the not important enough for a thread, thread.


Well-Known Member
idk what part made me laugh harder... when he trys to shove the phone up his ass, maybe when he hits himself in the face with the shoe,or when he walks in to the closet.. and comes back out, or maybe his brothers hysterical laughter.


Well-Known Member
I'm watching all of them on youtube and I'd like to say it's fake cuz no parent would let their kid behave like that but....some do :neutral:


Well-Known Member
today i am officially a patient!!!! i've always dream about goin to clubs choosing diff type of strains to buy. no more worries about pig busting my grow. im so excited!!


Well-Known Member
Rich people dont give to shits what there kids do
That's not always true...true more often than I'd like, but still.

I saw this thing on Oprah once, and it was talking about how this girl who works as a house keeper for this really rich family is actually from a RICHER family.

Apparently her grandfather was the one with all the money, and I guess what he did was he paid for his kids (and grandkids) to go to school, any school they wanted. He'd pay for their education...but that was it. No trust funds, no cars, nothing. His will was set up so that all his money would go to charities. I thought that was pretty tight.


Well-Known Member
Thanks wikid. I try to keep it interesting.

That freakout kid is great. He should be kissing his parents ass with all that nice stuff he has. Except that truck,, then again there is no way in hell I'd give him a license.


Well-Known Member
lol, this thread is perfect for this:

I'm watching Zombieland, and the kid in it, Jesse Eisenberg...the one from Adventureland (which I also watched recently) -- is it just me, or does he act kinda like Michael Cera (the skinny kid from Super Bad was that one where she gets knocked up? Can't remember for shit right now) Damn I thought it just came to me, but it didn't.

Anyways, yeah, their...acting style kinda reminds me of each other, or whatever. I mean, I kinda dislike Michael Cera cuz if you ask me he seems to be playing the same character in every movie I've seen him in...and now this is a completely different guy, playing the same same


JUNO! booya grandma, just came to me.


Active Member
fuck yah wikid!!! i havnt been on here in forever but damn girl its nice to see ur name pop up here! lol
gas stations are full of creepy weirdos... just sayin'


Active Member
doing shit... and shit... almost got arrested the other day for bud but I only got a paraphernalia charge...
all my shit was in a gold bag and my bud was in a grocery sac tied up... well it just looked like trash so the officer just left it in the fucking bag and took my pipe!! lol but i still gotta deal with this ticket bs... whatever...
how was ur hallween?! i was Marla from Fight club--Fuch yeah! hahaa


Well-Known Member
doing shit... and shit... almost got arrested the other day for bud but I only got a paraphernalia charge...
all my shit was in a gold bag and my bud was in a grocery sac tied up... well it just looked like trash so the officer just left it in the fucking bag and took my pipe!! lol but i still gotta deal with this ticket bs... whatever...
how was ur hallween?! i was Marla from Fight club--Fuch yeah! hahaa the cop didn't even realize you had bud on you? That's pretty cool.

My Halloween sucked, I was sick. Still am really. Slowly getting better.


Well-Known Member
Anyone here like Videogames? Ever play GTA IV? Bet you didn't notice that the chick on the loading screen licking a lollipop has 6 fingers. Go load; up the game.
