This is what happen when u elected anyone else but Ron Paul!!!!


Well-Known Member
First off, what war? There hasn't been a war in 5 years.

All that Iraq is nothing but an occupation. The media loves to call it a "war" because that throws in every negative thing associated with that term. If you call the last 5 years in Iraq a "war" then it has been by far the lowest casualty rate war we have been in. That said-

I have posted earlier my thought on his troop removal plan, and it is beyond ridiculous.
even your beloved bush calls it a war, it doesnt matter what you call it, nevertheless over 4000 americans (and who knows how many iraqis) are dead...and for what, what real good have we accomplished? Bush is a are a tool.


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
I told you to read my posts and the link I had, I guess you didn't do it so that is why you have these questions.

I answered why his I disagree with his foreign policy, you should read it.

This is the last time I'm going to respond to you about a question already answered earlier.
Seems like you do not know or totally misunderstand his foreign policy...

even your beloved bush calls it a war, it doesnt matter what you call it, nevertheless over 4000 americans (and who knows how many iraqis) are dead...and for what, what real good have we accomplished? Bush is a are a tool.
Correct. War is never justified. Never. Defense is, but war is not.


Well-Known Member
I told you to read my posts and the link I had, I guess you didn't do it so that is why you have these questions.

I answered why his I disagree with his foreign policy, you should read it.

This is the last time I'm going to respond to you about a question already answered earlier.
i did read it but what happen Iraq i none of our concern in fact it's the very least for that matter...we cant be in dept 9 trillion and become bankrupt to please the world....they dont need us the first day we were there they dont need us now..same go for any orther country we have out trrops over there like German, Japan, and countless other country..we have to borrow money from China every day to maintain the military base all over the world....and went further in dept.....that is stupid if we dont go home now....stop spending stop borrowing for pointless stuff...


Well-Known Member
I thought all paulywogs disappeared'd!

Paulywogs. n.

A small, but frantic group of internet tadpoles, who spend their days and nights hyped up on crystal meth, and posting their nonsense all over the internets, to make it look like Ron Paul actually has a chance in hell of winning the election. Once Ron Paul finishes in 7th place for just for the Republican nomination, Paulywogs will immediately cease to exist in this realm, and will return to their rightful home, in the World of Warcraft.

Seriously, enough is enough.
I never left home, nor am/was I a Paulywog. Hehe, Ron Paul never stood a chance.:roll:
I am America (and so can you!) :mrgreen:

rob the pot head

Well-Known Member
It's really ridiculous for anyone to come on to a Marijuana forum and be against PAUL and for BUSH... it just shows how retarded some people are. Bush wants you in jail for smoking this herb, Paul wants it legalized.
If no one FUCKING realizes that Bush, Clinton, Obama, McCain all = THE SAME SHIT, I'm gonna lose my mind. They will bring an end to the United States of America and begin the United States of the World.


New Member
It's really ridiculous for anyone to come on to a Marijuana forum and be against PAUL and for BUSH... it just shows how retarded some people are. Bush wants you in jail for smoking this herb, Paul wants it legalized.
If no one FUCKING realizes that Bush, Clinton, Obama, McCain all = THE SAME SHIT, I'm gonna lose my mind. They will bring an end to the United States of America and begin the United States of the World.
So, if one smokes pot, one should be a one issue person politically?



Well-Known Member
Hey i'm for ron paul . i liked ron paul's ides of a smaller government and more personal freedom. Ron Paul Fuckin Rules!!!!!!!
I love 99% of things you say on here Vi your awesome - this included. /cough don't know why I suddenly wanted to say this but its true.

The problem Ron Paul has is that he espouses liberty. The average American wouldn't know liberty if it hit him/her in the face. In fact, the ideas of liberty and freedom scares the crap out of most Americans. I mean, taking personal responsibility for one's actions? Are you kidding me? :roll:

Further I think we need to do an IP check I think Medicineman has created a pseudonym. Medicineman stop masquerading as Zenmaster immediately, I Demand You!!!!!!!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Anyone who would vote for ron paul over bush is a stupoid cunt with no brain..come on now anyone with any sense of reality knows Ron Paul would be a horrible president yeah he wants to legalize weed which he cant do but everything else he is clueless on. It was funny when someone said he is in 2nd place well yeah if there are only 2 people and one has all the votes and ron has zero I guess he is in second place or last lol..If you want america to survive you have no choice but to vote republicans as democrates want to much big government which we dont need.Granted McCain is really a liberal and not a republican he is the lesser of the 3 possible evils til next election


Well-Known Member
dude you like bush more then ron paul? your a fucking idiot. read a book. move out of your moms house and stop watching the news. having news media spoon feed you anything is dangerous.


Well-Known Member
with a name like zen master you would think consciousness is a quality you possess...but no...your probably a pro-lifer who's in favor of the death penalty


New Member
Anyone who would vote for ron paul over bush is a stupoid cunt

And to think, after reading some of your grow posts, I actually thought you had some intelligence, well, after that statement, I can see I was sorely mistaken! BTW what is stupoid? Is that what someone who spells stupid-stupoid is~LOL~?


Well-Known Member
Anything with Ron Paul is no longer relevant, His own people have already said to Vote for third parties.
Paul stood a snowball's chance in hell to begin with and he'll be way to old to run the next time.
Most who think that Paul was a good choice to begin with didn't really read what he is really about... He's a Corporate Supremest.