This isn't over.

Plato was *never* a fan of Athenian democracy: his teacher and mentor, Socrates, was instrumental in several of the Peleponnesian city-states being taken over by tyrants - his *students* as it turned out. Socrates was maybe the first master of “fake news”: He was executed for using his personal free speech to undermine the value of free speech itself, and for thereby making himself - and his students - existential threats to Athens itself. I highly recommend “The Trial of Socrates” by IF Stone for a genuinely in-depth look at how Socrates came to be sentenced to death. He was the Fox News, the Sean Hannity, the Rush Limbaugh of the time, and presented a loving breathing crisis to Greek civilization.Plato was his apologist, his amanuensis, his water-carrier...too bad he was not seen through by the founding fathers when they were looking for a term way than monarchy.

There’s another aspect to all this - one that gets no shrift at all in “Christian” America, and that is sacred kingship: a head of state embodies a symbolic role that goes virtually unrecognized today; the idea that the king and the land are one, and that the head of state is a moral and ethical center that ties a nation together, allows it to weather crises and remain intact. The many volumes of Sir James Fraser’s “Golden Bough” goes into great depth and detail the topic; by that light, the presidency of DJT represents the fundamental moral corruption of us as a people, requiring a symbolic and actual purging of the threads that brought him to power, and to the destruction his time in power has wrought on us as a nation and a people.

getting deep...better quit....
well, yeah, it's interesting what you say and all that.

But doesn't it matter that the majority actually voted for somebody else? Anachronistic articles in our constititution guided and constrained our voting system to disenfranchise the majority in favor of a chosen minority that selected Trump.

Not disagreeing with your premise. But then again, I guess I just did disagree with it. The majority did not select Trump. We did not select a tyrant. We saw him for what he was and chose Clinton, then Biden. Throughout it all, the majority observed the rule of law, even accepting Trump as president because that's how the constitution was drawn up. We got Trump because the majority was defeated, not because we selected him. I wonder how many times that happened in the past?
And the tyrants of Thebes and Corinth weren’t voted into office, either...but if OUR constitution is anachronistic, what defense does PLATO have? Athens didn’t foresee the danger of a man like Socrates, and so they prepared no defense against him and his...we imagined we protected ourselves, and discovered we were wrong
Pericles was always a fav of mine, a statesman and pragmatist, a smart guy, who had a smarter wife, that he respected and listened to, in a male dominated culture where women wore veils and were not even considered fully human
references that he's a crazy robot president covered in make-up.

circa 1980 how some things never change listen to what were the issues of the day.

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Wait till Rudy figures out Donald will screw him for the 20K, legal fees a day he's charging for this. I gotta tell ya I don't think the Don got value for his money, even though he was paying actors rates, Rudy should have got the flat actors union rate for that performance. Something tells me Rudy is never gonna see the cash unless the Don is cutting him checks daily and Rudy is cashing them.

I suspect Rudy might have covid, he's been exposed plenty and with his underlying health condition I don't think he will live without antibodies. Perhaps Rudy dying will put the capstone on the Trump presidency, if he doesn't die soon, he will die in prison along with Donald. I dunno if this shit will affect the election in Georgia, not much will convince republican voters, not even this fiasco.