The UK Growers Thread!

I do apologise for linking actual evidence of the dangers of having such a device and hows the link silly? . ..let's hope ur kids are grand.
Well ur I find it hard to believe you've used the one filter for ten yrs especially if you're not changing the carbon lol
No I don't work for em I just promote products I know that work...consistently at that has in fact yet to fail. I've had the rhino n pro n all that Shite n they go they simply lose effect after a few grows.I'm not bashing you I'm conversing.
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Here's me parroting another link
..sorry I'm not a professional In the field of ozone generation and I highly doubt you yourself are so I like to reference or link actual credible sources not smoke slack jawed hippies on a cannabis forum(not u just all the misinformation on these forums) do your own reseach before coming to your own conclusions. If ur grows in a warhorse with sweet circulation great but if you've a family n pets ur p utting ur plants ahead of em.. simples
Still lolling @ parroting ffs unless you're an expert in the field u usually need sources to back up ur claims..credible sources at that haha

You read some information you re-post it because it makes you feel smart and important
you make various incorrect assumptions about my knowledge of growing and use of ozone
you are giving unsolicited advice and pushing a particular brand of product

i commend you on your ability to use a search engine, a rare skill these days
although i must add, i have no intention of clicking your links or reading any information you post
i hope some other members of the site find the links to the information you posted useful
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You read some information you re-post it because it makes you feel smart and important
you make various incorrect assumptions about my knowledge of growing and use of ozone
you are giving unsolicited advice and pushing a particular brand of product

i commend you on your ability to use a search engine, a rare skill these days
although i must add, i have no intention of clicking your links or reading any information you post
i hope some other members of the site find the links to the information you posted useful
No I reposted it cuz I knew it to be factual it's not safe,period.

What the Fuck is ur issue with me suggesting a better filter lol it was recommended to me once and I liked it so therfore I also recommend it...simples

N yet you continue to argue without even reading the fucking links lool suck a dick u bell end I was measly pointing you at SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that ozone gems are toxic.. period mr ten yr filter lol

If ur paranoid about clicking links then use a vpn or proxy ffs tor even helps so you've no excuse but sheer ignorance
No I reposted it cuz I knew it to be factual it's not safe,period.

What the Fuck is ur issue with me suggesting a better filter lol it was recommended to me once and I liked it so therfore I also recommend it...simples

N yet you continue to argue without even reading the fucking links lool suck a dick u bell end I was measly pointing you at SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that ozone gems are toxic.. period mr ten yr filter lol

If ur paranoid about clicking links then use a vpn or proxy ffs tor even helps so you've no excuse but sheer ignorance

Dude it's not personal, i have a problem with any noob trying to give me unsolicited advice
i have no problems with my plants, pets or family

and know you are making even more assumptions about why i will not click your links
you then go on to offer me advice about vpn services Lol

i wish you would reel your neck in , but i'm sure you have some more advice for me
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Well I'm not a noobs u bell end Ive a new account lol. U may not have problems yet but I suggest getting on your Google machine to a proper site with peer reviewed papers on the subject I suggest using Google scholar (yes omg using a search engine rather than your own opinion...think I'll stick with the scientific facts...
Get ur head our ur are u self richous twat. U contributed to someone's grow n ventilation recommending an ozone gen when I then said was toxic then u flipped lol it was a conversation. OK so now I'll make an other assumption n ur just 2 pig ignorant to take any other advice but ur own even if the other contributes scientific fact.. Pls share some links urself that ozone gems are safe.didn't give u advice on cons I told u to use one if ur paranoid.

i recommended nothing, i stated what i use successfully, now run along you little noob you are not a teacher, stop trying to be one
you're a cheerleader, big difference
Oh n who wants an mountain air filter?

Post some pictures of your grow, i am sure its magnificent, would show me your growing skills directly
and perhaps i will not think of you are such a noob

i am aware how proud you are of your ability to use a search engine and recommend branded products
pictures of your magnificent garden would be the icing on the cake
Post some pictures of your grow, i am sure its magnificent, would show me your growing skills directly
and perhaps i will not think of you are such a noob

i am aware how proud you are of your ability to use a search engine and recommend branded products
pictures of your magnificent garden would be the icing on the cake
Haha I don't have to prove shit to u.ur the one with the issue all I said was ozone gens are toxic n you've obviously issues with different opinions n preferred to spew dribble on my aparent noobness lol bless . I suggest u use a search engine instead of ur know all fuck everyone else's opinion.

Has anyone here used a generic carbon filter for ten yrs with no issue? Think not.go spew ur dribble elsewhere