They finally obtained a Trump Tax Return!

he might have sent it, but i don't get why he would want to remind people that he is hiding his taxes. maybe a distraction from whatever comey plans to say tomorrow?

in any case, we now know that when he proposes getting rid of the AMT (and inheritance tax) it will be to benefit himself and none of his "white working class" voters. he just weaponized that against himself.
Distraction from Russia and " wire tapping " and he thought this release would show that he did pay taxes whilst making a shit load of money. He has a pattern easy to see when you know it. Sunday he should be putting out a tweet or something, hearings are Monday.
I honestly think Comey needs to resign he's allowing politics to influence the FBI far too much. I didn't agree with him when he did it to Clinton and I don't agree with it now. But something tells me he's going to be forced to resign soon regardless
Distraction from Russia and " wire tapping " and he thought this release would show that he did pay taxes whilst making a shit load of money. He has a pattern easy to see when you know it. Sunday he should be putting out a tweet or something, hearings are Monday.

it would take him 67 years to make $10 billion if he grossed $150 million a year, and that's ignoring billion dollar losses and the other leaked years where we know he only made a couple million.
I honestly think Comey needs to resign he's allowing politics to influence the FBI far too much. I didn't agree with him when he did it to Clinton and I don't agree with it now. But something tells me he's going to be forced to resign soon regardless
hmmmm... Hoover was able to hang around and was very much politically influence. RACIST BASTARD POS HOOVER
it would take him 67 years to make $10 billion if he grossed $150 million a year, and that's ignoring billion dollar losses and the other leaked years where we know he only made a couple million.
This tax release was well chosen to be leaked. Show me a leak with all the forms and more recent, then we have something. Right now we have a Distraction with the info of knowing now to watch out for him trying to rid of the ATM
I don't exactly go looking for periods and question marks when I'm reading it doesn't make any difference to me I still have to read all the words whether there is a period or not to understand the content but I'm not trying to attack him over this I honestly don't care it's not that important and I'm far too stoned to care about punctuation or grammar.

Punctuation changes things.
Distraction from Russia and " wire tapping " and he thought this release would show that he did pay taxes whilst making a shit load of money. He has a pattern easy to see when you know it. Sunday he should be putting out a tweet or something, hearings are Monday.

*Saturday's always Saturday morning.
I call a spade a spade a fag a fag. It's fine if you like dick but a man can build a thousand bridges and suck one dick that man is not a bridge builder he's a cocksucker.

I'm cool with fags getting married though I just ain't gonna be there.


Your pseudo-animosity towards gays is very indicative of HOCD - 'Repressed Homosexuality Disorder'. Come OUT already and CELEBRATE your love of cock!

Al Capone had a very low IQ but he was not stupid.
By what metric? He sat in prison for not paying his taxes while his brain turned to mush; in the 30's. It must not be that hard to avoid taxes, seeing as our president does a fine job of it, and I could imagine in the days when the "adding machine" was all the rage, it was even easier.

If you mean he is smart because he ran the Windy and surrounding areas, that's also false. Very easy to maintain your rule when you kill all your competitors.