The Tea Party Downgrade

Ronald actually raise taxes
Maybe some individual taxes increased during his administration.

But overall, not so much.

But if you mean, Ronald actually raised tax REVENUES, you are correct.

The Reagan tax cuts

Thanks to "bracket creep," the inflation of the 1970s pushed millions of taxpayers into higher tax brackets even though their inflation-adjusted incomes were not rising. To help offset this tax increase and also to improve incentives to work, save, and invest, President Reagan proposed sweeping tax rate reductions during the 1980s. What happened? Total tax revenues climbed by 99.4 percent during the 1980s, and the results are even more impressive when looking at what happened to personal income tax revenues. Once the economy received an unambiguous tax cut in January 1983, income tax revenues climbed dramatically, increasing by more than 54 percent by 1989 (28 percent after adjusting for inflation).

According to then-U.S. Representative Jack Kemp (R-NY), one of the chief architects of the Reagan tax cuts:

At some point, additional taxes so discourage the activity being taxed, such as working or investing, that they yield less revenue rather than more. There are, after all, two rates that yield the same amount of revenue: high tax rates on low production, or low rates on high production.
They voted against it because there were no revenue increases and there were draconian cuts to much needed social safety net programs.

He does not understand that...His brain will not input that in...he thinks they voted for the same reason as the Teabaggers...poor guy
how is the tea party republican? because you heard on TV? cause palin supported the movement?

WWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.............ANYONE WHO PAYS ATTENTION can tell you that the Tea Party movement was primarily spouting Ron Paul quotes about smaller government, less oversight, more local control over our lives, less taxes, etc...

Ron Paul who was not a Republican in the last campaing, gee what was he again green party? libertarian? just Ron Paul?

Yep you sure sound like one...

Mormons are supposed to sound a certain way? Believe it or not we're just as diverse as the rest of the population. Nice stereotyping.

This sounds like a staunch republican.

yeah, imagine that. Someone who is Republican this is frustrated and angry with his own party. That's unique. /sarcasm

I've been a log cabin republican longer than you've had sex with other people.. if you actually have yet.

Quit trolling and get back on topic. You're making a fool out of yourself.
You have to be kidding? Let me spell this out. I signed in. I'm on mountain time. I read his post and it said 4:33. I looked at the clock, it was after five. BECAUSE I'M ON MOUNTAIN TIME. I wrote the post and submitted. it showed the time as 4:36 PACIFIC TIME. Whereas I'm in New Mexico so it was 5:36. I thought it was over an hour old. I didn't realize RIU defaults to PACIFIC TIME. What about this is hard to understand?
Oh I understand....

You can't tell time.


You are not always aware which time zone you in which you reside.

how is the tea party republican? because you heard on TV? cause palin supported the movement?

WWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.............ANYONE WHO PAYS ATTENTION can tell you that the Tea Party movement was primarily spouting Ron Paul quotes about smaller government, less oversight, more local control over our lives, less taxes, etc...

Ron Paul who was not a Republican in the last campaing, gee what was he again green party? libertarian? just Ron Paul?


Ron Paul, R-Tex (that's his party affiliation listed on the Congress website). hmm....
how is the tea party republican? because you heard on TV? cause palin supported the movement?

WWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.............ANYONE WHO PAYS ATTENTION can tell you that the Tea Party movement was primarily spouting Ron Paul quotes about smaller government, less oversight, more local control over our lives, less taxes, etc...

Ron Paul who was not a Republican in the last campaing, gee what was he again green party? libertarian? just Ron Paul?


Ron Paul, R-Tex (that's his party affiliation listed on the Congress website). hmm....


He went Repuke because libertarian party doesn't get taken seriously on the ballot.
maybe if you owed student loans you would understand the most basics of economy, 1 dollar borrowed now will eventually cost you two dollars, if your payments are more than you make you just got a late fee.

and no you would not make more money, you would pay more money, you see if you raise the amount of taxes you have to pay and you do not raise your income, you work harder for less, that means you make less.

If you actually take a look at a graph of the national debt you will see that it obama doesnt just want to increase the debt ceiling he wants to accelerate it upwards,

usually governments look at what they have and they create a budget and then they stay within that budget no matter what, cause once you spend what you have you have no more, when you borrow more cause you spent all you have, you are really spending next years money. so next year what are we going to do? raise the debt ceiling? increase taxes? what? cause we will have all the bills we have now and more. plus we will be paying for this year still and for last year and the year before that. cause our two wars were in addition to our budget, something we have not done before.

Son I spent 22 years in the service ( they paid for my school )..retired and open my first business..Now I have 3 laudromats and a 760 credit score..My house paid cars..paid for...My truck...paid motorcycle..paid for, but sold:sad: I have investmest in software and metals ( not just gold and silver either )...I also maintain a 7 tier CD don't do those types of things without knowing the basics of economics... I could tell you more but it would seem like bragging. I'm not...I really just want you to have an idea of who you are talking to... so you were saying ????
Ron Paul, R-Tex (that's his party affiliation listed on the Congress website). hmm....

So your saying that because Ron Paul is now running as a republican that retroactively makes everything he has ever done or said republican?

i guess you dont understand what time frames we are dealing with, you see ron paul has been around for several decades, and after multiple attempts at running for president as a third party candidate he decided that running as a republican candidate may be his best bet at getting into office to make some real change, instead of OBAMA's oh im gonna change stuff right away...maybe tomorrow.. nah next week... oh when i really read this patriot act thing i kinda like spying on people and torturing american citizens... gee this afghany war is kinda fun, lets stay there another couple years.... what a recession? someone left me a wallet full of credit cards lets spend some cash!
My point is, most of the tea party see him as a Republican candidate. Regardless of his views he has spent most of his looong political career as a Republican. Can't change facts or history.
how is the tea party republican? because you heard on TV? cause palin supported the movement?

WWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.............ANYONE WHO PAYS ATTENTION can tell you that the Tea Party movement was primarily spouting Ron Paul quotes about smaller government, less oversight, more local control over our lives, less taxes, etc...

Ron Paul who was not a Republican in the last campaing, gee what was he again green party? libertarian? just Ron Paul?

How bleak are you ...Ron Paul started the Tea Party movement and allowed it to get highjacked by the Republican party
How bleak are you ...Ron Paul started the Tea Party movement and allowed it to get highjacked by the Republican party

Most Americans are stupid when it comes to politics. Most of the Tea Party see him as a Republican and that is what they gravitate to. As far as most of them are concerned, the Libertarian leanings of the Tea Party are GOP ideals.
Son I spent 22 years in the service ( they paid for my school )..retired and open my first business..Now I have 3 laudromats and a 760 credit score..My house paid cars..paid for...My truck...paid motorcycle..paid for, but sold:sad: I have investmest in software and metals ( not just gold and silver either )...I also maintain a 7 tier CD don't do those types of things without knowing the basics of economics... I could tell you more but it would seem like bragging. I'm not...I really just want you to have an idea of who you are talking to... so you were saying ????

And you still dont understand cause and affect. ok let me put it on you. your a business owner you have employees you also have a family, taxes go up, this means each employee costs you more money, this means that your family gets less money, do you A take the hit on your families income, B lower the take home pay of your employees to cover the difference, or C some combination of the two which still reduces your income?

guess what you have less money
How bleak are you ...Ron Paul started the Tea Party movement and allowed it to get highjacked by the Republican party

how was it hijacked by the republican party? or was that just something spread around to discredit an actual movement of middle aged activists?