This isn't over.

I quit smoking pot over a month ago to get into my meditation practice more and I've got a half dozen very potent brownies in the freezer. I'm pretty dried out right now, so a quarter brownie sometime after super tomorrow should pretty well fuck me.

So you do get Christmas gifts! You're not 100% Mr. Scrooge then, after all? hahaha

I drop a handful of shrooms a couple times of year when I need a reset. It's what helps me stay into my meditation practice (I'm a cheater), and plus it helps remind me that even in my advancing age I'm still alive.

Mostly right now I'm freaking out that this is a green Christmas for us here in Eastern Ontario (Ottawa). It's 9 degrees C right now, which means even the ski hills are shut. In this part of Canada, it's not unusual to have permanent snow starting in November. I want money back on my suburban driveway clearing snow contract! lol
The guy across the street who I give bags to regularly is determined to run over a turkey dinner tomorrow though! :lol:

Go for it. The neighbour who bought me the Scotch owns a construction company, so he does work on my house when I have a need. He'll have an employee here to replace chipped kitchen floor tiles, or paint, or whatever within just a few days. His company also fixed my garage door. Barter is good, and it's good to practice it before the SHTF to be ready.
So you do get Christmas gifts! You're not 100% Mr. Scrooge then, after all? hahaha

I drop a handful of shrooms a couple times of year when I need a reset. It's what helps me stay into my meditation practice (I'm a cheater), and plus it helps remind me that even in my advancing age I'm still alive.

Mostly right now I'm freaking out that this is a green Christmas for us here in Eastern Ontario (Ottawa). It's 9 degrees C right now, which means even the ski hills are shut. In this part of Canada, it's not unusual to have permanent snow starting in November. I want money back on my suburban driveway clearing snow contract! lol
Here in NS it's 4 C now and suppose to be 10 by morning. I'm tempted to mow my lawn on Christmas day, just for the fuck of it! :lol:

Used to grow shrooms in my misspent youth (psilocybe cubensis) on sterile grain culture, but won't touch them these days, potent "liberty caps" (psilocybe semilanceata) grow around here too and I had my share of those too. I never like the high that much, but sold a pound of them to buy a 286 computer back in the stone age.
Here in NS it's 4 C now and suppose to be 10 by morning. I'm tempted to mow my lawn on Christmas day, just for the fuck of it! :lol:

Used to grow shrooms in my misspent youth (psilocybe cubensis) on sterile grain culture, but won't touch them these days, potent "liberty caps" (psilocybe semilanceata) grow around here too and I had my share of those too. I never like the high that much, but sold a pound of them to buy a 286 computer back in the stone age.

I used to own a farm near Canning, in Annapolis Valley. I was born and raised and schooled there (West Kings high, then Acadia U). Marketing Psilocybe semilanceata (liberty caps) got me through undergrad school, and becoming a North Mountain gorilla grower got me the rest of the way. You can grow some amazing plants on the south facing slop of North Mountain. I did spend a couple seasons working for Webster's Farms picking tobacco though. lol

Kings County has a very different climate than Eastern Ontario though, because there in NS the chances of having a green Christmas were about 50/50 at the time, while the chances of Ottawa not having several feet of snow on the ground at Christmas were about zero. We've been toying with the idea of moving back home for retirement.

American politics has always been about drama. And this time the drama is pretty thick lol, but I'm sure our neighbour to the south will pull though and be okay in a couple of years. It will always be a divided country down there, particularly when the division among economic class is mainly based upon ethnicities. That never worked in history before because the downtrodden usually eventually fight back, and shit happens. Apparently you can calm the the most vulnerable populace in need by throwing a few rolls of paper towels at them. I'm guessing the lucky ones were selling them by the square sheet later.

"He has a ready answer for your question. When things go right he was fully prepared he knew what to do and he takes all the credit. And when things go wrong, and we sh this in various stages throughout his career, when things go wrong the system is rigged. And we have heard these words from him in recent weeks. And that is exactly the phrase that he uses throughout his life when he is faced with troubles or failure. so when you hear that now you can sort of see the gears moving, he is not oblivious to his position in the polls, and so he is preparing himself and all of us for the message that he will have for all of us if he loses."

Revealing the True Donald Trump: A Devastating Indictment of His Business & Life (2016) Washington Post book launch. Quote at 1:06:30

24 more long days
Republican Senators have abandoned our Democracy
Not necessarily. The House Republicans seem to be, the Senate has one that is newly minted and seems to be enjoying the attention. I can see him doing it as he had Trump back him in the primaries against Sessions. I think the next few days will be relatively quiet and Trump will have everyone sweat over the bills waiting for his signature. Trump might act as a benevolent dictator and sign yet showing he is reasonable and he saved the day. It would be great if he just stayed at his resort for the duration, telling everybody to piss off but his need for attention would not let him stay away that long. And people might just think he is a loser then. He will be hammering the senators to get them to back him, he has too much to lose otherwise.
Starving and homeless in the richest country on earth
Trump wants to get Mitch and try to make him back a coup attempt that would lead to civil war and the deaths of them all, if it got bad enough. Donald wants revenge on the America that rejected him, about the only thing that might change his mind is his "stop the steal" con on his hardcore moron base. If someone told him those stimulus checks and extended unemployment benefits would allow his idiot base to send him more "donations" for his final con, it might do more to persuade him to sign than anything else. Perhaps if someone could show him contributions to his con would go up by a few million a week, he might sign the bill, otherwise the clock is gonna run out. It won't matter, next year he will be the best president ever with his base, as Obama was the worst for them. Rewriting history is not a problem when you can rewrite the present reality to suit your liking.

Millions are praying for the Prezident as they stand in breadlines, or are in food bank lines burning the last of their gas. Millions will be living on the street, outraged by the "unfair treatment" the prezident is receiving from the press and the "deep state". Though it is hard to keep up with the news when you are homeless, much less disinformation sources. Perhaps some rightwing billionaire will spend some pocket change and buy them tablets or phones with free access to their propaganda networks. You can't control them if you can't reach them, and if you don't constantly fill their heads with bullshit and distraction, they might start getting ideas of their own.

How does the richest country in the world have so many people living in abject poverty on the brink of starvation and destitution? Simple, the brown folks might get some and that would be socialism, better a group of greed driven rugged individuals, than a sharing caring community with those "others", who are your deadly enemies. We don't like no taxes, we don't need no stink'n healthcare, we don't need no big guberment, faith based initiatives, charity belongs in your (whites only) church. Guns and God are more important than grub, bullets not butter, let em die, let em starve! Oh and we reserve the exclusive right to teach you morals and righteous behavior, cause we've been saved and have prepunched tickets through the pearly gates. We found Jesus and he's our best friend who talks to us all the time, but he just won't say what kind of gun he would own though...

Any lie or excuse will do, no matter how absurd, anything but the truth, that they are driven mad by fear, hate and racism, into the cult of Cheeto Jesus. Trump lead this collection of born yesterday pseudo Christians, deplorables, Nazis, white trash, moral failures and mentally ill, down the path of perdition and trough the gates of Hell.

The trouble is they dragged the good, the sane and the patriotic with them to the Devil's door step and allowed them a peek inside the gates of Hell.
Not necessarily. The House Republicans seem to be, the Senate has one that is newly minted and seems to be enjoying the attention. I can see him doing it as he had Trump back him in the primaries against Sessions. I think the next few days will be relatively quiet and Trump will have everyone sweat over the bills waiting for his signature. Trump might act as a benevolent dictator and sign yet showing he is reasonable and he saved the day. It would be great if he just stayed at his resort for the duration, telling everybody to piss off but his need for attention would not let him stay away that long. And people might just think he is a loser then. He will be hammering the senators to get them to back him, he has too much to lose otherwise.
Hardly newly minted as patriotic US Senators. The reason Mitch doesn't want his party's Senators to trigger a vote on the EC delegations is because he doesn't want the record written one way or the other. It's lose-lose for him if the vote happens. Either Senators will go on record as voting to overturn the election or Senators would go on record as voting against Trump. Either way, Republicans lose votes. Mitch is following the old adage:

Better to remain silent and appear a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
Hardly newly minted as patriotic US Senators. The reason Mitch doesn't want his party's Senators to trigger a vote on the EC delegations is because he doesn't want the record written one way or the other. It's lose-lose for him if the vote happens. Either Senators will go on record as voting to overturn the election or Senators would go on record as voting against Trump. Either way, Republicans lose votes. Mitch is following the old adage:

Better to remain silent and appear a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
The newly minted Alabama Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville (R) is the Senator that has said he might stick his hand up when the time came. The rest do not want it called as then they would be in the predicament you describe.

Looks like a good retweet to me, spread the word #boycott Georgia! Go to the parlor and freak out about the establishment republicans stabbing pezident Trump in the back! Show that COMMUNIST Mitch McConnel that prezident Trump rules! :lol:
I went to Parlor before to check it out but you have to register. I didn't want to hang out with people that have a minimal grasp of reality all that much. I find I would rather hang out here where people intentionally minimize there grasp on reality.