The UK Growers Thread!

Mornin' Lads,

Hope you all had a good night.

Thanks for keeping me informed about the current state of the illicit substance trade. lol. And for sharing your stories. Brings back a shitload of memories, aww to be carefree and young, living for the weekend (or in my case most weekdays. lol)

What "Brand Names" Are pills going by these days? I'll share my first time story later on.

Have a good one Lads.

Cheap Basterd.
young???? christ man i'm not too far away from forty and i'm still doing the same shit now as i was then, in fact truth be told i'm worse coz now i aint even pretending to work or give a shit, every one that knows me would probably telll u im one lifes annoying fuckers coz i just sit in the pub laffing about all the poor wage slaves and how i'm never goin to pay tax and shit! it really really winds people up, i was sittin one day doing my usual rant about enjoyin scrounging from the state and that every one that doesnt is a mug that the government is just screwing over when the very large hard guy sitting next to me blew up, now ive known this guy for years and hes as hard as coffin nails so i was a tad worried i was gonna be eatin thru a straw for the forseeable but eventually i calmed him down, after about ten mins had passed and normal colour had returned to his face i offered to buy him a drink , he said not bother he was fine to which i replied its ok you've already paid for it with ur income tax......cue a repeat of the initial reaction. there are times when i should really reign in the witty comments.
as for name of pills the standard one around here are 'smurfs' for the large part and the newer more expensive one are pink diamonds, unusual diamond kinda shape on one side. we also had 'xmas trees' a while back but the were fucking garbage, i popped 14 of the fuckers one nite and all it did was keep me awake and produced the most godawful sore head. tbh if i want an 'e' buzz again i'll just buy pure mdma, i know its expensive but at least ur getting the effect your lookin for.
In weather like this, I always carry an emergency shovel in the car.

Just in case I get the urge to bury my wife.
Sky news -

'Lib Dem Ministers' Fears Caught On Tape'

Highlights include laughing clowns and a dancing dwarf...
Bloody hell, guess I am young compared to you guys. 20 years young.

The only really decent pills I've had for ages were called micky mouses and only took 2 and was up dancing for a good 14 hours. Crashed pretty bad after that though lol.

I've gotta jump on a fricking train to London now, hope the bastard isn't cancelled!

Take it easy.
ive got an afternoon appointment with one of those bloody dole office courses where i'll pretend to listen to a fat ex salesman tellin me how to search for a job and my existing skills are transferable and maybe i should consider some new and maybe exiting options such as stackin shelfs in b n q. well they can suck ma fat white scottish bellend. that'll be fuckin right!!!i know every trick in the book and i'm always one step in front of the fuckers, this is a war of attrition and all ive gotta do is hang in there till i'm a pensioner.
Fecking supermarket shopping stoned :( was meant to go out and get christmas presents for the family, then i went and blew £70 in sainsburys instead.
young???? christ man i'm not too far away from forty and i'm still doing the same shit now as i was then, in fact truth be told i'm worse coz now i aint even pretending to work or give a shit, every one that knows me would probably telll u im one lifes annoying fuckers coz i just sit in the pub laffing about all the poor wage slaves and how i'm never goin to pay tax and shit! it really really winds people up, i was sittin one day doing my usual rant about enjoyin scrounging from the state and that every one that doesnt is a mug that the government is just screwing over when the very large hard guy sitting next to me blew up, now ive known this guy for years and hes as hard as coffin nails so i was a tad worried i was gonna be eatin thru a straw for the forseeable but eventually i calmed him down, after about ten mins had passed and normal colour had returned to his face i offered to buy him a drink , he said not bother he was fine to which i replied its ok you've already paid for it with ur income tax......cue a repeat of the initial reaction. there are times when i should really reign in the witty comments.
as for name of pills the standard one around here are 'smurfs' for the large part and the newer more expensive one are pink diamonds, unusual diamond kinda shape on one side. we also had 'xmas trees' a while back but the were fucking garbage, i popped 14 of the fuckers one nite and all it did was keep me awake and produced the most godawful sore head. tbh if i want an 'e' buzz again i'll just buy pure mdma, i know its expensive but at least ur getting the effect your lookin for.

Fuckin' 'ell,

Funny story Dura.
Christmas is bullshit! I'm going to find whoever started it and nail them to a piece of wood!

Some muthafuckin' cunt who thought it'd be funny to make everyone think they have to spend shitloads of cash or people will think they're tight cunts!

Same goes for Hallmark Holidays. Fuck 'em all is what I say!

Sooner Christmas is done with the better in my opinion.
Some muthafuckin' cunt who thought it'd be funny to make everyone think they have to spend shitloads of cash or people will think they're tight cunts!

Same goes for Hallmark Holidays. Fuck 'em all is what I say!

Sooner Christmas is done with the better in my opinion.

Don't worry CB, i missed the joke first time reading it :D

And it's not so much just the motherfucking cunts, it's also the dumb as shit parents the motherfucking cunts are working with. Who the fuck would pay any attention to the motherfuckingcunts when they tell you to buy your 8yr old kid an iphone., dumb ass pieces of shit is who! As much as i abhor violence and such, i think a 1 ties cleansing wouldn't do much harm :D
Fuck me that was a meal and a half, had to skip on some of the courses like the chilli squid to save room for the steak and cheese boards. 5 hours for a steak is a tad excessive though, after 3 hours all i wanted was a joint out back, had to settle with £10 a glass red wines, so much for tomorrow plans!
That pound of cannabutter i was going to bin, well i gave it to my flatmate who promptly stuck half of it in a garlic baguette. I've seen him for about 15 minutes since he ate it around 6pm last night. Sounds like he's fast asleep :D
I had to move a 300 Lb Pool Table today. And my friend helping me weighs about 10 stone. So I had the worse fucking time. Trying to lift that kind of weight ans getting the "heavy end" And the fucking ground was icy no less.