This isn't over.

Motives and intentions speak volumes. Bypass Trump where you can and lead from the from where you can. I think Donald might try to hold rallies again, if only to raise cash and feel the love. He needs them to tell him to steal the election, after priming of course. Cheer lead chants by the crowd of, cheated and don't go, we will fight for you, etc. Donald will receive permission from the "people", for his next move, insurrection or stochastically calling for it.

Donald is meeting with Michigan republicans trying to screw you.

Biden, Harris to meet with governors, Trump again has no public events
There are 62 days until the president-elect is sworn in. He turns 78 on Friday.

WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will meet virtually with several governors Thursday and are expected to focus on improving coordination between the federal and state responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The meeting will be held with the National Governors Association's executive committee.
I see Joe is on the TV presidenting again after the governors meeting and sidelined useless Donald. Might as well get this shit out of the way, do what ya can, when ya can. Joe is talking about you and your problems and how to solve them, Donald is whining and bitching in his own shrinking world, humored by fear stricken republicans who don't want to see him explode. Mitch wants to keep Donald in a cage muzzled, if he can't use him to win Georgia, after the runoff off goes Donald under the bus.

If Joe really needed access, he would have been in court long ago, but now we are coming to the point where it might cost lives and might is good enough to go to court. Judges settle matters of law, seek one's counsel in court.
Here is an example of extreme desperation driving delusion. The great thing about this and the covid coverage, is it can be used to take down the entire disinformation infrastructure in one fell swoop. Just play their audio and video as the crises unfolded before a FCC hearing, they are a public health menace and divisively political propaganda operation. making them responsible for citizens deaths by promulgating dangerous disinformation should be enough to kill them dead, using existing law and regulation. AM radio should go digital, making the radios in millions of 1/2 ton trucks quickly obsolete and removing hate radio from the air, reapply and be publicly useful. You won't loose a single vote, but might eventually gain a lot by getting rid of this trash, people have a basic human right to the truth and not to be manipulated for nefarious purposes.
Trump tries to undo the election he lost
DETROIT, MI - NOVEMBER 04: A worker with the Detroit Department of Elections helps sort through absentee ballots at the Central Counting Board in the TCF Center on November 4, 2020 in Detroit, Michigan. President Trump narrowly won Michigan in 2016, and both he and Joe Biden campaigned heavily in the battleground state in 2020. (Photo by Elaine Cromie/Getty Images)

The President has invited GOP lawmakers from Michigan to the White House after calling two officials who voted to certify Detroit's election results
I guess I now know how monarchies managed to stay in power as long as they have - a lot of people really want that shit.
Several monarchies survived because they gave up the power to the people, not cause people want the fascist shit more commonly the result in republics in modern times. Nazi germany, fascist italy, china a republic, 22 of them in russian federation, venezuela a republic, Spain went from republic to fascist dictatorship back to monarchy, North Korea is officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and... Trump. You’re confused with autocratic republics.

Ok, it’s not working too well for the Saudies, but look at it this way: you let the majority of the country pick the most powerful person every four year, hoping it’s a good pheno. Considering in most countries more than half the people are idiots maybe not a good idea. They might pick a runt lacking all the qualities a good king should have. In monarchies we spent hundreds of years breeding royals, creating stable lines, and than hybridize with other royals families, slaugthering the ones we didn’t like. And then stripped them from actual power in a constitution and let the people decide what the king must do. Denmark, UK, Canada, Australia, NL, Sweden, Luxembourgh, are typically in the top when it comes to standard of living and economically.

Anyway... Trump supporters are in a cult, their desires no longer match what’s good for them. according to experts it takes about 2 years for cultist to snap out of it once they left the cult or the leader dies.

You are at the verge of Plato’s 5th stage of a republic, Tyranny.

Democracy then degenerates into tyranny where no one has discipline and society exists in chaos. Democracy is taken over by the longing for freedom. Power must be seized to maintain order. A champion will come along and experience power, which will cause him to become a tyrant. The people will start to hate him and eventually try to remove him but will realize they are not able.

The tyrannical man is the son of the democratic man. He is the worst form of man due to his being the most unjust and thus the furthest removed from any joy of the true kind. He is consumed by lawless desires which cause him to do many terrible things such as murdering and plundering. He comes closest to complete lawlessness. The idea of moderation does not exist to him. He is consumed by the basest pleasures in life, and being granted these pleasures at a whim destroys the type of pleasure only attainable through knowing pain. If he spends all of his money and becomes poor, the tyrant will steal and conquer to satiate his desires, but will eventually overreach and force unto himself a fear of those around him, effectively limiting his own freedom. The tyrant always runs the risk of being killed in revenge for all the unjust things he has done. He becomes afraid to leave his own home and becomes trapped inside. Therefore, his lawlessness leads to his own self-imprisonment.

“Champion” in the eye of the beholder of course, but isn’t it fascinating Plato predicted Trumps nearly 2400 years ago already. Down to becoming bunkerboy.

Maybe, maybe the whole independence war wasn’t such a bright idea after all. I know that’s blasphemy in the US but think about it, if it weren’t for those damn French and their neverending desire to meddle in other countries, you could have been like Canada. Or maybe even like Australia or New Zealand, where common sense is still horse sense.

Now there happens to be a royal line available at the right time. Harry, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, a fine specimen with what Plato refers to as a soul of gold. Harry is close with Obama and Jill Biden, people with silver souls. The United Kingdom of the Americas. You could even include South Korea as a colony like a proper european monarchy.
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Trump isn't done with this yet. If he has to make a choice between marshaling a bunch of stupid, gun-toting idiots to support him and accepting his defeat, well...

Amazing that anybody watching the forceful butt-fucking by coronavirus that the country is dealing with as Trump dithers, tweets and golfs could still support him. Just amazing. My mind boggles. I guess I now know how monarchies managed to stay in power as long as they have - a lot of people really want that shit.

they live in another world that was set-up for them..FOX, Trump TV OANNNNNN. it's like living in Stepford (Fairfield County Connecticut) in a trailer park way. the shell game is an easy con because it doesn't take the magician much effort- they're more than willing to, they want to believe.

If only that Twitter account were somehow gone.

besides, who's in charge of stopping him?
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Several monarchies survived because they gave up the power to the people, not cause people want the fascist shit more commonly the result in republics in modern times. Nazi germany, fascist italy, china a republic, 22 of them in russian federation, venezuela a republic, Spain went from republic to fascist dictatorship back to monarchy, North Korea is officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and... Trump. You’re confused with autocratic republics.

Ok, it’s not working to well for the Saudies, but look at it this way: you let the majority of the country pick the most powerful person every for year, hoping it’s a good pheno. Considering in most countries more than half the people are idiots maybe not a good idea. They might pick a runt lacking all the qualities a good king should have. In monarchies we spent hundreds of years breeding royals, creating stable lines, and than hybridize with other royals families, slaugthering the ones we didn’t like. And then stripped them from actual power in a constitution and let the people decide what the king must do. Denmark, UK, Canada, Australia, NL, Sweden, Luxembourgh, are typically in the top when it comes to standard of living and economically.

Anyway... Trump supporters are in a cult, their desires no longer match what’s good for them. according to experts it takes about 2 years for cultist to snap out of it once they left the cult or the leader dies.

You are at the verge of Plato’s 5th stage of a republic, Tyranny.

Democracy then degenerates into tyranny where no one has discipline and society exists in chaos. Democracy is taken over by the longing for freedom. Power must be seized to maintain order. A champion will come along and experience power, which will cause him to become a tyrant. The people will start to hate him and eventually try to remove him but will realize they are not able.

The tyrannical man is the son of the democratic man. He is the worst form of man due to his being the most unjust and thus the furthest removed from any joy of the true kind. He is consumed by lawless desires which cause him to do many terrible things such as murdering and plundering. He comes closest to complete lawlessness. The idea of moderation does not exist to him. He is consumed by the basest pleasures in life, and being granted these pleasures at a whim destroys the type of pleasure only attainable through knowing pain. If he spends all of his money and becomes poor, the tyrant will steal and conquer to satiate his desires, but will eventually overreach and force unto himself a fear of those around him, effectively limiting his own freedom. The tyrant always runs the risk of being killed in revenge for all the unjust things he has done. He becomes afraid to leave his own home and becomes trapped inside. Therefore, his lawlessness leads to his own self-imprisonment.

“Champion” in the eye of the beholder of course, but isn’t it fascinating Plato predicted Trumps nearly 2400 years ago already. Down to becoming bunkerboy.

Maybe, maybe the whole independence war wasn’t such a bright idea after all. I know that’s blasphemy in the US but think about it, if it weren’t for those damn French and their neverending desire to meddle in other countries, you could have been like Canada. Or maybe even like Australia or New Zealand, where common sense is still horse sense.

Now there happens to be a royal line available at the right time. Harry, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, a fine specimen with what Plato refers to as a soul of gold. Harry is close with Obama and Jill Biden, people with silver souls. The United Kingdom of the Americas. You could even include South Korea as a colony like a proper european monarchy.
Yep, Plato nailed Trump. Times change and social norms evolve, but the basic nature of people does not, unless there is evolutionary pressure, not much changes, in the case of humans, that pressure is internal, inside and among communities of humans. Societies are subject to competitive forces too, none can exist without embracing the modern world or be run over by it, the Japanese experience is striking in this regard. One of those modern technologies was liberal democracy, representative government and independent courts and the other democratic institutions that make a modern society, even totalitarian regimes ape the form of this. All countries have modern militaries too and you can't show up with a musket and conquer them any more.
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Agreed too. I am not sure what else Biden can do in the meantime to not screw up the Georgia race for the 2 senators in January to get Kamala Harris control of the senate. If they can pull that off, and do a good job, 2022 they hopefully can pick up some more senate seats to give the nice safe senate for the Democratic party for a very important 2024 race.

That is why the Republicans are perfectly fine dumping a major mess (economic, homelessness, societal injustices, broken immigration system, alliance repair, and the actual work of getting the nation together to fix the pandemic all on Biden's lap. They will sit back and troll Biden like they did with the Tea Party until 2024.
OF COURSE GOP is perfectly fine with dumping as much shit as possible in the lap of the incoming administration - that’s been standard operation procedure for the Gross Old Pederasts since Reagan...they still think we can’t see them doing it, too.

let’s not forget that Harris’ new role as VP leaves an opening for another senator to join in; it could be as easy as Newsome appointing a Dem to fill her seat - that would make it 51-49, day in, day out.

BTW, GOP senators are NOT going to like having to WORK: Treason Turtle has had them on an idle golfer’s work schedule for a long damn Are they going to avoid doing the nations business if they’re required to actually show up?
Several monarchies survived because they gave up the power to the people, not cause people want the fascist shit more commonly the result in republics in modern times. Nazi germany, fascist italy, china a republic, 22 of them in russian federation, venezuela a republic, Spain went from republic to fascist dictatorship back to monarchy, North Korea is officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and... Trump. You’re confused with autocratic republics.

Ok, it’s not working to well for the Saudies, but look at it this way: you let the majority of the country pick the most powerful person every for year, hoping it’s a good pheno. Considering in most countries more than half the people are idiots maybe not a good idea. They might pick a runt lacking all the qualities a good king should have. In monarchies we spent hundreds of years breeding royals, creating stable lines, and than hybridize with other royals families, slaugthering the ones we didn’t like. And then stripped them from actual power in a constitution and let the people decide what the king must do. Denmark, UK, Canada, Australia, NL, Sweden, Luxembourgh, are typically in the top when it comes to standard of living and economically.

Anyway... Trump supporters are in a cult, their desires no longer match what’s good for them. according to experts it takes about 2 years for cultist to snap out of it once they left the cult or the leader dies.

You are at the verge of Plato’s 5th stage of a republic, Tyranny.

Democracy then degenerates into tyranny where no one has discipline and society exists in chaos. Democracy is taken over by the longing for freedom. Power must be seized to maintain order. A champion will come along and experience power, which will cause him to become a tyrant. The people will start to hate him and eventually try to remove him but will realize they are not able.

The tyrannical man is the son of the democratic man. He is the worst form of man due to his being the most unjust and thus the furthest removed from any joy of the true kind. He is consumed by lawless desires which cause him to do many terrible things such as murdering and plundering. He comes closest to complete lawlessness. The idea of moderation does not exist to him. He is consumed by the basest pleasures in life, and being granted these pleasures at a whim destroys the type of pleasure only attainable through knowing pain. If he spends all of his money and becomes poor, the tyrant will steal and conquer to satiate his desires, but will eventually overreach and force unto himself a fear of those around him, effectively limiting his own freedom. The tyrant always runs the risk of being killed in revenge for all the unjust things he has done. He becomes afraid to leave his own home and becomes trapped inside. Therefore, his lawlessness leads to his own self-imprisonment.

“Champion” in the eye of the beholder of course, but isn’t it fascinating Plato predicted Trumps nearly 2400 years ago already. Down to becoming bunkerboy.

Maybe, maybe the whole independence war wasn’t such a bright idea after all. I know that’s blasphemy in the US but think about it, if it weren’t for those damn French and their neverending desire to meddle in other countries, you could have been like Canada. Or maybe even like Australia or New Zealand, where common sense is still horse sense.

Now there happens to be a royal line available at the right time. Harry, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, a fine specimen with what Plato refers to as a soul of gold. Harry is close with Obama and Jill Biden, people with silver souls. The United Kingdom of the Americas. You could even include South Korea as a colony like a proper european monarchy.
Interesting pull from Plato, but I’ll NEVER forget the “idealistic” devotion to Plato of the American “conservatives” who see themselves as the rightful rulers, the ‘philosopher-kings’ who *should* get to order the rest of us around with absolute authority. Then again, I don’t really get your lionizing of Harry, or monarchy, for that matter: monarchy is no less the ‘parent’ of tyrants than democracy...especially since here in the modern world, “democracy” is shorthand for ‘representative self-government, enacted through a process of general election’.
Jim, the original ‘63 Haunting is hands down the SCARIEST movie I’ve ever seen: not gross, not even violent, just creepy as fuck. I doubt you’ll be disappointed!
I'm looking foward to it.
I hate chainsaw/hack them up shit, but classic ghost stories I love.
Edgar Allan Poe is one of my top 10 authors, followed by Mary Shelly & Bram Stoker (Frankenstein/Dracula respectively)
Brianna’s da bomb.
Been watching some of her commentaries another real human I'm watching is Nicole Wallace on MSNBC, Chris Hayes rips a good strip lately too. There have been a lot of people doing an excellent job of excoriating Trump, Cuomo, and Don Lemon et al. It really isn't that hard to write a good diatribe about the fuck. I've got experience ... :lol: