These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

Those look perfect, dude!:clap:

Worse case scenario, you might get a leaf or two chewed off. I'd call that effective, man. I can speak for their capabilities. Daisy Mae and I just took a long walk in the woods, today. Every plant I put out is in perfect health.:)

I've found out that, not only do they keep the critters out, but they also served to keep them from being blown around too much during three days of badass storms with very high winds. NOT ONE plant looked like it had been damaged by ANYTHING... ... If you remember, I put over 20 plants out, brah...:mrgreen:

Can't wait to see you harvest those girls, man!

Those look perfect, dude!:clap:

Worse case scenario, you might get a leaf or two chewed off. I'd call that effective, man. I can speak for their capabilities. Daisy Mae and I just took a long walk in the woods, today. Every plant I put out is in perfect health.:)

I've found out that, not only do they keep the critters out, but they also served to keep them from being blown around too much during three days of badass storms with very high winds. NOT ONE plant looked like it had been damaged by ANYTHING... ... If you remember, I put over 20 plants out, brah...:mrgreen:

Can't wait to see you harvest those girls, man!


Do you like the barbs I bent up at the bottom? there buried under dirt so if they try to dig under they get torn up. I made these things to maim lol

The pickup that's my old turbo diesel I cant even afford to drive anymore to many tickets with her.
Well I think the cages did the trick I checked on the girls this morning and there was some evidence of digging but it stopped at those barbs I bent up. Ha ha fuckers..
Everything looks about the same as the pics in Post#80 that was 3 days ago there is new growth but nothing horribly noticeable they should really start taking of here pretty soon now that the weather is finally shaping up. The one that got fucked up by squirrels might even make a comeback.
See it looks a bit perkier haha
i've got a den of copperheads in my plot. i killed a small one last time i was out there. bastard was inches from nailing me. looks great sv. glad you got to keep your plants bro.
i've got a den of copperheads in my plot. i killed a small one last time i was out there. bastard was inches from nailing me. looks great sv. glad you got to keep your plants bro.
I almost got bit by one of those when I was 10, I was on vacation in Kentucky there was a drought and I was brushing my teeth by the water spigot and it came to the water. I smashed it head with a log, worst they have up here by me is harmless grass snakes. Those are copperheads venomous if I'm not mistaken? at least you wont have rodents digging up your shit though.

I'm glad I got to keep my plants too, I'm not to sure I am quite off there radar yet consumers keeps coming to the house to peek at the meter like they did yesterday its the middle of the month I don't understand that. But they come to the house every month now. I've still got plants in the closet space but its just a jalapeno plant some watermelon sprouts, and some cucumbers for pickles. If the boys in blue wanna come look at that there welcome to but I bet they will feel like fucking idiots.
Hey Bro, Love the cages ya built. Looks like they will work out good for ya. Oh ya, fuck the boys in blue. They don't need to look at your vegies to qualify for


I almost got bit by one of those when I was 10, I was on vacation in Kentucky there was a drought and I was brushing my teeth by the water spigot and it came to the water. I smashed it head with a log, worst they have up here by me is harmless grass snakes. Those are copperheads venomous if I'm not mistaken? at least you wont have rodents digging up your shit though.

I'm glad I got to keep my plants too, I'm not to sure I am quite off there radar yet consumers keeps coming to the house to peek at the meter like they did yesterday its the middle of the month I don't understand that. But they come to the house every month now. I've still got plants in the closet space but its just a jalapeno plant some watermelon sprouts, and some cucumbers for pickles. If the boys in blue wanna come look at that there welcome to but I bet they will feel like fucking idiots.
Shit. If your house is clean, that's all the more reason to tell them no, at the door! Tell em' it'll be a cold day in hell before you SUBJECT YOURSELF to any violation of your rights.(That'll get em' good and mad) Also, as soon as you say no, they're gonna' be convinced they're on the right track. If they're in fact on the wrong track, this gives you a little room to control the situation, if there is one.;)

Make em' work their asses off, and go through the proper channels to waste time and money.;) Why make it easier for them to be wrong? Fuck em'!:cuss: They need to be raiding a fuckin' meth or crack house anyways. They wont get away with wasting a bunch of money on empty marijuana raids for very long, and someones gonna' start redirecting funds.

Lookin good chop. I must say though, I'm glad I'm an indoor guy! It's actually snowing outside right now though so I guess being where I am I don't really have any other choice! I could see myself getting a little outdoor activity going though one of these days. Gotta get out of the mountains first though!

If you live in MI, why don't you get your card? Nothing upsets the boys in blue more than legal pot growing