The Tea Party Downgrade

And you still dont understand cause and affect. ok let me put it on you. your a business owner you have employees you also have a family, taxes go up, this means each employee costs you more money, this means that your family gets less money, do you A take the hit on your families income, B lower the take home pay of your employees to cover the difference, or C some combination of the two which still reduces your income?

guess what you have less money

And here is where the discrepancy comes in. You call them tax hikes when in actuality they are tax breaks that need to expire for the rich and corporate subsidies that need to stop. This will only affect people who make 250,000 and above it's a a small percentage hike to levels that were in place during Clinton's administration. When we had a balanced budget.
And here is where the discrepancy comes in. You call them tax hikes when in actuality they are tax breaks that need to expire for the rich and corporate subsidies that need to stop. This will only affect people who make 250,000 and above it's a a small percentage hike to levels that were in place during Clinton's administration. When we had a balanced budget.

oh so people who make 250,000 a year dont have employees?

are you aware that you are suggesting we increase taxes on small business owners, and put even more pressure on them especially in this economy when they are competeing with franchise everything stores? Do you want to work for home depot? mcdonald's? or how about Walmart construction services?
oh so people who make 250,000 a year dont have employees?

are you aware that you are suggesting we increase taxes on small business owners, and put even more pressure on them especially in this economy when they are competeing with franchise everything stores? Do you want to work for home depot? mcdonald's? or how about Walmart construction services?

There's that boogey man again. You realize that if the tax cuts ended it would return to 36% and 39.6%, from 33% and 35% they are enjoying now. A 3 to 4% increase - the same tax rate during the economic boom of the Clinton era and during the time of a balanced budget. Keep spinning.
Any VET that knows what hes talking about will let you know how clinton balanced the budget. you see back when my grandfather joined the army he was guaranteed lifetime medical from the government, clinton put him on tricare, I believe it was. My grandfather was no longer allowed to use Madigan Hospital. And we were not invading other countries and setting up decade long police actions outside of the budget. also since clinton was president the number of federal employees has trippled yeah tripled you care to tell me how that is good for our economy,
so you are saying that a grass roots movement for smaller government and lower taxes, which did happen to receive financial support from concerned corporations, and was made up of people from both sides of the "two party system" who had dont want taxes raised to pay for a decade long quagmire which was financed and not paid for to continue for another decade are the people responsible for the republicam party refusing to allow an idiot president tell them what they have to do, so he can turn around and spend even more money, sorry, but the federal government isnt supposed to spend tax money on saving failing businesses, and when you decide to step in the way of capitalism by hooking a bloated whale to life support you dont deserve an increase in your credit limit.

Are you people really so stupid that you cant see the manipulation going on?

Well duh! Of course they are. That's why they can be manipulated! That's the downfall of every democracy. The majority of people will believe any line of bulls..t you feed them, as long as you sprinkle something they want to hear. You know, free healthcare, unlimited unemployment, free whatever. It's those terrorist, racist, evil, filthy rich Tea Party's fault for pointing out we have maxxed out the credit card.
oh so people who make 250,000 a year dont have employees?

are you aware that you are suggesting we increase taxes on small business owners, and put even more pressure on them especially in this economy when they are competeing with franchise everything stores? Do you want to work for home depot? mcdonald's? or how about Walmart construction services?
you do understand that this 250,000 a year PROFIT(earning)..thats after overhead and EMPLOYEES have been paid...Now if you don't know how to make 250,000 profit a year work for you in investment or interests ...then maybe you shouldn't have 250,000 a year
you do understand that this 250,000 a year PROFIT(earning)..thats after overhead and EMPLOYEES have been paid...Now if you don't know how to make 250,000 profit a year work for you in investment or interests ...then maybe you shouldn't have 250,000 a year

it's like trying to explain the color blue to a blind man.
you do understand that this 250,000 a year PROFIT(earning)..thats after overhead and EMPLOYEES have been paid...Now if you don't know how to make 250,000 profit a year work for you in investment or interests ...then maybe you shouldn't have 250,000 a year

WOW i dont even need to respond to that to make my point
I guess people who take significant personal financial risks in order to start their own business, (through savings and loans other than the publicly subsidized VA loans you started you business' with), just dont deserve to reap their own crop.
man do you know how excellent your credit should be making 250,000 a year..spend only 50 every year and you are a million in pretend like you can understands investments...How much do you think you can make in 5 with a solid investment..??? I can tell the people with no money or investments...not trying to be funny...but it shows when they talk...but in fairness I would say hey lets do the ones that make 500,000 a year and up...would that be fair ???
My understanding all the "Draconian" budget cuts were really just reductions to PLANNED INCREASES. That's why we got our credit rating lowered, we're still increasing spending, just not as much.
My understanding it was due to too much fuckin gridlock from congress in a fiscal crisis...Create by THE TEA PARTY...