The Party of Tolerance and Acceptance.

I stand for getting rid of the 20 trillion of Debt 10 of which is due to your boy Obama. Tough decisions will need to be made however i am willing to suffer to allow my kids a better future. Even if it effects my benefits That is what i stand for. .

Discussion of the amount of "the debt", how it will be repaid etc. can be a distraction from the real problem.

If another person(s) can unilaterally indebt you, without your consent, I would say that is what should be questioned.

Your kids deserve a better future.
Discussion of the amount of "the debt", how it will be repaid etc. can be a distraction from the real problem.

If another person(s) can unilaterally indebt you, without your consent, I would say that is what should be questioned.

Your kids deserve a better future.
Weren't your two kids publicly schooled with taxation "confiscated from other citizens"?

Why did you rape us RobRoy, why?

It's practically slavery.
If Republicans are trying to disavow the deficit and blame it on Obama, then you really have to pin it on Bush by the same logic. George Bush didn't solve an economic crisis, he created it. He created massive deficits in a booming economy! And no, Obama did not prioritize deficit reduction because he needed to clean up the flaming pile of shit Bush left on the carpet of the Oval Office. He accomplished that to the country's benefit. Now let's see how your boy does. Bad start. Really bad start.

Your logic is as flabby as a 15 Coke Zero-a-day junkie.
Be fair, pin it on everyone after Andrew Jackson.