There Is No Devil.


Well-Known Member
Really? You dont see the nature of your question as finite and transient? What would YOU like to see? God is not of the ego conciousness. Those ideas and concepts die when you die.


check out the pics at bottom this is the 2million year old one..i figured if this was close i would look at the rest but.....
java man they find a few bones (The skull-cap may have belonged to a large extinct ape, and the leg bone to an ordinary human)and reconstruct an entire head and face calling it half ape half man :clap: see pic below

Java turn out to be as young as 100,000 years, as some researchers believe, then erectus was still alive on Java at the same time that fully modern human beings were living in Africa and the Middle East.

no ancestor for man has ever been documented. The “missing links” are still missing. Here is a summary of facts relating to some of the most well known fossil discoveries.
  • Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (Neandertal man) - 150 years ago Neandertal reconstructions were stooped and very much like an 'ape-man'. It is now admitted that the supposedly stooped posture was due to disease and that Neandertal is just a variation of the human kind.
  • Ramapithecus - once widely regarded as the ancestor of humans, it has now been realized that it is merely an extinct type of orangutan (an ape).
  • Eoanthropus (Piltdown man) - a hoax based on a human skull cap and an orangutan's jaw. It was widely publicized as the missing link for 40 years.
  • Hesperopithecus (Nebraska man) - based on a single tooth of a type of pig now only living in Paraguay.
  • Pithecanthropus (Java man) - now renamed to Homo erectus. See below.
  • Australopithecus africanus - this was at one time promoted as the missing link. It is no longer considered to be on the line from apes to humans. It is very ape-like.
  • Sinanthropus (Peking man) was once presented as an ape-man but has now been reclassified as Homo erectus (see below).
Currently fashionable ape-men

These are the ones that adorn the evolutionary trees of today that supposedly led to Homo sapiens from a chimpanzee-like creature.
  • Australopithecus - there are various species of these that have been at times proclaimed as human ancestors. One remains: Australopithecus afarensis, popularly known as the fossil 'Lucy'. However, detailed studies of the inner ear, skulls and bones have suggested that 'Lucy' and her like are not on the way to becoming human. For example, they may have walked more upright than most apes, but not in the human manner. Australopithecus afarensis is very similar to the pygmy chimpanzee.
  • Homo habilis - there is a growing consensus amongst most paleoanthropologists that this category actually includes bits and pieces of various other types - such as Australopithecus and Homo erectus. It is therefore an 'invalid taxon'. That is, it never existed as such.
  • Homo erectus - many remains of this type have been found around the world. They are smaller than the average human today, with an appropriately smaller head (and brain size). However, the brain size is within the range of people today and studies of the middle ear have shown that Homo erectus was just like us. Remains have been found in the same strata and in close proximity to ordinary Homo sapiens, suggesting that they lived together.
There is no fossil proof that man is the product of evolution. Could it be that the missing links are still missing because they simply do not exist.

I heard it was 700,000 years old


Well-Known Member
Science is flawed to you because it contradicts your belief. Its that simple, so drum up all the rediculous fantasies you want. Just because your bible isnt verifiable doesnt mean to shit all over the knowledge, what little we have, of that which points to something different and verifyable. God seems to hate diversity.


Active Member
Science is flawed to you because it contradicts your belief. Its that simple, so drum up all the rediculous fantasies you want. Just because your bible isnt verifiable doesnt mean to shit all over the knowledge, what little we have, of that which points to something different and verifyable. God seems to hate diversity.

Prove the bible wrong with science.


Well-Known Member
Really? You dont see the nature of your question as finite and transient? What would YOU like to see? God is not of the ego conciousness. Those ideas and concepts die when you die.
finly someone said sumting that made sense :grin:
I would like to 2nd that statement, matter of fact I think I would perhaps just Rep A donia for locking page #57 down!!


Prove the bible wrong with science.
There is nothing wrong with the dating methods fish, you may get a contaminated sample here and there, but the overall dating methods we've devised work perfectly fine at dating things of most ages pretty accurately. If they didnt, we wouldn't use them. If you were right and none of them worked or were really inaccurate, we'd throw em out and forget about em, why don't we do that?

And this quote here is another thing I found pretty funny... That's exactly what science has been doing for the past 400 years!

Remember when they locked up Galileo?

-science has PROVEN the earth is not flat, which the bible says it is, a "circle" is not a "sphere", a 'circle' is flat on both sides and round along the outside, a sphere is round on all sides. You telling me your God didn't know that?

-science has PROVEN no flood ever took place

-science has PROVEN genetic changes happen over time, ie EVOLUTON

-science has PROVEN supernatural events and people rising from the dead are impossible

-science has PROVEN we share common ancestors with modern apes

-science has PROVEN the earth and the cosmos are much older than 6,000 years you need me to list anymore?

Science has gotten as close as you can get to proof that there is no God. The one and only reason it hasn't actually PROVED there is no God is because THE PEOPLE WHO DESIGNED YOUR RELIGION MADE IT SO IT IS NOT PROVABLE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. That is the very foundation of the faith you believe in. So you asking me to prove it wrong is like me asking you to prove it right. Both are impossible.

The difference is, science isn't asking you for your faith, it's not asking you to believe, it doesn't even give a damn if you do or not. Science says "here I am, this is reality, believe it or not, it's up to you" - Isn't that fuckin' great?! I kinda like that proposition as opposed to "believe me based on nothing or burn for eternity!"...


Active Member
there is no devil,god,jesus,good,bad,time....humans created it all to answer questions we cant comprehend, there is no meaning to anything before or after right now.


there is no devil,god,jesus,good,bad,time....humans created it all to answer questions we cant comprehend, there is no meaning to anything before or after right now.

I agree to some extent.

I'd like to ask you how you feel about existence with an outlook like that?

Do you feel that killing someone for example wouldn't really matter all that much if you got away with it 100% clean? Like, do you think down the road you would feel anything about doing something like that?

This is something I've recently been thinking about... how do you feel about things like sports games or dating? Do you feel as if those things are kind of pointless or meaningless? They're just going to come and go, who really cares about the outcome..


Active Member
There is nothing wrong with the dating methods fish, you may get a contaminated sample here and there, but the overall dating methods we've devised work perfectly fine at dating things of most ages pretty accurately. If they didnt, we wouldn't use them. If you were right and none of them worked or were really inaccurate, we'd throw em out and forget about em, why don't we do that?

And this quote here is another thing I found pretty funny... That's exactly what science has been doing for the past 400 years!

Remember when they locked up Galileo?

-science has PROVEN the earth is not flat, which the bible says it is, a "circle" is not a "sphere", a 'circle' is flat on both sides and round along the outside, a sphere is round on all sides. You telling me your God didn't know that?

-science has PROVEN no flood ever took place

-science has PROVEN genetic changes happen over time, ie EVOLUTON

-science has PROVEN supernatural events and people rising from the dead are impossible

-science has PROVEN we share common ancestors with modern apes

-science has PROVEN the earth and the cosmos are much older than 6,000 years you need me to list anymore?

Science has gotten as close as you can get to proof that there is no God. The one and only reason it hasn't actually PROVED there is no God is because THE PEOPLE WHO DESIGNED YOUR RELIGION MADE IT SO IT IS NOT PROVABLE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. That is the very foundation of the faith you believe in. So you asking me to prove it wrong is like me asking you to prove it right. Both are impossible.

The difference is, science isn't asking you for your faith, it's not asking you to believe, it doesn't even give a damn if you do or not. Science says "here I am, this is reality, believe it or not, it's up to you" - Isn't that fuckin' great?! I kinda like that proposition as opposed to "believe me based on nothing or burn for eternity!"...
nothing wrong with dating methods? why do they keep changing the age of Lucy? The radiometric dating of "Lucy" is an example. After the original date of 3.6 million years became unpalatable, a geologist suggested that the date should be revised downward to 3 million years based upon comparative dating of similar volcanic tuff. Another date was 2.6 million years, then 2.9 million years, and then 1.8 million years. Now, they believe that "Lucy" should be about two million years old.10

The bible does not teach round or flat earth his lockup has nothing to do with the bible

science showes there was a great flood
and i dont care how old the earth is

you said "science isn't asking you for your faith, it's not asking you to believe, it doesn't even give a damn if you do or not." it is aking for you to believe because most of it they cant prove


nothing wrong with dating methods?
why do they keep changing the age of Lucy? The radiometric dating of "Lucy" is an example. After the original date of 3.6 million years became unpalatable, a geologist suggested that the date should be revised downward to 3 million years based upon comparative dating of similar volcanic tuff. Another date was 2.6 million years, then 2.9 million years, and then 1.8 million years. Now, they believe that "Lucy" should be about two million years old.10

The bible does not teach round or flat earth his lockup has nothing to do with the bible

science showes there was a great flood
and i dont care how old the earth is

you said "science isn't asking you for your faith, it's not asking you to believe, it doesn't even give a damn if you do or not." it is aking for you to believe because most of it they cant prove
Fish, you're killin' me man...

The bible does teach the earth is flat, just like any other piece of it, it's incredibly vague and the takes a little interpretation by the reader, but when they say things like "Once again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their glory." Matthew 4:8, or "Behold, he is coming with the clouds! Every eye shall see him..." Revelation 1:7... How could you see "all the kingdoms of the world" on a round planet? How could "every eye" see anything unless the entire planet was flat?... shit like that, see what I mean?

Please provide me with any amount of evidence to support a "great flood". Where do you suppose all that water came from, and then went?

Are you suggesting that the story of Noah's arc is accurate?

"and i dont care how old the earth is" - Clearly! Why is that? Could it be because it doesn't fit with your already established, unchangable beliefs? Don't you feel that is a block that is limiting your ability to gain accurate knowledge about the real world? Your letting a belief in a magic man make you disbelieve something that is happening right there in front of you in reality. In any other context, you would see how unbelievably insane that is.

Fish, I wan't to make this perfectly clear to you OK... Science, the shit I've been talking about is SCIENCE because IT CAN BE PROVED. If it cannot be proved, like your God/Christianity hypothesis, it is NOT science. Just like intelligent design, same shit with that, that is not science because there's nothing to test about it... The scientific method DEPENDS on CONSISTENCY and ACCURACY and REPEATABLE EXPERIMENTS... I seriously do not get what you can't understand about that. That is how it's so easy for someone like me to determine what is science and what is not science. Can you test it? - yeah? Science... - no? Not science... pretty easy. There are scientific theories and ideas floating around that are completely speculation, 100% hypothetical... but that's the thing, they are only ideas, nobody is saying any of them are fact. The stuff they've stated as fact are already determined to be true through multiple tests and experiments, the big bang theory is the most accurate model that supports the evidence for the beginning of the universe, evolution is the most accurate model available that supports the diversity of life on earth... What can you test about religion? These are the important differences between SCIENCE and RELIGION.

There's not a shred of 'faith' in the same sense as religion involved in any aspect of science.

By the way, you source is littered with errors and disinformation, take a look;

Piltdown man and the Nebraska man are two examples of how much speculation and presupposition plays a part in evolutionary thinking. Piltdown man was a hoax that fooled specialists for forty years: ape and human fossils doctored to look like they belonged together. The bones were treated with iron salts to make them look old, and the teeth filed to make them look like ape's teeth.

-what kind of logic is it to determine from two fake, and deliberately forged fossils that the whole of the theory of evolution is false? What about the THOUSANDS of other fossils that all support the theory of evolution, every single one of them?

Scientists have found over sixty specimens of Neanderthal Man. Evolutionists have for years used Neanderthal man to prove their theory. But, some experts say that if you put a coat and tie on Neanderthal man, you couldn't tell him from anyone else walking down the street.

- omg the stupidity of the author is unbearable! Did somebody write that as a joke, seriously, that's funny!

- the entire goddamn bone structure is different! -

- they were stronger, shorter, had much more hair and had less brain capacity than modern humans do, they would be unbelievably easy to spot in a crowd of modern humans. If any scientist or doctor were to mistake a neanderthal fossil for a modern homo-sapien one, they would be bitch slapped for their stupidity, as well they should be.

Early human fossils are dated from their strata. This means that the dating of these fossils is dependent upon the assumptions of evolution. The problem is, truly human fossils were discovered in strata dated older than Australopithecines, supposedly the oldest ancestor to man. Where the radiometric date does not agree with evolutionary thinking, it is surprising how they adjust and massage the data to fit the theory. The radiometric dating of "Lucy" is an example. After the original date of 3.6 million years became unpalatable, a geologist suggested that the date should be revised downward to 3 million years based upon comparative dating of similar volcanic tuff. Another date was 2.6 million years, then 2.9 million years, and then 1.8 million years. Now, they believe that "Lucy" should be about two million years old.

- 100% WRONG SON! "Lucy" aka Australopithecus is estimated to be 3.2 million years old.

- The discovery of this
hominin was significant as the skeleton shows evidence of small skull capacity akin to that of apes and of bipedal upright walk akin to that of humans, providing further evidence that bipedalism preceded increase in brain size in human evolution.

- I also like how the guy doesn't list any names of people who are tinkering with the evidence...

Fossilized skeletons of Cro-Magnon Man had a superior size and brain capacity to modern man. We could explain this with the Biblical idea that before the flood people lived longer and were healthier because God made the environment with the purpose for man to live forever.

- we know, brain size does not determine intelligence level, nothing uncommon about that... What I'd like to know is where the hell the author got the evidence to support that crazy shit he just layed down!

One other thing... that source is from 1994, what's that.. 15 years?... way to stay current bro.

If you're reading shit like this it's no wonder why you hold the beliefs you do...


Active Member
Fish, you're killin' me man...

The bible does teach the earth is flat, just like any other piece of it, it's incredibly vague and the takes a little interpretation by the reader, but when they say things like "Once again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their glory." Matthew 4:8, or "Behold, he is coming with the clouds! Every eye shall see him..." Revelation 1:7... How could you see "all the kingdoms of the world" on a round planet? How could "every eye" see anything unless the entire planet was flat?... shit like that, see what I mean?
he was on a high moutain obviously it wasnt flat

coming with the clouds wouldnt they be looking up, and the "every eye" part LOL you think they could see people from the next town? whew nowonder you dont believe the bible you have no clue what its talking about in those verses

haha and i am killing you? :-P


he was on a high moutain obviously it wasnt flat

coming with the clouds wouldnt they be looking up, and the "every eye" part LOL you think they could see people from the next town? whew nowonder you dont believe the bible you have no clue what its talking about in those verses

haha and i am killing you? :-P
You could not see "all the kingdoms of the world" unless the earth was flat, I don't give a fuck how tall your mountain is.

That second quote is talking about the second coming of Christ. It clearly means every single human on earth will see Christ when he comes, not all the humans in _______ town will. That's just absurd, even you can admit that.

What about the rest of my post? The other 95% you seemingly missed...


Active Member
"and i dont care how old the earth is" - Clearly! Why is that? Could it be because it doesn't fit with your already established, unchangable beliefs? Don't you feel that is a block that is limiting your ability to gain accurate knowledge about the real world? Your letting a belief in a magic man make you disbelieve something that is happening right there in front of you in reality. In any other context, you would see how unbelievably insane that is.

Fish, I wan't to make this perfectly clear to you OK... Science, the shit I've been talking about is SCIENCE because IT CAN BE PROVED. If it cannot be proved, like your God/Christianity hypothesis, it is NOT science. Just like intelligent design, same shit with that, that is not science because there's nothing to test about it... The scientific method DEPENDS on CONSISTENCY and ACCURACY and REPEATABLE EXPERIMENTS... I seriously do not get what you can't understand about that. That is how it's so easy for someone like me to determine what is science and what is not science. Can you test it? - yeah? Science... - no? Not science... pretty easy. There are scientific theories and ideas floating around that are completely speculation, 100% hypothetical... but that's the thing, they are only ideas, nobody is saying any of them are fact. The stuff they've stated as fact are already determined to be true through multiple tests and experiments, the big bang theory is the most accurate model that supports the evidence for the beginning of the universe, evolution is the most accurate model available that supports the diversity of life on earth... What can you test about religion? These are the important differences between SCIENCE and RELIGION.

There's not a shred of 'faith' in the same sense as religion involved in any aspect of science.

By the way, you source is littered with errors and disinformation, take a look;

-what kind of logic is it to determine from two fake, and deliberately forged fossils that the whole of the theory of evolution is false? What about the THOUSANDS of other fossils that all support the theory of evolution, every single one of them?

- omg the stupidity of the author is unbearable! Did somebody write that as a joke, seriously, that's funny!

- the entire goddamn bone structure is different! -

- they were stronger, shorter, had much more hair and had less brain capacity than modern humans do, they would be unbelievably easy to spot in a crowd of modern humans. If any scientist or doctor were to mistake a neanderthal fossil for a modern homo-sapien one, they would be bitch slapped for their stupidity, as well they should be.

- 100% WRONG SON! "Lucy" aka Australopithecus is estimated to be 3.2 million years old.

- The discovery of this hominin was significant as the skeleton shows evidence of small skull capacity akin to that of apes and of bipedal upright walk akin to that of humans, providing further evidence that bipedalism preceded increase in brain size in human evolution.

- I also like how the guy doesn't list any names of people who are tinkering with the evidence...

- we know, brain size does not determine intelligence level, nothing uncommon about that... What I'd like to know is where the hell the author got the evidence to support that crazy shit he just layed down!

One other thing... that source is from 1994, what's that.. 15 years?... way to stay current bro.

If you're reading shit like this it's no wonder why you hold the beliefs you do...

The age of the earth has nothing to do with the bible or my beliefs that is why i dont care


Active Member
Fish, you're killin' me man...

The bible does teach the earth is flat, just like any other piece of it, it's incredibly vague and the takes a little interpretation by the reader, but when they say things like "Once again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their glory." Matthew 4:8, or "Behold, he is coming with the clouds! Every eye shall see him..." Revelation 1:7... How could you see "all the kingdoms of the world" on a round planet? How could "every eye" see anything unless the entire planet was flat?... shit like that, see what I mean?

Please provide me with any amount of evidence to support a "great flood". Where do you suppose all that water came from, and then went?

Are you suggesting that the story of Noah's arc is accurate?

"and i dont care how old the earth is" - Clearly! Why is that? Could it be because it doesn't fit with your already established, unchangable beliefs? Don't you feel that is a block that is limiting your ability to gain accurate knowledge about the real world? Your letting a belief in a magic man make you disbelieve something that is happening right there in front of you in reality. In any other context, you would see how unbelievably insane that is.

Fish, I wan't to make this perfectly clear to you OK... Science, the shit I've been talking about is SCIENCE because IT CAN BE PROVED. If it cannot be proved, like your God/Christianity hypothesis, it is NOT science. Just like intelligent design, same shit with that, that is not science because there's nothing to test about it... The scientific method DEPENDS on CONSISTENCY and ACCURACY and REPEATABLE EXPERIMENTS... I seriously do not get what you can't understand about that. That is how it's so easy for someone like me to determine what is science and what is not science. Can you test it? - yeah? Science... - no? Not science... pretty easy. There are scientific theories and ideas floating around that are completely speculation, 100% hypothetical... but that's the thing, they are only ideas, nobody is saying any of them are fact. The stuff they've stated as fact are already determined to be true through multiple tests and experiments, the big bang theory is the most accurate model that supports the evidence for the beginning of the universe, evolution is the most accurate model available that supports the diversity of life on earth... What can you test about religion? These are the important differences between SCIENCE and RELIGION.

There's not a shred of 'faith' in the same sense as religion involved in any aspect of science.

By the way, you source is littered with errors and disinformation, take a look;

-what kind of logic is it to determine from two fake, and deliberately forged fossils that the whole of the theory of evolution is false? What about the THOUSANDS of other fossils that all support the theory of evolution, every single one of them?

- omg the stupidity of the author is unbearable! Did somebody write that as a joke, seriously, that's funny!

- the entire goddamn bone structure is different! -

- they were stronger, shorter, had much more hair and had less brain capacity than modern humans do, they would be unbelievably easy to spot in a crowd of modern humans. If any scientist or doctor were to mistake a neanderthal fossil for a modern homo-sapien one, they would be bitch slapped for their stupidity, as well they should be.

- 100% WRONG SON! "Lucy" aka Australopithecus is estimated to be 3.2 million years old.

- The discovery of this hominin was significant as the skeleton shows evidence of small skull capacity akin to that of apes and of bipedal upright walk akin to that of humans, providing further evidence that bipedalism preceded increase in brain size in human evolution.

- I also like how the guy doesn't list any names of people who are tinkering with the evidence...

- we know, brain size does not determine intelligence level, nothing uncommon about that... What I'd like to know is where the hell the author got the evidence to support that crazy shit he just layed down!

One other thing... that source is from 1994, what's that.. 15 years?... way to stay current bro.

If you're reading shit like this it's no wonder why you hold the beliefs you do...

You could not see "all the kingdoms of the world" unless the earth was flat, I don't give a fuck how tall your mountain is.

That second quote is talking about the second coming of Christ. It clearly means every single human on earth will see Christ when he comes, not all the humans in _______ town will. That's just absurd, even you can admit that.

What about the rest of my post? The other 95% you seemingly missed...

missing 95% you dont even understand what i just said why finish LOL

think about this...
you said you can not see all the kingdoms of the world unless the earth was flat so if the earth was flat you could see all the kingdoms even the ones thosuands of miles away:?:
to get the earth is flat out of that verse you must assume they could see really good not to mention there might be another High mountain they cant see over
really man did u even think about this one? i am half goofing around on this verse there are much much bigger problems with thinking that verse was talking about earth being flat feel free to delete your post:-P


Active Member
Science changes. The picture that science painted in the 1700s is different than the picture in the 1800s 1900s 2000s and on and on. And it will continue to evolve.
Science can never prove if you love your wife or children. But there is a reality of love for children and people.
The world is bigger than science. Science is awesome! Jah is awesome!!! Science is the handiwork of God.