The problem with libs/dems

8 months ago they’re out there preaching kill the unvaxxed, get your shot do as I and your government say, your bodily autonomy does not matter!!!
As of Friday… the government has no right to take away your bodily autonomy!! They’re taking us back to the dark ages!!! Women aren’t smart enough to use contraceptives and we rely one telling our girlfriends to get abortions so we can remove all sense of responsibility from our own neglect!!

Modern libs and dems are the most hypocritical Neanderthals the world has ever seen.
I commented in a thread today about the roe v wade that women as well as men need to act responsibly and practise safe sex if they don’t want conception, simple, concise, accurate. Not a single lib said yeah, makes sense. Instead it was women like sex how you gonna stop it, your daughters gonna get plowed, condoms break and pills fail. Honestly, why are libs/dems so fucking idiotic?? If you are one, please, for the love of everything and everything, drink turpentine by the gallon.
So, I'm a lib but not a dem. I support a woman's right to choose, and I also support a person's right to not be vaccinated. I wouldn't vote for Biden again, and I wouldn't vote for Trump either. Should I drink turpentine or not?
So, I'm a lib but not a dem. I support a woman's right to choose, and I also support a person's right to not be vaccinated. I wouldn't vote for Biden again, and I wouldn't vote for Trump either. Should I drink turpentine or not?
If you’re not willing to vote out republicans, then you don’t support a woman’s right to choose. Pick one or you’re not being serious. I don’t wish you any harm, that’s silly. But your position is both comical and, as it pervades the zeitgeist at large, a big part of a huge and ever-increasing problem. Namely the rise of authoritarianism and the loss of human civil rights. Roe is just the beginning and America is on the precipice. If folks like you can’t tell the difference between milquetoast and nazi by now, after all we have seen? After January 6? I mean, what is there left to say? people will continue to see exactly what they want to see, I guess..
Odds of both a condom and bc failing simultaneously is an extremely thin margin. Not to say it’s not possible but if both sides are playing defence then there’s not much chance of scoring a goal

Well when my Wife and I were younger, we certainly didn't double up on the protection in case one method didn't work as expected. And those were just two simple examples. There's also the more abstract "heat of the moment" to consider. Shit man, honest accidents happen all the time. Is it also possible that the lack of education, specifically sex ed, has a role to play in certain community's assessments of proper lifestyle choices? What about the lack of job opportunities and health resources in some communities? Would that reflect some of the reasons some may make this choice? Would proper education, health care facilities, and community standards help to avoid these decisions by some folks?
So, I'm a lib but not a dem. I support a woman's right to choose, and I also support a person's right to not be vaccinated. I wouldn't vote for Biden again, and I wouldn't vote for Trump either. Should I drink turpentine or not?
Sounds like you’re not actually a lib or a con but just a person that sees politics are shit on both sides. At least with cons though there’s logical communication even if it’s disagreed with. Libs just whine until people get in
Well when my Wife and I were younger, we certainly didn't double up on the protection in case one method didn't work as expected. And those were just two simple examples. There's also the more abstract "heat of the moment" to consider. Shit man, honest accidents happen all the time. Is it also possible that the lack of education, specifically sex ed, has a role to play in certain community's assessments of proper lifestyle choices? What about the lack of job opportunities and health resources in some communities? Would that reflect some of the reasons some may make this choice? Would proper education, health care facilities, and community standards help to avoid these decisions by some folks?
Absolutely and they should all be addressed and funded. But at the end of the day if both parties engaging in sex are using their form of protection there’s a 99.99% chance of preventing pregnancy and there’s no need to choose to terminate an unwanted child because unless you’re that minuscule percentage of hyper fertile people you’re doing your due diligence to prevent that life you’re not ready for. It shouldn’t be an option for fuck ups, it should be for medical purposes only.
Absolutely and they should all be addressed and funded. But at the end of the day if both parties engaging in sex are using their form of protection there’s a 99.99% chance of preventing pregnancy and there’s no need to choose to terminate an unwanted child because unless you’re that minuscule percentage of hyper fertile people you’re doing your due diligence to prevent that life you’re not ready for. It shouldn’t be an option for fuck ups, it should be for medical purposes only.
If a man ejaculates in a woman and she gets pregnant it's 100% the mans fault. She would have been just as happy getting her jollies without his sperm. If men would just learn self control this would never happen. unwanted pregnancy is not a woman's fault it's the mans fault. If he has no self control and looses it in her, he's 100% responsible. How can a woman get pregnant without the mans intervention? Men cause 100% of unwanted pregnancy's....own it
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So, I'm a lib but not a dem. I support a woman's right to choose, and I also support a person's right to not be vaccinated. I wouldn't vote for Biden again, and I wouldn't vote for Trump either. Should I drink turpentine or not?
Further to you’re question I suppose the answer depends on whether or not you have the ability to form a structured debate and explain your reasoning validly or if you’re just going to insult and deflect at every opportunity when you can’t offer a feasible rebuttal. Hell the only reason I wrote this post was to point out the utter hypocrisy in most of your fellow libs arguments and to highlight that their responses to my reasoning is your daughters gonna get pounded the little slut etc etc because they can’t handle that a simple solution of two parties practising safe sex relinquishes the need for abortion of unwanted pregnancy. Simple stark reality is so devastating to them they instantly insult my child because they themselves possess the maturity of an 8 year old. There’s far too many liberals with this mindset and they are the ones who need to chug
If a man ejaculates in a woman and she gets pregnant it's 100% the mans fault. She would have been just as happy getting her jollies without his sperm. If men would just learn self control this would never happen. unwanted pregnancy is not a woman's fault it's the mans fault. If he has no self control and looses it in her, he's 100% responsible. How can a woman get pregnant with the mans intervention? Men cause 100% of unwanted pregnancy's....own it
The same woman is well aware of the man’s lack of protection, should be requesting he wear it, and if she’s not wanting a child she should be using a form of birth control or taking the morning after pill so as to not get pregnant when she does not want to be. Its shared responsibility, admit it, wise up and move on. If she just wants to get her rocks off she’s got a wide selection of toys for that. She has her due diligence to prevent life as well. Get it through your Neanderthal brow buddy boy
Women don't have Constitutionally protected rights, unlike white men. What rights women have came from the right to "privacy" which is the same for virtually every achievement of the Civil Rights movement. They have now been stripped of those rights. This decision has less to do with abortion, than it has to do with equal rights. People are still focused on the abortion aspect, but soon they will realize that the Supreme Court just returned the USA to the status of an Apartheid state. We are now the only developed nation without Constitutionally guaranteed equal rights. I just hope it's enough of shock to push the states into adopting a fresh Equal Rights Amendment or else this country is done. The mullahs on the Supreme Sharia Court have spoken, the choice is either to follow the Republicans into creating their Megachurch Afghanistan or to fix the glaring flaws that the Founders had to compromise on in order to keep the Southern slave-owning states onboard with the new "country."
Strange, are you saying men should have the right to kill the unborn? Wouldn't that be equality? Who tells you this drivel?
The same woman is well aware of the man’s lack of protection, should be requesting he wear it, and if she’s not wanting a child she should be using a form of birth control or taking the morning after pill so as to not get pregnant when she does not want to be. Its shared responsibility, admit it, wise up and move on. If she just wants to get her rocks off she’s got a wide selection of toys for that. She has her due diligence to prevent life as well. Get it through your Neanderthal brow buddy boy
And surely no guy would slip off a condom without your daughters knowledge
Such a dumb argument like saying the death penalty discourages crime
Stupid is as stupid does
Absolutely and they should all be addressed and funded. But at the end of the day if both parties engaging in sex are using their form of protection there’s a 99.99% chance of preventing pregnancy and there’s no need to choose to terminate an unwanted child because unless you’re that minuscule percentage of hyper fertile people you’re doing your due diligence to prevent that life you’re not ready for. It shouldn’t be an option for fuck ups, it should be for medical purposes only.

Still have to account for human nature and realistic goal setting. It's not as black and white as you describe it. I understand your point though.
The same woman is well aware of the man’s lack of protection, should be requesting he wear it, and if she’s not wanting a child she should be using a form of birth control or taking the morning after pill so as to not get pregnant when she does not want to be. Its shared responsibility, admit it, wise up and move on. If she just wants to get her rocks off she’s got a wide selection of toys for that. She has her due diligence to prevent life as well. Get it through your Neanderthal brow buddy boy
randy men cause unwanted pregnancy.....she couldn't do it by herself. Men are the weaklink. It should be illegal for a man to have sex with a woman until he's 100% financially responsible. Lock these horny little f*ckers up and watch how fast unwanted pregnancy goes away
Works for me stay out of our country
Canada missed their best bet to be free when the US invaded but alas you didn't want to be free. Trudeau Ha Ha Ha tragically funny

2. The Patriot War // 1837–1838
Canada was divided into several colonies in 1837, and the large colonies of Upper and Lower Canada (basically modern Ontario and Quebec) were controlled by conservative cliques. When the Panic of 1837 devastated economies across the world, including Canada, desperation bred rebellion.
In August 1837, a militia called the Sons of Liberty formed with the intent of expelling Britain from Quebec and declaring independence, under the leadership of Louis-Joseph Papineau. Papineau’s men first fought the British on November 6; when they were forced to disband in mid-December, the fighting had taken 300 Canadian and British lives. Another rebellion in Upper Canada under William Lyon Mackenzie was also suppressed.
The leaders of what became known as the Patriot movement escaped to the United States, where they were wildly popular. They began recruiting American volunteers; on December 13, Mackenzie occupied a small Canadian island near Niagara Falls and declared himself President of the Republic of Canada. He gathered 500 Canadian and American volunteers. The commander of British forces across the river decided to prevent Mackenzie from gaining more reinforcements by stealing a steamship, the Caroline, anchored at Mackenzie’s base. Sixty Canadians crossed the river and killed an American watchman before scuttling the steamship.
Canada missed their best bet to be free when the US invaded but alas you didn't want to be free. Trudeau Ha Ha Ha tragically funny

2. The Patriot War // 1837–1838
Canada was divided into several colonies in 1837, and the large colonies of Upper and Lower Canada (basically modern Ontario and Quebec) were controlled by conservative cliques. When the Panic of 1837 devastated economies across the world, including Canada, desperation bred rebellion.
In August 1837, a militia called the Sons of Liberty formed with the intent of expelling Britain from Quebec and declaring independence, under the leadership of Louis-Joseph Papineau. Papineau’s men first fought the British on November 6; when they were forced to disband in mid-December, the fighting had taken 300 Canadian and British lives. Another rebellion in Upper Canada under William Lyon Mackenzie was also suppressed.
The leaders of what became known as the Patriot movement escaped to the United States, where they were wildly popular. They began recruiting American volunteers; on December 13, Mackenzie occupied a small Canadian island near Niagara Falls and declared himself President of the Republic of Canada. He gathered 500 Canadian and American volunteers. The commander of British forces across the river decided to prevent Mackenzie from gaining more reinforcements by stealing a steamship, the Caroline, anchored at Mackenzie’s base. Sixty Canadians crossed the river and killed an American watchman before scuttling the steamship.