The problem with libs/dems

And surely no guy would slip off a condom without your daughters knowledge
Such a dumb argument like saying the death penalty discourages crime
Stupid is as stupid does
Have a chat with any woman you know, they know the difference between condom and not. Further more she’s gonna notice it oozing out of her. If she’s not ready for a kid she goes the to the pharmacy and buys plan b and takes care of it the day after. Just neglecting it and rolling the dice is on her everytime. Sorry bud but you can’t win the argument that they too have responsibility in preventing unwanted life from happening. It’s not the early 1900s, shits readily available everywhere.
randy men cause unwanted pregnancy.....she couldn't do it by herself. Men are the weaklink. It should be illegal for a man to have sex with a woman until he's 100% financially responsible. Lock these horny little f*ckers up and watch how fast unwanted pregnancy goes away
Funny post, I guess you go around raping women as it seems you feel they have no say in the matter.
randy men cause unwanted pregnancy.....she couldn't do it by herself. Men are the weaklink. It should be illegal for a man to have sex with a woman until he's 100% financially responsible. Lock these horny little f*ckers up and watch how fast unwanted pregnancy goes away
You can’t remove a woman’s responsibility from the equation, there are tons of products specifically for her to prevent her from even having to consider an abortion. They are responsible to do their part as well and that’s called equality
Lock these men up that are causing unwanted pregnancy due to their lack of self control......that will take care of it.
No different that getting behind the wheel when you know you have been drinking. They chose to put it in knowing the risk. We lock up drunk drivers for being a menace to society. Lock these sperm spew'ers up for the good of us all....
Lock these men up that are causing unwanted pregnancy due to their lack of self control......that will take care of it.
No different that getting behind the wheel when you know you have been drinking. They chose to put it in knowing the risk. We lock up drunk drivers for being a menace to society. Lock these sperm spew'ers up for the good of us all....
Well it will prevent unwanted pregnancies, take a hell of a toll on the human race but I suppose we’re fucking everything up anyway so it’s the first thing I might be inclined to agree with you on even though it’s grossly satirical
You can’t remove a woman’s responsibility from the equation, there are tons of products specifically for her to prevent her from even having to consider an abortion. They are responsible to do their part as well and that’s called equality
Arguing with idiots, I had no idea so many were utterly stupid. They go nuts at the mere mention of personal responsibility and get even worse if you expect a woman to have it. Equality has never meant anything to the average leftist.
Lock these men up that are causing unwanted pregnancy due to their lack of self control......that will take care of it.
No different that getting behind the wheel when you know you have been drinking. They chose to put it in knowing the risk. We lock up drunk drivers for being a menace to society. Lock these sperm spew'ers up for the good of us all....
Why not have them live with the women they get pregnant and help raise the children? Your crackpot idea is a menace to society.