The P.I.S.S. Method - ( Pee in your Soil Stupid ) Grow Guide

Well done!

I think I might try out an "aquapeenics" res, or an organic PWC hydro type experiment, and see how it goes. Maybe use my turtles pee water too. Or would it be better to keep it sterile? I'm pretty good at cycling an aquarium anyway, which is easier with plants helping out.

Err.. Uh, Shureena's replacement has almost rooted out, not outside in soil this time, lol. Ya.. managed to kill my only test subject, before I even got to pee in cups of the tea that I brewed to feed her. Good thing the nettle brew lasts for months, so I can try again hopefully. My outdoor veggies been loving it (not with pee included though..). Got rid of 95% the aphids in like 2 sprays!

Thought of the day: Wondering how hard it would be to refine our own urine solution down to a water soluble powder form, that can be stored away until needed? Or would it be too explosive, possibly spontaneously combusting.. or something crazy like that? :?:
I can tell you this. When i was a college kid, i sometimes would pee in a quart jar instead of walk all the way across the dorm to the bathroom in the middle of night. Left it a few times( gross , i know, but such are the nasties of being young and lazy) and it dried out to a whitish yellow film like a water stain. Im pretty sure if you poured it out in a glass or metal dish and left it outside to dry it would give you what youre after. After repeated ," treatments " it'd probably get pretty thick. Maybe could scrape it up and store? I know you can buy powdered urine for drug tests so its possible. Ive no idea how drying would affect it. I just took mine straight out my tap and diluted to a 1 part pee to 10 parts water and used it directly. Drying it would ostensibly be a more sanitary way of storing quantity without the obvious downside of keeping gallons in a bucket.
The Life of Pee


Alchemists sought gold in it. David Bowie refrigerated it to ward off evil. In the trenches of Ypres soldiers used it as a gas mask, whereas modern-day terrorists add it to home-made explosives. All the Fullers, Tuckers and Walkers in the phonebook owe their names to it, and in 1969 four bags for storing it were left on the surface of the moon.

Bought and sold, traded and transported, even carried to work in jugs, urine has made bread rise, beer foam and given us gunpowder, stained glass, Robin Hood’s tights and Vermeer’s Girl With A Pearl Earring.

And we do produce an awful lot of it. Humans alone make almost enough to replace the entire contents of Loch Lomond every year. Add the incalculable volume contributed by the rest of the animal kingdom and it might soon displace a small ocean. No wonder it gets everywhere.

In Life of Pee Sally Magnusson unveils the secret history of civilisation’s most unsavoury and unsung hero, and discovers how our urine footprint is just as indelible as our carbon one.
Calling in the reserves for Tracker's grow.

Update :

As I lay here in the E.R. , wondering what I smoked ……

LOL … just fuckin wit ya. :bigjoint:

This little pee princess has a definite Danky Schmoke - totally a creeper kind of high. Took me by surprise actually.
I smoked about two volcano bags and was chillin on the couch watching good ol Jerry Springer reruns and didn’t pay too much attention to the initial mellowness ……. Until I stood up.

Walking to the fridge became an adventure. It was like I got a head rush all at once.
Happy loopy. Gawd I love my pee.

Next , I just rolled an XL OCB joint for tonight as I lurk RIU :mrgreen:

Tomorrow I will water bong some to compare.

Nature’s best 2-part fertilizer - Shit and Pee.

The circle is now complete
So true! And we exhale CO2, so other than light, the human body is capable of providing nearly everything a plant needs to survive. This experiment really opened my eyes as to the benefits of urine. Ive also gotten quite a few therapeutic laughs out of it :) Thanks for starting this thread dude!