The P.I.S.S. Method - ( Pee in your Soil Stupid ) Grow Guide

While PEE is indeed good fertilizer. It also contains Phosphorus, and Potassium, not just Nitrogen.

Before using it as a fertilizer, it is supposed to be sterilized by keeping it in containers at 70f-75f, for 3 months. This kills any pathogens in it. You are not supposed to use fresh pee. It may work fresh. But is potentially not healthy.
be like, "Now im going to need this large jar filled almost full each day for the next 6 months, then we move into stage 2 of the program"
For any of us guys over 50, I dont think it would be much problem filling a jar a day. Damn, i get up 3 times a night to piss. lol. And invariably, since my spare bathroom is my growspace, i take a look at the plants and give them a breath of fresh CO2 also.
Im not here to piss on anyone’s parade ( pee what i did there :mrgreen: ) as to this being a substitution for basic nutrients- it just basically highlights what elements are in the nute lines we already use to grow , whether weed or other plants.

Nobody has an issue using animal / fish shit in our grows but pee freaks people out.

SMH :wall:

Urea is a low cost nitrogen fertilizer form. This is because of its high nitrogen composition and consequent low transport and storage costs. Urea may be the fertilizer of choice when only nitrogen is needed in a soil fertility program.

Urea based fertilizer has been used from the beginning of time - I don’t pretend to know everything about this subject , just knew Urea was a solid nitrogen source as is Fish shit , cow manure , bat shit , seagull guano and on and on.

Even that baker in the article above would use wheat grown with urine …. But if she sourced wheat grown “ conventionally “ using “ organic “ ( compost / shit ) or agriculture fertilizer ( odds are pretty high its got some kind of urea based elements ) in it.

It’s an Ass to mouth world we live in.
Hang on and enjoy the Ride.

So true. Again people, before you judge, just take a look at the ingredients in FFOF, Dr. Earth or any other ,"organic" soil mix or nute line. If a little diluted pee makes ya gag then you'll be traumatized for life. Look up gathering bat guano on youtube or google it. There is a whole mini ecosystem of bugs and bacteria and other godawful stuff in there. The cave floors are literally a shifting rolling wave of filth. And bats poop and pee in all that ocean of ick. Yet guano is an extremely profitable highly sought after fert. Now im not comparing nutrients. Im just comparing NASTY for the yuck crowd. Whats important to note however is that these natural fertilizers are much more eco friendly than using all chemical salt based nutes. Phosphates especially are mined to the point of unsustainability for the big farmers. Food prices have skyrocketed and alot of the reason is increased costs for the farmer. I live near 2 big chicken farms and they spray liquified chicken waste on their crop fields for as long as i can remember. It stinks for a mile but the one owner nearby said he hardly has to buy ANY fertilizer because the chickens and plants are feeding each other. As nutrient costs rise alternate sources will become more ap pee aling.
While PEE is indeed good fertilizer. It also contains Phosphorus, and Potassium, not just Nitrogen.

Before using it as a fertilizer, it is supposed to be sterilized by keeping it in containers at 70f-75f, for 3 months. This kills any pathogens in it. You are not supposed to use fresh pee. It may work fresh. But is potentially not healthy.
I have read articles that say it is safe to use within 24 hours of coming out of your body. Think if you are collecting urine from other people and storing it then it is important to do it in the proper manner. This is one article for example.

I have read articles that say it is safe to use within 24 hours of coming out of your body. Think if you are collecting urine from other people and storing it then it is important to do it in the proper manner. This is one article for example.

They discuss using wood ash with a combination of urine to increase phosphorus magnesium and other important elements. It's said to wait 3 days after the urine slurry then apply to the top of the soil. If you mix the pee with Ash it will greatly affect the pH level and possibly harm the plants. Sounds interesting I may start collecting some wood ash lol
When they experimented with it in Africa, they said the urine should be kept at 71f-75f for 3 months to get rid of pathogens.

And people flushing pee down the toilet does have an impact on the environment, along with other fertilizers. Theres a dead spot in the Gulf of Mexico, where the Mississippi dumps into the Gulf, bigger than many states, and its caused by fertilizer.

Fertilizer made from human urine developed in Nigeria
WebJul 1, 2022 · To determine if using urine as a fertilizer was worth implementing on a wide scale, researchers from the National Institute of Agricultural Research of Niger conducted farm trials using a sanitized urine product.

Also for small plot farming, it is said it may be best to dilute the urine 10:1. But the main thing on that vs nondiluted, is not get it on the plant, because you can burn the plant up.

First, the women named the fertilizing product Oga, which translates to 'the boss' in the Igbo language. This was to help smooth over the social, religious and cultural barriers to open discussions on the use of human urine.
What's more, compared to our poop, pee is relatively sterile when it leaves our bodies thanks to the ammonia in it. Just passively storing canisters in temperatures between 22 to 24 °C (71 to 75 °F) for 2 to 3 months is enough to destroy remaining pathogens that can withstand long periods within the acidic liquid. Its been theorized that urine should sit in containers at 71f-75f for at least 2 weeks. So there is variability, but all the experiments professionally done, say the urine needs to sit at least 2 weeks. 2-3 months is preferable.
And anyone on any type of medicine, or suspected UTI, or other urinary tract problems, should stick to the toilet. And you dont want people drinking alcohol for collecting urine samples.

So the women were trained in this sanitization process and how to dilute the resulting Oga for use. For the first few years they applied the Oga in combination with organic manure, and when that was successful they were game enough to try Oga alone.

Across three years (2014 to 2016) and 681 trials, those who used Oga experienced an average 30 percent increase in pearl millet yield. The difference was so clear that many other women in the area started using Oga.

Tis is from a Ugandan study.
Urine as fertilizer – applying it safely
Safety is, of course, of the utmost concern in fertilizing with human urine, just as it is with animal manure application to improve soil.

While urine is considered safe, there are rare occurrences of bacterial infection that can contribute to bacterial problems around your plants. The solution is simple. If it’s possible that the donor could have a bladder or urinary tract infection, do not take their samples for your garden, field, or orchard.

The same goes for anyone who is taking medication which can be excreted in urine. They should stick to using the toilet.

Along the same lines, the question of how fresh should the urine be is also of utmost importance. In this study human urine was collected and stored in covered containers in the donors’ homes for two weeks in order to protect against pathogens. There is a wide range of opinions on how fresh the urine should be but allowing the urine to sit for at least a couple of weeks seems the safest of all of the approaches.

The Ugandan study used the following method: “The urine was applied close to the ground in furrows along the plant rows, which were immediately covered with soil. Besides preventing ammonia losses, this practice helps to reduce the smell and avoid burning crop leaves.” (Kirchmann and Pettersson, 1995)

Aging urine
Nepal is one of the countries with a long history of using urine to improve soil nutrients for farming. According to Nepal’s Central Horticulture Center, urine should be stored in an airtight container for at least two weeks to a month and mixed with compost before use. Similarly, in a 2020 study published by the University of Michigan, the research found that aging human urine in sealed containers over several months can further decrease the risks of using pee as fertilizer. This university study tested urine stored for 12-16 months and found that ammonia levels increased over time and killed most bacteria found in fresh urine.
Are you only feeding/watering with pee diluted water?

Yes - for now - i was planning a Kelp / Pee based mixture but I didn’t pay attention to the “ kelp oroduct “ i had on hand.

It is Kellogs Kelp and fish fertilizer - thats where i screwed up.


Screw up only because the fish fertilizer wasn’t to be added - just kelp. So it gave my little pee lady a bump in nitrogen ( dark leaf ) as a temporary excess. So i am just using my 3:1 water / pee mix only and will let her work thru that nitrogen excess.

SIDE NOTE : It appears tho, that pee water and a nitrogen source will accelerate the nitrogen uptake.
So maybe this is a even quicker absorption method for those needing a fast result. ( might have to explore that later on with another test plant ).

Anyways , i have been just using the pee water only.
Until … i source a proper kelp additive and plant coloring isn’t so dark. She is slowly working thru it ( less clawing ) but i will just carry on.

Here she is today. You can see some of the excess left. But , she is a trooper and will be fine.

Yes - for now - i was planning a Kelp / Pee based mixture but I didn’t pay attention to the “ kelp oroduct “ i had on hand.

It is Kellogs Kelp and fish fertilizer - thats where i screwed up.

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Screw up only because the fish fertilizer wasn’t to be added - just kelp. So it gave my little pee lady a bump in nitrogen ( dark leaf ) as a temporary excess. So i am just using my 3:1 water / pee mix only and will let her work thru that nitrogen excess.

SIDE NOTE : It appears tho, that pee water and a nitrogen source will accelerate the nitrogen uptake.
So maybe this is a even quicker absorption method for those needing a fast result. ( might have to explore that later on with another test plant ).

Anyways , i have been just using the pee water only.
Until … i source a proper kelp additive and plant coloring isn’t so dark. She is slowly working thru it ( less clawing ) but i will just carry on.

Here she is today. You can see some of the excess left. But , she is a trooper and will be fine.

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Maybe find some seaweed \kelp strips from the Asian market. Or the bigger sushi paper. Grind it up, maybe soak it if not brewing
Maybe find some seaweed \kelp strips from the Asian market. Or the bigger sushi paper. Grind it up, maybe soak it if not brewing
Im not sure if im thinking of the same thing, but i sometimes buy the wife these packs of seaweed thats like 3x2 inch sheets of seaweed. Its salty as hell though. I wonder if somebody could use them if they soaked in water and removed the salt? Maybe im over thinking it.... Its still early here....
While PEE is indeed good fertilizer. It also contains Phosphorus, and Potassium, not just Nitrogen.

Before using it as a fertilizer, it is supposed to be sterilized by keeping it in containers at 70f-75f, for 3 months. This kills any pathogens in it. You are not supposed to use fresh pee. It may work fresh. But is potentially not healthy.
Whatever stage its in, you can always just fill an instant pot with the urine, and put it on the warming function. It will hold steady at the perfect pasteurization temp, better than any other rig could do. Perfect for small batches, 6-8qt. Only a few hours needed at the most (can be programed right in), then let it cool and ready to go! That's what I'm gonna do, after soaking some stinging nettles in a dilution for 2+ weeks. "Nettle pee tea" is on the menu later this outdoor grow season ;)
When urine is collected in large volumes, pasteurization at a central location can be a practical sanitization method. The Rich Earth Institute has developed a mobile, computer-controlled pasteurizer with a high-efficiency heat exchanger to sanitize urine quickly and energy-efficiently. High temperature composting and ultraviolet exposure are methods that may also be suitable for sanitizing large volumes of urine.

Storage capacity is a major expense and logistical challenge in large-scale urine recycling. Technologies to concentrate the fertilizer in urine into a smaller volume will play an important role in making widespread urine recycling economically viable. The Rich Earth Institute is developing reverse osmosis as a method to concentrate urine while preserving its fertilizer value. Freezing, evaporation, and vapor compression distillation have all been demonstrated to effectively concentrate urine.
Whatever stage its in, you can always just fill an instant pot with the urine, and put it on the warming function. It will hold steady at the perfect pasteurization temp, better than any other rig could do. Perfect for small batches, 6-8qt. Only a few hours needed at the most (can be programed right in), then let it cool and ready to go! That's what I'm gonna do, after soaking some stinging nettles in a dilution for 2+ weeks. "Nettle pee tea" is on the menu later this outdoor grow season ;)
Stinging nettles? We call them "bull nettles" around here. I didnt realize they were horticulturally useful. I have access to a virtually limitless supply of these fkrs. So do you just chop em up and make suntea? Youve piqued my interest
Plants are looking good. The tall ones are a little thirsty the pots are light. I've decided I will do my spirulina Pee Tea once every 2 weeks. In between tea feeds I will be watering with 10:1 water pee mix.PXL_20230602_170104361.jpg
I'm leaving for the weekend hopefully they won't drink all the pee water by then. I'm noticing they're drinking a lot now i almost need to water every day. Rice hulls only holds a small amount of water. :peace:
This is how I decide how much pee for a 10:1 mix. Today I used 1 gallon of water. 1 gallon=128 fluid ounces. So add your ratio parts together (10:1) and then divide by the fluid ounces you want to use. It should look something like this.

10+1=11 128÷11=11.636363

So I took approximately 11.5 fluid ounces of urine added it to my jug then filled the remainder of the gallon jug with water.:bigjoint:
Plants are looking good. The tall ones are a little thirsty the pots are light. I've decided I will do my spirulina Pee Tea once every 2 weeks. In between tea feeds I will be watering with 10:1 water pee mix.View attachment 5296165
I'm leaving for the weekend hopefully they won't drink all the pee water by then. I'm noticing they're drinking a lot now i almost need to water every day. Rice hulls only holds a small amount of water. :peace:

They do look green and vigorous- are you planning to train ?

This is how I decide how much pee for a 10:1 mix. Today I used 1 gallon of water. 1 gallon=128 fluid ounces. So add your ratio parts together (10:1) and then divide by the fluid ounces you want to use. It should look something like this.

10+1=11 128÷11=11.636363

So I took approximately 11.5 fluid ounces of urine added it to my jug then filled the remainder of the gallon jug with water.:bigjoint:

Very simple mix :clap: - basically a can of soda size amount of the Golden Goodness.

Dietary conditions also play into the useable PEEh ( PH ) values.
