The UK Growers Thread!

Haha, you're a pissing-in-your-draws-drunk eh? I did feck all last night, got in on friday about 6 and slept till 3, so last night I was wide awake till about 4. No weed :(

It's happened on a few occasions in my drinking career. Only when I'm proper wasted though. Thinking about it now, I was dying to take a piss and couldn't find the door. I must have blacked-out and just pissed in the drawer. Luckily nothing was damaged, and it was an easy clean up job.

Sucks that you don't have no weed and couldn't sleep. Have you tried Diphenhydramine when you're dry to help you sleep?

Cheap Basterd
It's happened on a few occasions in my drinking career. Only when I'm proper wasted though. Thinking about it now, I was dying to take a piss and couldn't find the door. I must have blacked-out and just pissed in the drawer. Luckily nothing was damaged, and it was an easy clean up job.

Sucks that you don't have no weed and couldn't sleep. Have you tried Diphenhydramine when you're dry to help you sleep?

Cheap Basterd

Funny you should mention that, I took an anti histamine about 20 mines ago but it wasn't a Diphenhydramine. Off to see my girl in a big show tonight, her family is going so I won't be smoking and probably be up all night again. Not too bad when you've got female company :hump:

Take it easy lads
sweet bro only been once but it was wicked :)


come check the journal out sometime ladies and gents :) repping uk hahaha
its gone down hill alot since the 1st time i went, but its like a magnet dragging me back for more lol.

wow wee looking nice man!!!
i just harvested my plants and have them hanging in a dark open closet, the closet is close to a window and it feels cool inside the closet, do i also need to put a fan inside? or is it fine as it is?​
howzitgaun lads. well its harvest time and ive chopped six orange bud so far, yeild looks ok, maybe 3 oz per plant but too early to tell, itll be another few days till its dry enuff to gat an accurate weight. ive still got 5 more to chop; a ceres purple(freebie seed), an og kush, a lemon haze and 2 roc loc. the kush is nowhere near ready as it was a gift from a mate for services rendered, still another 4 or 5 weeks flower on it but the others are get done tomorrow. i'm gonna post sum pics later this week when i get a lead for my camera and i'd like sum feedback on one plant in particular, it went pure white after been heavily burned, weird as fuck because it kept on growing and produced a lot of bud but there was very little smell from it, dont even know if its actually gonna produce a smoke, ahll be gutted if it doesnt coz its gave me at least 3 oz. well c ya'all later......i fucking hate being sober.
Knock knock.

Who's there?


Dave who?

Dave holds back tears as he realises his mother's Alzheimers is getting worse.
Same old Dura, How u doin mate! Just some quick spam, ( done enough lastnight lol). Hope your feavered for your trip man, have a good one bro!

Sounds like a good haul dura :D and that last joke is great! :D

Today was snowwwwwy, not for you northern folks, but for me it was a lot of snow, i lived in a valley for my first 20 years and had snow about twice so i made the most of my walk today. Nowt like unintentionally sliding down a huge ass hill, saved me a good bit of time, although alas coming back from work it was two steps up the hill and one back down :p took a while.

Anyone had a big bleeding cut that they didn't know happened and simply can't feel? Was working for 20 minutes before i realised i'd been bleeding over all the produce i was packing up :D being food produce the boss was pretty mortified :lol:
ha ha ha

i have to walk over a bridge to get to work and the bad thing is that its flat on the other side, so i did the same as you two forward and one back but was happy that i didnt have to plan my descent.