the not important enough for a thread, thread.


Well-Known Member

I was just smoking outside and I was watching these 2 squirrels. The one was humping the other, and all of the sudden two other squirrels come over and they all started raping the one. It was like 3 or 4 vs. 1, and I heard the thing crying out. I threw a rock towards them, but I didn't want to go close bc it was on the neighbor's property.

I don't even know, it just freaked me out while i was baked.


Well-Known Member
Why is it everytime I clean my bong I forget to re-fill it till I'm sitting down?
I met this hot chick a few years back. I could tell by talking to her that she was a smoker. So I asked if she wanted to come over and smoke some weed.

She came over and I clean my bong, loaded the bowl, offered her the first hit, and bam!!! No water!!

I felt retarded but she didnt care.


your post reminded of that


Well-Known Member
i used to dry hit my old bong all the time. mostly cuz i was too lazy to go fill it with water haha but also cuz it leaked. my 100 dollar bong leaked... so dissappointed.


Well-Known Member
Ive been picking up some homegrown off a guy recently, and its some of the best weed ive had in awhile. Been buying it for months and finally today found a single seed which I had always hoped for. Im pretty stoked..


Well-Known Member
Apparently it's illegal to ride a bike at night time with a black shirt on. I got hasseled by the police, because apparently they saw me cut through a yard (Also bullshit) After about 15 minutes arguing with them over whether or not they were going to search me they finally literally pulled me off my bicycle and made me land flat on my back (I ride a 26") while they were shouting "STOP RESISTING" and they picked me up and slammed me face first into the squad car and searched me. The asshole cop frisked me and grabbed my package so I asked him "Dude, you wanna search me or take me on a date?" Luckily for me I had literally JUST got rid of the last of my bud and was on my way back home so I laughed at them once they were done searching. Long story short, they took the cuff off me and I told them have a nice night harrassing innocent people. Fucking pigs.


Well-Known Member
Apparently it's illegal to ride a bike at night time with a black shirt on. I got hasseled by the police, because apparently they saw me cut through a yard (Also bullshit) After about 15 minutes arguing with them over whether or not they were going to search me they finally literally pulled me off my bicycle and made me land flat on my back (I ride a 26") while they were shouting "STOP RESISTING" and they picked me up and slammed me face first into the squad car and searched me. The asshole cop frisked me and grabbed my package so I asked him "Dude, you wanna search me or take me on a date?" Luckily for me I had literally JUST got rid of the last of my bud and was on my way back home so I laughed at them once they were done searching. Long story short, they took the cuff off me and I told them have a nice night harrassing innocent people. Fucking pigs.
Thats fucked up man, what a bunch of pieces of fucking shit. I bet they go home and tell their family what a great job they did tonight fucking harassing somebody on a bike.


Well-Known Member

I was just smoking outside and I was watching these 2 squirrels. The one was humping the other, and all of the sudden two other squirrels come over and they all started raping the one. It was like 3 or 4 vs. 1, and I heard the thing crying out. I threw a rock towards them, but I didn't want to go close bc it was on the neighbor's property.

I don't even know, it just freaked me out while i was baked.
that's really fucked up. do they even have squirrel police? or do you just rape whoever you want?


Well-Known Member
damn... fucking squirrels. and squirrel police hahaha. We used to walk past a house where this one lady had a squirrel trained. it would wait by her front door and then she'd come out and hold out some kinda treat. The squirrel sat and took the shit and just chilled on on her doorstep.

squirrels trip me out.


Active Member
Hmmm other interesting names for the TiddyBear:
1. Titty Bear (of course)
2. Fun Bags Bear
3. Jubblies Bear
4. Knocker Cozy
5. Luckiest stuffed animal on earth
6. Clevage Bear
7. ___________ add ur own I'm too stoned too continue...


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear it Louise, please tell me you atleast got their names...

Look em up in the white pages. Sometimes there are 3 or 5 people with the same name, so you may have to call a few numbers, but it'll be worth it.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Dude, why did I not see this thread sooner?

Anyone ever see this guy? He can flow pretty good.

I'm gonna start using this as my video thread.

That guy...was actually really fucking good. And funny!

This is a must watch while stoned

lol, lots of good ones in that vid.

This cat is a fucking CHAMP!
LMFAO, omg, I've seen that before in clips in parts of other video compilations, but I've never seen the video itself, and the slow mo part...omg, cracked me the fuck up.

OK, let me start this story off by saying I fuckin hate bugs.

Last night, I was taking the trash out at around 2 AM. (I was stoned and forgot it.)

as I was bending down to pick up a can, I felt something land on my back. Now, keep in mind bugs in florida aren't to be fuckin played with. I attached an image so you can get a general idea. So I fucking flipped out because I was really high at the time. I took off running, hit the street and kept running. I pulled my shirt over my head, trying to get it off, and just before I got it all the way off, I'm still running full speed, it's pulled over my head, and BAM! I hit a mailbox. Right in the stomach. Knocked the wind out of me.

I get up, pull the shirt off, look around, and see my neighbors all pointing at me laughing there asses off. They thought I was high on meth or something.

Oh yeah, the giant bug that landed on me? Turns out it was a leaf.
This story had me rollin. Ouch with the mailbox, but omg, if reading it was that funny, I can only imagine how funny that shit looked irl.

Ok first things first it's 0940ish EST. I am well into my second bowl of the morning and am watching my DVR'd episode of "The Venture Brothers" from Adult Swim.
Hank Venture is laying and the bottom of the pool, unconcious, and Dean his brother is alerting thier temporary Nanny.. Molitov Koktease (she's a Mercenary) anyway the scene cuts to Ms Koktease giving Hank mouth to mouth ,which of course Hank wakes up and begins using his tongue, Molitov pulls away complaining of milk breath and Dean points out to Hank that the Apaches are Back!!!....
Well the Apaches have pitched a tent in Hanks shorts according to Dean and Hank starts running around the pool yelling my shorts are haunted my shorts are haunted......
Well I was laughing ......:mrgreen:
LOL, I LOVE the Venture Bros

"It smells like a Bible story in here..."

I actually turned that shit up...pretty good :grin:

Louis, I'd just like to thank you, for this thread, and your posts in it. Because yeah, this seriously kept me entertained and laughing my fucking ass off for at least 30 minutes.