mate, every day since having that "epithany" about boycotting the ellection, the more and more i really feel inclined to try it. i mean rage for christmas, shit song kinda but it happened. and for any who don't care enough, a pledge ofa a 1/2 ounce through the door once magic happens, how i'll gorw a million ounces of weed i don't quite know
but i honestly think that with propper education and such for the people, they'll start to think twice about how sensibble it was to fire prof nutt. i had lunch iwth my mother which ended up being a 3 hour (dare i say it) pleasure. thourout which we discussed cannabis and such, to other diners earshot which she wasn't too happy about

but i asked her what was so bad about it that she resented the fact my brother and i do it, to which she said it was meerly the fact that we were smoking something anything into our lungs, she just saw it as bad health 101. so i told her about edibles. think i'm gonna make her some hash oil teriyaki
it's only going to be so long though either way. friends of mine, crazy political professional people, well they just can't get enough bud, and every time i see them i normally have them passed out on the couch

and i guarantee that these people will be knwon naitonwide within a decade, they're the next gen so to speak.
and fair play on the woman standing down from the drugs board, amking it illegal to illegalise methadrone, as opposed to restriction and control of sales. hells yes!