Simply quoting government data doesn't mean anything definitive, other than you believe them. If 90% of people are meaningfully employed, then why don't more than 60% of Americans have more than $1000? I mean, it's either everything else is completely FUBAR, or the number might not have come from God's lips.
U-6 unemployment is 9.9%, not 30% like you are trying to claim.
spew some more shit now, anime virgin.
Okay, I know that's what it's reported as, but are you aware of the metrics and sample size they use to calculate that? You're making the case that the study is perfect. I'm saying it says nothing about fully employed people working for low wages, and the debt burden/cost of living growing faster than income and job opportunities. That's just facts on the ground man, you don't have to believe everything bureaucrats tell you.
But marijuana is a soul killer and Sadam's got nukes.
Lol you know me and my avys and memes. I like to be redicules ; ) ive had some obama stuff as my avi to. I still have them. Wanna see them lol. By the the way how are you buck?shit, did you just change your avatar? do you support trum?
U-6 unemployment is 9.9%, not 30% like you are trying to claim.
spew some more shit now, anime virgin.
Lol like the fbi van running the wifi?Sorry, my error. I was false flagging. Double cross. Very high level stuff.
I really doubt the metrics they use
It's okay to be skeptical, especially when the federal government tells you everything is going well. Come on man, raise up.You doubt anything that does not fit into your skewed worldview. We already know that.
It's okay to be skeptical, especially when the federal government tells you everything is going well. Come on man, raise up.
there's an enormous and vast gulf between skepticism and lying your ass off.
9.9% is not 30%, anime virgin boi.
I like to be ridicules;
Sorry i missspelled rediculess. Im finger typing on a smart phone. Who likes being ridiculed?It's "ridiculed".
I never disputed the fact that that's the number listed, I'm saying it's inaccurate. You're squirming. Washington lies its ass off all the time if it justifies their ends. Here you are trusting known liars and calling me a sucker. You're not bright Buck, and you aren't much of a liberal either.
you have not shown that it is inaccurate in any way whatsoever, anime virgin boi.
what's more, you have not shown that it is so incredibly inaccurate as to be off by a whole 20%.
you are the epitome of loud mouthed failure.
that really stings.
or, it would, if it did not come from a nazi whose dick doesn't work.
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Quoting what you think is pretty much worthless without facts to back it up.Simply quoting government data doesn't mean anything definitive, other than you believe them. If 90% of people are meaningfully employed, then why don't more than 60% of Americans have more than $1000? I mean, it's either everything else is completely FUBAR, or the number might not have come from God's lips.
I've shown you that no one has any money, which is tacit to saying:
A.Gainful employment is no where near 90%.
B.The economy is so fucked up that even being gainfully employed isn't enough to save more than $1000.
So which one is it and how is it Bush's fault?
Sorry i missspelled rediculess. Im finger typing on a smart phone. Who likes being ridiculed?