using a cigarette to delay the explosion. we placed it on top of the street and it blew a chunk out of it. of course we used the biggest pipe we could find at menards...
Just foundout what im doing tonight.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
heres a story that happened not 2 long ago. so me and like 5 other friends just finished up smokin a ounce blunt for one of my boys b-day.After the blunt was dun i was like yooo open that fuckin gift i got ya.(i bought him a sick 4ft bong) when he opened it his eyes lit up n was like fuck! we gotz no weeds.Then at that moment we all stared at the giant roach before us n was like YES!.we christened that baby rite on the spot but while breaking up the roach bud ,my bud says "that smells like roach bud" i immeadiatly burst out laughing idk y wasnt even that funny


Active Member
Being a astronomy buff has its advantages ..
1. Solitude with a fatty ...all mine mine mine..
2. Time to contimplate life's major ?'s...gee do i pull it on day 62 or day 65?
3. The Scenery is the magnificent.

But here are a few of my fav astronomy pics that as you look into them have many wonderful features. some just jump out at ya others you can stare into for hours.

these are large pictures.:joint:

ahh crap they edited these down to nuthin even cut the one pic down so bad they ruined it the carina one is shrunk so bad ...fuck it



Well-Known Member
i got a damn kidney stone tryin to work its way through me..hurts like a motherfucker..
im gonna have to brake down and get my ass to the hospital if this shit keeps on.......


New Member
Last week the choppers found 2100 plants the next county over. Today they were doing they flyovers near my house around lunchtime.

I was inside the house packing my bong up with some homegrown satori, knowing my girls are safely indoors and out of sight. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I hate those flirs. Everytime a chopper passes over head I FREAK OUT! I'm a very paranoid person.


Well-Known Member
Being a astronomy buff has its advantages ..
1. Solitude with a fatty ...all mine mine mine..
2. Time to contimplate life's major ?'s...gee do i pull it on day 62 or day 65?
3. The Scenery is the magnificent.

But here are a few of my fav astronomy pics that as you look into them have many wonderful features. some just jump out at ya others you can stare into for hours.

these are large pictures.:joint:

ahh crap they edited these down to nuthin even cut the one pic down so bad they ruined it the carina one is shrunk so bad ...fuck it
Astronomy is my favorite thing to study. By study of course I mean eat a couple sheets of acid and stare at the stars all night. Either that or space documentarys. What nebula is that in the third pic? Is that a giant galaxy in the 4th pic?
WTF is the 1st one?


Well-Known Member
Astronomy is insane to watch/gaze at when your high... Any documentary about space is instantly the craziest thing ever once your baked.

Heres a story for you guys, yesterday I had to go pick up. And it was a beautiful day so I rode my bike. I got to my buddies house got my half o, and smoked two bowls outta the bong. I had been sober for a bit so that destroyed me. On the way home a fucking bumblebee hit me in the forehead. It bounced off but me being high was convinced it was stuck to my forehead. So I started trying to smack an imaginary bee of my forehead while riding my bike pretty fast and being stoned.

To end the story i almost hit a woman on the sidewalk while fighting imaginary bugs, ended up having to swerve out of the way and hit a bush. All infront of a busy ass road and tons of people watching. :dunce::dunce:


Active Member
Astronomy is my favorite thing to study. By study of course I mean eat a couple sheets of acid and stare at the stars all night. Either that or space documentarys. What nebula is that in the third pic? Is that a giant galaxy in the 4th pic?
WTF is the 1st one?
Ok...i'll start at the top the 1st one is...
the remnants of a Island in the Bikini Atol. It's pic taken from space so I threw it in here.

The second pic is just some thing cool ya find in a cloud hot gas.

3rd The Nebula is The result of the Star Eta Carina but in the picture there are faces and animals and soo much shit to trip on the pic i have fills a 22 in monitor so its like unreal

The 4th is the Galaxy NGC7331 with another cluster of galaxies behind it. In the Original picture u see the entire galaxy plus the background in which there are thousands of galaxies.:joint:

Go to and find picture of the day link for some incredible pics in HD and well not HD ur choice.