worst. comedown. ever. sleep is definitely the only way to cure this but that aint happening today!!
Anyone had or having any good work parties this year? (work, you lot, HA!) Experience has told me they suck, managed to skip 2 but alas been ambushed into going to the 3rd tomorrow. It's in a restaurant with about as appropriate a name as the slaughter house from the Simpsons
too much charlie and free porn is a recipe for a sandpapered german helmet, ma knob looks like a november cabbage!!
No downers in supply?
Bang 40/50 mil of Valium, you'll be all good. go to the docs looking all fucked up and tell them you haven't sleept in three days. They'll most probably prescribe you some zopiclone.
Hope you're feeling better
Anyone had or having any good work parties this year? (work, you lot, HA!) Experience has told me they suck, managed to skip 2 but alas been ambushed into going to the 3rd tomorrow. It's in a restaurant with about as appropriate a name as the slaughter house from the Simpsons
For anyone interested, Wilko have some sweet glass airtight jars for cheap. Perfect for storing your dried smoke. Think a medium sized one was £1.79
Cheers mate, I just rode it out in bed all day. Had the fucking cold sweats and the lot. Think the worst has passed and I might try some toast in a minute. My girl wasn't impressed, came round and I was just zombie mode.
I went to last years xmas do and it was shite so I've dodged it this year. Also, most of the people I work for a nob heads
most are pure crap , you get a speedys buzz with the majority with alittle of the old mdma body hit and then a fuckin 3 day comedown...not pleasant!! there are sum new ones around that are around a tenner a pop, they're kinda similar to the old school ones of the 90's although not just as good, then again maybe my tolerance levels have increased a smidgen in the last 10 or 15 years. as for price around 4 for a tenner for standard ones , i bought 2 thousand of the fuckers for 30p a pill but had to virtually give them away, no ones really into it any more, every one wants charlie for the pub and grass for the house.
Whenever I took pills I'd drink like a fish, Redstripe for me all the way (well pretty much whatever was available) Fuck all those safety freaks saying stay hydrated. lol. I use to sweat like a cunt though. And on pills I could smoke like a mother fucker. When I was proper wasted I could still roll a perfect joint.
Shame people fuck with pills, because when they're good, they're so fucking good. Why can't people just put capitalism aside and let people enjoy the magic?