The Party of Tolerance and Acceptance.


can we make the nazis like spaghetti noodle be identified by putting his "goy meme", more infamously known as the star of david that hitler made the jews wear, in his avatar and sig?

Screenshot 2017-01-21 at 5.00.01 AM.png

the idea is kind of inspired by a movie:

Were you able to get yourself "alt-right" high fived today or did you fail at it? What provocation did you use?

i decided not to be that guy. our numbers were so overwhelming that it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

we had over 100,000 out there. in denver.

how many did trum get for his inauguration? about 250,000?


you are a nazi.
i decided not to be that guy. our numbers were so overwhelming that it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

we had over 100,000 out there. in denver.

how many did trum get for his inauguration? about 250,000?


you are a nazi.

Inauguration turnout was dismal and my cat's a better orator than him.
His America First message resonated though.
Do you think doubling down and continuing "moving forward" is the best course of action for the Democratic Party to persue?

do you think referring to nazi stars of david as "a meme" is the best course of action for republicans like you to pursue?

learn to spell, limp dick.
i decided not to be that guy. our numbers were so overwhelming that it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

we had over 100,000 out there. in denver.

how many did trum get for his inauguration? about 250,000?


you are a nazi.

Fwiw not being "that guy" was the correct call imo.
do you think referring to nazi stars of david as "a meme" is the best course of action for republicans like you to pursue?

learn to spell, limp dick.

I was democrat most of my life-surprise.

Knowingly trying to harm anyone is inexcusable.
Ignorantly offending people is another matter.
So use of that Star is wrong. I've stated it many times since I learned it.
I was democrat most of my life-surprise.

Knowingly trying to harm anyone is inexcusable.
Ignorantly offending people is another matter.
So use of that Star is wrong. I've stated it many times since I learned it.

last night you defended using the nazi star of david as just "a meme".

you limp dicked nazi loser.
The women's march today was larger than the inauguration turnout. Spicer can spin dr. away but he's wrong.


he pisses on you with lies and you still defend it because being a nazi is THAT important to you.

you are a pathetic sack of shit. you deserve no less than a bullet in the temple.